Creative Custom Request Template service


This service is currently available to a limited set of clients and Microsoft employees only.

To support mobile ad server mediation, Xandr uses a mediated creative type. Unlike standard creatives, which reside as static content on a server, mediated creatives are configurable containers that fetch server side content. The Creative Custom Request Template Service is used to build the requests that populate these mediated creatives. It does this by managing a set of custom templates, each of which will correspond to a different ad server, and which is associated with a template "type" defined by the Creative Custom Request Template Type Service.

This document describes the fields made available by this API service, as well as providing usage examples. See the Examples section below.




This information is for Xandr employees. If you are an employee and an admin user, your permissions are as follows:

  • You will see the global templates.
  • You can view member-specific templates by appending a =member_id=field to the query string of your request.

Template Viewing Permissions:

If you are a member you will be able to view the following templates:

  • Global templates (those belonging to member_id=0).
  • Your own templates, i.e., those associated with your member_id.
HTTP Method Endpoint Description
POST Create a custom request template.
GET View a specific custom request template.
View all of the custom request templates you have permission to view.
PUT Update a custom request template.
DELETE Delete a custom request template.
GET Find out which fields you can filter and sort by.

JSON fields

Name Type Description
macros array of objects These are the macros (or query string parameters) that will be sent on the request. See Macros.
Sort by: No
Filter by: No
id int The ID of this template.
Required On: PUT
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
type_id int The ID of the Creative Custom Request Template Type associated with this template.
Default: null
Required On: POST
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
member_id int The member ID whose mediation creatives will be associated with this template. For more information see the Creative Service and the Member Service.
Default: 0
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
media_subtype_id int The media subtype ID for this template. Derived from the Media Subtype object below.
Default: null
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
hostname string The hostname of the ad server we're building a mediation request for.
Default: null
Required On: POST
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
uri string The full URI of the external ad server to which we'll send our request.
Default: null
Required On: POST, PUT if is_client is false.
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
port int The port on the external ad server to which we'll send our request.
Default: 80
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
is_post Boolean Whether the HTTP request we're making is a POST.
Default: false
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
content string The content payload we're sending with the request. For example, this may be a string of JSON or XML.
Default: null
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
timeout_ms int The timeout supported by that ad server (Or the timeout we're going to impose on waiting for that ad server).
Default: 0
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
is_client Boolean Whether the request is originating from an HTTP client (for example, an SDK).
Default: false
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
media_subtype array The display style of creatives that can use this template. Each media subtype belongs to a superordinate media type. For example, the "Standard Banner" media subtype belongs to the "Banner" media type. For more details, see Media Subtype below.
Sort by: No
Filter by: No
last_modified date The date and time at which this object was last updated.
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes


Name Type Description
id int The ID of this macro.
Default: null
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
template_id int The Creative Custom Request Template this macro is associated with.
Default: null
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
code string The query string parameter that will be built into the url, e.g., send_referer.
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
name string A description of what the macro does, e.g., "Toggle if referer should be sent".
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
type string The type of value the parameter will accept.

Note: The default value of "string" is also the most common. Allowed values include:
- true_false
- string
- url
- integer
- decimal
- string_list
- select_from_list
Default: string
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
is_required Boolean Whether this macro is required in a call to the external ad server.
Default: true
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes
last_modified date The date and time at which this macro object was last updated.
Sort by: Yes
Filter by: Yes

Media subtype

You can use the Media Subtype Service and Media Type Service to view all supported media subtypes and the media types to which they belong. For a general definition of each supported media type, see Supported Media Types.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the media subtype.
name string Read Only. The name of the media subtype.
media_type_name string Read Only. The name of the media type to which the subtype belongs.
mediatype_id int Read Only. The ID of the media type to which the subtype belongs.


View all creative request templates (that you have permissions to view)

In the example below, note the difference between how standard Xandr macros are displayed in the uri field, e.g., * $\{USER_IP\} and how the custom macros defined on a per-ad-server basis by this service are displayed: * \#\{MK_SITEID\}. You can see definitions for each macro in the macros array of objects below. You will only be able to view request templates belonging to your own member ID or public templates belonging to member ID 0.

$ curl -b cookies
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 4,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "creative-custom-request-templates": [
                "id": 1,
                "type_id": 2,
                "member_id": 0,
                "media_subtype_id": 1,
                "hostname": "",
                "uri": "/showad.asm?mk-siteid=#{MK_SITEID}&mk-carrier=${USER_IP}&h-user-agent=${USER_AGENT_ENC}&h-referer=${REFERER_URL_ENC}&u-id-map=${INMOBI_UID_MAP}&u-latlong-accu=${INMOBI_LAT_LONG_ACCU}&u-age=${AGE}&u-gender=${GENDER}&d-localization=${USER_LOCALE}&d-nettype=${INMOBI_NETTYPE}&d-orientation=${INMOBI_ORIENTATION}",
                "port": 80,
                "is_post": false,
                "content": "",
                "timeout_ms": 200,
                "is_client": false,
                "last_modified": "2013-07-10 19:27:41",
                "media_subtype": {
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Standard Banner",
                    "media_type_name": "Banner",
                    "mediatype_id": 1
                "macros": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "template_id": 1,
                        "code": "MK_SITEID",
                        "name": "MK_SITEID",
                        "type": "string",
                        "is_required": true,
                        "last_modified": "2013-07-10 19:27:41"
                "id": 2,
                "type_id": 3,
                "member_id": 0,
                "media_subtype_id": 1,
                "hostname": "",
                "uri": "/getAd?apid=#{APID}&auid=${DEVICE_MD5}&ua=${USER_AGENT_ENC}&uip=${USER_IP}&age=${AGE}&gender=${GENDER}&zip=${POSTAL_CODE}&lat=${GEO_LAT}&long=${GEO_LON}",
                "port": 80,
                "is_post": false,
                "content": "",
                "timeout_ms": 200,
                "is_client": false,
                "last_modified": "2013-07-10 19:27:50",
                "macros": [
                        "id": 2,
                        "template_id": 2,
                        "code": "APID",
                        "name": "APID",
                        "type": "string",
                        "is_required": true,
                        "last_modified": "2013-07-10 19:27:50"
                "id": 3,
                "type_id": 4,
                "member_id": 0,
                "media_subtype_id": 5,
                "hostname": "",
                "uri": "/ad?zone=#{ZONE}&ip=${USER_IP}&ua=${USER_AGENT_ENC}&url=${REFERER_URL_ENC}&udid=${DEVICE_MD5}&lat=${GEO_LAT}&long=${GEO_LON}&country=${USER_COUNTRY}&region=${USER_STATE}&city=${USER_CITY}&dma=${USER_DMA}&zip=${POSTAL_CODE}",
                "port": 80,
                "is_post": false,
                "content": "",
                "timeout_ms": 200,
                "is_client": false,
                "media_subtype": {
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Standard Banner",
                    "media_type_name": "Banner",
                    "media_type_id": 1
                "last_modified": "2013-07-10 19:28:00",
                "macros": [
                        "id": 3,
                        "template_id": 3,
                        "code": "ZONE",
                        "name": "ZONE",
                        "type": "string",
                        "is_required": true,
                        "last_modified": "2013-07-10 19:28:00"
                "id": 4,
                "type_id": 5,
                "member_id": 0,
                "media_subtype_id": 5,
                "hostname": "",
                "uri": "/a/ads?hid_sha1=${DEVICE_SHA1}&idfa=${DEVICE_APPLE_IDA}&pub=#{PUB}&site=#{SITE}&spot=#{SPOT}&url=${REFERER_URL_ENC}&ua=${USER_AGENT_ENC}&client-ip=${USER_IP}&country=${USER_COUNTRY}&ll=${JUMPTAP_LAT_LONG_ENC}&mt-age=${AGE}&mt-gender=${GENDER}",
                "port": 80,
                "is_post": false,
                "content": "",
                "timeout_ms": 200,
                "is_client": false,
                "media_subtype": {
                    "id": 5,
                    "name": "Interstitial",
                    "media_type_name": "Interstitial",
                    "media_type_id": 3
                "last_modified": "2013-07-10 19:28:10",
                "macros": [
                        "id": 4,
                        "template_id": 4,
                        "code": "PUB",
                        "name": "PUB",
                        "type": "string",
                        "is_required": true,
                        "last_modified": "2013-07-10 19:28:10"
                        "id": 5,
                        "template_id": 4,
                        "code": "SITE",
                        "name": "SITE",
                        "type": "string",
                        "is_required": true,
                        "last_modified": "2013-07-10 19:28:10"
                        "id": 6,
                        "template_id": 4,
                        "code": "SPOT",
                        "name": "SPOT",
                        "type": "string",
                        "is_required": true,
                        "last_modified": "2013-07-10 19:28:10"
        "dbg_info": {
            "instance": "",
            "s1ave_hit": true,
            "db": "",
            "reads": 1,
            "read_limit": 100,
            "read_limit_seconds": 60,
            "writes": 0,
            "write_limit": 60,
            "write_limit_seconds": 60,
            "awesomesauce_cache_used": false,
            "count_cache_used": false,
            "warnings": [],
            "time": 66.461801528931,
            "start_microtime": 1373651335.4519,
            "version": "1.13.52",
            "s1ave_lag": 1,
            "member_last_modified_age": 68896

View a single creative custom request template

$ curl -b cookies
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "creative-custom-request-template": {
            "id": 2,
            "type_id": 3,
            "member_id": 0,
            "media_subtype_id": 1,
            "hostname": "",
            "uri": "/getAd?apid=#{APID}&auid=${DEVICE_MD5}&ua=${USER_AGENT_ENC}&uip=${USER_IP}&age=${AGE}&gender=${GENDER}&zip=${POSTAL_CODE}&lat=${GEO_LAT}&long=${GEO_LON}",
            "port": 80,
            "is_post": false,
            "content": "",
            "timeout_ms": 200,
            "is_client": false,
            "media_subtype": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Standard Banner",
                "media_type_name": "Banner",
                "media_type_id": 1
            "last_modified": "2013-07-10 18:57:43",
            "macros": [
                    "id": 2,
                    "template_id": 2,
                    "code": "APID",
                    "name": "APID",
                    "type": "string",
                    "is_required": true,
                    "last_modified": "2013-07-02 00:50:53"
        "dbg_info": {
            "instance": "05.hbapi.sand-08.lax1",
            "s1ave_hit": false,
            "db": "master",
            "awesomesauce_cache_used": false,
            "count_cache_used": false,
            "warnings": [],
            "time": 68.688154220581,
            "start_microtime": 1373910064.7161,
            "version": "",
            "s1ave_miss": "no_service_index",
            "s1ave_lag": 0,
            "member_last_modified_age": 1373910064

Create a request template

Create a JSON file specifying the fields of your request template.


The type_id field is required on POST.

For more information about the request template types, see the Creative Custom Request Template Type Service. For documentation of the ad request parameters and macros we support for integration with external mobile ad servers, see Creative Custom Request Template Parameters.

$ cat create.json
    "creative-custom-request-template": {
        "hostname": "",
        "uri": "/a/ads?hid_sha1=${DEVICE_SHA1}&idfa=${DEVICE_APPLE_IDA}&enemy=#{ENEMY}&light_or_wily=#{LIGHT_OR_WILY}&megaman_version=#{MEGAMAN_VERSION}&url=${REFERER_URL_ENC}&ua=${USER_AGENT_ENC}&client-ip=${USER_IP}&country=${USER_COUNTRY}&ll=${JUMPTAP_LAT_LONG_ENC}&mt-age=${AGE}&mt-gender=${GENDER}",
        "port": 49995,
        "is_post": false,
        "content": "",
        "timeout_ms": 2,
        "is_client": false,
        "type_id": 1

Make a POST call to the API with the JSON payload included.

$ curl -b cookies -X POST -d @create.json
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "creative-custom-request-template": {
            "id": 13,
            "type_id": 1,
            "member_id": 0,
            "media_subtype_id": 1,
            "hostname": "",
            "uri": "/a/ads?hid_sha1=${DEVICE_SHA1}&idfa=${DEVICE_APPLE_IDA}&enemy=#{ENEMY}&light_or_wily=#{LIGHT_OR_WILY}&megaman_version=#{MEGAMAN_VERSION}&url=${REFERER_URL_ENC}&ua=${USER_AGENT_ENC}&client-ip=${USER_IP}&country=${USER_COUNTRY}&ll=${JUMPTAP_LAT_LONG_ENC}&mt-age=${AGE}&mt-gender=${GENDER}",
            "port": 49995,
            "is_post": false,
            "content": "",
            "timeout_ms": 2,
            "is_client": false,
            "media_subtype": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Standard Banner",
                "media_type_name": "Banner",
                "media_type_id": 1
            "last_modified": "2013-07-15 19:02:02",
            "macros": ""
        "dbg_info": {
            "instance": "07.hbapi.sand-08.lax1",
            "s1ave_hit": false,
            "db": "master",
            "awesomesauce_cache_used": false,
            "count_cache_used": false,
            "warnings": [],
            "time": 67.02995300293,
            "start_microtime": 1373914957.1776,
            "version": "",
            "s1ave_miss": "no_service_index",
            "s1ave_lag": 0,
            "member_last_modified_age": 1373914957

Update a request template

First, create a JSON file with only those parameters you'd like to update.


You must include the id of the request template being updated.

$ cat update.json
{"creative-custom-request-template":{"id":13, "type_id":2, "timeout_ms":250}}

Make the PUT call, including the JSON update.


In order to make a successful PUT call, you must do the following:

  • Specify the ID of the request template in the JSON file
  • Do not add any query string parameters (like ?id=123) to your request (see the example below).
$ curl -b cookies -X PUT -d @update.json


A successful PUT call will not return any JSON response.

Delete a request template

Deleting a request template is straightforward unlike the PUT call above, you will need to specify the ID of the template you want to delete.

$ curl -b cookies -X DELETE