Manage custom content categories

Custom content categories allow you to apply a single label to a number of placement groups and/or placements. Buyers can then more easily research and buy your inventory. This area of Microsoft Monetize displays a working list of your custom content categories, allowing you to create buckets in which you can group your inventory. After you have created custom categories, publishers can assign placements to them. At that point, buyers can then choose these categories when defining the targeting settings of a campaign.

In the Content Categories area of Microsoft Monetize, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Create a new custom content category
  • Edit the name and description of an existing custom content category
  • Delete a custom content category


You can also create a custom content category when managing a placement. See Step 3 of Create a Placement for more information.

Content categories screen

This screen shows the list of custom content categories that you have created. After creating a custom content category, you can associate it with your placements.


To reach this screen, select Network > Tools > General and then click on the Content Categories tab.


The following columns exist for each custom category on the main screen.

Checkbox: Use this column to select multiple categories for deletion.

Category: The name you have entered for the custom category followed by the category's ID.

Description: The description you have entered for the custom category. The description can be used to note the intended purpose of the custom category.


The following buttons are available on the main screen.

  • New content category: Use this button to create a new custom content category. See Create a Custom Content Category below for further step-by-step instructions.
  • Delete a custom content category: Use this button to delete custom content categories. See Delete a Custom Content Category below for further step-by-step instructions.

Manage a custom content category

You can add, edit or delete custom content categories to meet your needs.

Create a Custom Content Category

Refer to the following steps to add a custom content category.

  1. Click the New Content Category button at the top of the screen. The Category Details dialog appears.
  2. Enter the category name in the Name field
  3. Enter a short description of what you will use the category for in the Description field (optional)
  4. When you have entered all of the details, click the Save button.
  5. Once you have created a custom category, it is necessary for publishers to associate placements to the category so that it is of value to the buyers targeting the category.
  • For more information about how publishers associate placements to custom categories, see Create a Placement.
  • For more information about providing access to a custom category for a buyer, see Set Targeting Access Privileges.
  • Fore more information about how a buyer selects a custom category when creating a campaign, see Create a Campaign.

Edit a custom content category

Refer to the following steps to edit a custom content category.

  1. Click on the name of the category that you would like to edit. The Category Details dialog appears.
  2. Edit the contents of the Name or Description fields, as needed.
  3. When you have modified the category details, click the Save button.

Delete a Custom Content Category

You can delete a custom content category, however, deletions are permanent and cannot be reverted. Deleting a category will remove it from the Selected Categories list for all associated placements. If you still want to delete a custom content category, refer to the following steps.

  1. Select the box(es) near the category(ies) that you want to delete and then click More Actions > Delete.
  2. The Confirm Delete dialog shows the categories to be deleted. Click Confirm to complete the deletion.

Working with Network Tools