Guaranteed delivery


This option is available only to Microsoft Advertising Ad Server customers.


For Guaranteed Delivery Augmented Line Items (GDALI), see Guaranteed Delivery (GDALI).

This page describes features of Guaranteed Delivery line items and how they work at a high level.

For direct-sold business, where sales has secured an insertion order from a buyer with a committed impression volume, the most important performance indicator is that the line item delivers its budget in full and evenly across its flight dates. We call this type a Guaranteed Delivery (or "guaranteed") line item, and it has the following properties:

  • Delivers budget in full across its flight dates
  • Delivers budget evenly across its flight dates
  • Delivers on guaranteed goals while still (optionally) competing in the auction with other demand such as RTB.

For instructions on creating a guaranteed line item, see Create a Guaranteed Delivery Line Item.

For more information about using multiple campaigns with a guaranteed line item, see Using Multiple Campaigns with a Guaranteed Line Item.

For detailed examples showing how Guaranteed Delivery line items behave in auctions, see Guaranteed Delivery Auction Mechanics.

For more information about guaranteed line item pacing and delivery, see Guaranteed Delivery Pacing.

Delivery types

Guaranteed Delivery line items have the following delivery types that determine how they will be prioritized in the auction:

  • Impressions
  • Exclusive


Guaranteed line items with the Impressions delivery type have impression-based goals, which they will attempt to meet while pacing evenly throughout the day (or daypart). They typically have priorities ranging from 11-17.


Unlike Impression guaranteed line items, guaranteed line items with Exclusive delivery types have percentage-based goals and have the highest priorities possible, typically ranging from 18-20. They will attempt to serve the scheduled percentage of total impressions where their targeting matches and they are eligible to serve.

For examples of how guaranteed line items behave in auctions, see Guaranteed Delivery Auction Mechanics.