Product and inventory service


The Yield Analytics Product and Inventory API exposes functionality for discovery of products from within the Yield Analytics environment and retrieval of product inventory and consumption data. When interacting with product related API functionality developers should understand that products may be either static or dynamic. These two types of products differ in the following ways:

  • Static products exist in the Yield Analytics system when they have been imported in relation to order lines flowing into the Yield Analytics system, or have been created as rate card/reporting products in the system. Static products are always accessible throughout the Yield Analytics user interface and may be configured with rate card information and other metadata. They are persistent and may be viewed throughout the Yield Analytics UI.

  • Dynamic products are ad-hoc in nature. Ad-hoc products result from inventory queries and there is currently no exact match product for the targeting criteria in the Yield Analytics system. Dynamic products may not have rate cards configured, do not have names, are not persistent, and are not visible in the Yield Analytics UI (with the exception of Product Creation where non-persisted products may be viewed).

Yield Analytics REST API functionality treats these two classes of products symmetrically whenever possible. However, there are certain API calls which apply strictly to static products. These static-product-only API calls are limited to interfaces requiring the use of either a Yield Analytics internal product ID or external product ID where the mapping looking is by nature persistent. Discovery functionality works primarily against static products, inventory data retrieval functionality works regardless of whether a product is static or dynamic.

Content types

The Service REST API is currently designed to support the following content type:

  • JSON - using Content-type: application/json

Selecting the desired content type is a choice the API developer should make on a case by case basis. API functionality is symmetrical across content types. API developers may specify the desired content type in the HTTP GET or POST method parameters or via their AJAX or HTTP client library.

Error checking and status codes

API developers should check the HTTP response codes returned from the service REST API to detect errors propagated from API calls. Successful calls to the service will result in 200 range response codes. 400 and 500 range http responses denote errors. The specific response codes and text will likely undergo change during BETA development of the API, however, the ranges will not.


The service API exposes application data in a secure manner. Use of API functionality is restricted to authenticated users and is exposed over secure transport protocols. Access to the API must take place within the following context:

  • Example cURL authentication

    Authentication occurs by passing credentials via http headers on each request.

    - username: curl -H "username:username"
    - password: curl -H "password:password"
    - source: curl -H "source:client_id"
  • Example HTTPS authentication

    GET /api/v1/rest/
    Accept: application/xml, application/json
    Content-Type: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{client_id}}        
  • Example POSTMAN authentication

    Find an example of header settings in Postman below:


    A screenshot of the Headers tab with standard keys and values in Postman.


Confidentiality is maintained by using Secure Socket Layer based communication to interact with the Yield Analytics API. API developers should prefer use of HTTPS over HTTP insecure communication whenever possible. Consult your HTTP Client library on how to enable HTTP over SSL when developing outside of a web browser context.


Bulk product creation

POST /api/v1/rest/product/bulk/create
  • Description

    Uniqueness of records is defined by productId and externalId. If neither of those is present then the row will result in a NEW product record (possibly with a new [generated] product name).

    If productId is provided then it MUST correspond to a product id in our system; otherwise an error is returned.

    In this scenario we will UPDATE the designated product.


    We do not check the externalId, we simply update this record. This means if an externalId was provided in the request but does not match the product found by this productId, we will update the externalId on this product with the new value provided. If externalId conflicts with a pre-existing externalId from another product, this update will fail and an error message will be generated.

    • If productId is NOT provided then we will check for externalId.
    • If externalId is provided and a product with that externalId exists in our system then that product will be UPDATED.
    • If externalId is provided and a product with that externalId does NOT exist in our system, the product will be CREATED.
    • If neither productId nor externalId is provided then we will create a new product.


    Product Name is not required to be unique when creating or updating products, but a post-process will run that renames products which overlap. Any product name which conflicts with another product in the system is renamed to productName-{productId} (our internal product id); thereby creating a unique name for that product.

    For each uploaded set of products our system will generate a hash based on the contents of the file (and/or post-body) (using MD5 algorithm) and stored with the product data. This protects against duplicate uploads of the exact same data (or file). Duplicate posts will result in an error message that the request is a duplicate.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter bulkProductCreation bulkProductCreation true BulkProductCreation
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces


  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/bulk/create' -i -X POST -H 
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "bulkProductCreation" : {
        "products" : [ {
          "productName" : "Test Product",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "externalId" : "1",
          "rateCardCPM" : 1.0,
          "productClass" : "RATE_CARD",
          "originatingTarget" : "TEST in ('TEST')"
        } ]
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/bulk/create HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 264
      "bulkProductCreation" : {
        "products" : [ {
          "productName" : "Test Product",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "externalId" : "1",
          "rateCardCPM" : 1.0,
          "productClass" : "RATE_CARD",
          "originatingTarget" : "TEST in ('TEST')"
        } ]
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 459
      "bulkProductCreationResponse" : {
        "products" : [ {
          "productName" : "Failed Creation Test",
          "externalId" : null,
          "productId" : null,
          "status" : "FAILED",
          "errors" : [ {
            "field" : "Failed Field",
            "error" : "Failed Reason"
          } ]
        }, {
          "productName" : "Successful Creation Test",
          "externalId" : null,
          "productId" : null,
          "status" : "PENDING",
          "errors" : null
        } ]

Bulk product creation by date

GET /api/v1/rest/product/bulk/create/{date}
  • Description

    Send a GET request to obtain the status of products pending creation or having been created for a particular date. Date is required. If not specified we return the current set of PENDING products.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter date date true string
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces


  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/bulk/create/2017-06-15' -i -H 
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/bulk/create/2017-06-15 HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 211
      "bulkProductCreationResponse" : {
        "products" : [ {
          "productName" : "Test Product",
          "externalId" : "1",
          "productId" : "1",
          "status" : "PENDING",
          "errors" : null
        } ]

Get consumption detail by external ID batch

GET /api/v1/rest/product/consumption/batch/externalids/{queries}/{groupingInfo}
  • Description

    The External ID Product Consumption API call can also be called in a batch mode, where more than one combination of external ID, start date, and end date can be queried for in a single call. In this case, the Inventory Batch Lookup Response structure will be returned from the call. This structure wraps multiple Inventory Detail structures, one for each query made to the batch API call. In case an invalid External ID is passed in, the API will return a NOT_FOUND constant for all string values in the ProductDetail structure.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter queries queries true string
    BodyParameter queryVars queryVars false object
    PathParameter groupingInfo groupingInfo true string
    BodyParameter groupingInfoVars groupingInfoVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/consumption/batch/externalids/queries;q=321,2017-03-01,
    2017-03-31;q=322,2017-03-01,2017-03-31/groupInfo;groupBy=salesperson' -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 
    'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/consumption/batch/externalids/queries;q=321,2017-03-01,2017-03-31;q=322,2017-03-01,
    2017-03-31/groupInfo;groupBy=salesperson HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1767
      "inventoryBatchLookupResponse" : {
        "inventoryDetails" : [ {
          "productDetail" : {
            "active" : true,
            "reporting" : true,
            "sold" : false,
            "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
            "productClass" : "REPORTING",
            "isReporting" : true,
            "isSold" : false,
            "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
            "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
            "exists" : true,
            "isActive" : true,
            "productId" : 12345,
            "externalId" : "54321",
            "state" : "ACTIVE",
            "resolved" : false,
            "targetExists" : false,
            "priority" : 8,
            "rateCardProductId" : 1,
            "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
          "summary" : {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
          "dailyDetail" : [ {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
          } ]
        } ]

Get consumption detail by external ID

GET /api/v1/rest/product/consumption/externalid/{externalId}/{startDate}/{endDate}/{groupingInfo}
  • Description

    The use of the External ID Product Consumption API is limited to lookups where a static product has been configured with an external ID. This allows API developers to use an external correlating identifier to lookup Yield Analytics Product Consumption information. In order to use the External ID a persistent mapping must be specified, configured, and maintained in the Yield Analytics system. Contact your Yield Analytics Administrator to setup this mapping.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter externalId externalId true string
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter groupingInfo groupingInfo true string
    PathParameter matrixVars matrixVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/consumption/externalid/321/2017-03-01/2017-03-31/groupinfo;
    groupBy=salesperson' -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/consumption/externalid/321/2017-03-01/2017-03-31/groupinfo;groupBy=salesperson HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Create product by originating target string

GET /api/v1/rest/product/create/target/{target}
  • Description

    The use of a Yield Analytics Originating Target targeting expression in Yield Analytics targeting syntax is supported for Analysis Target Creation. These expressions are returned in the ProductLookupResponse ProductDetail data structure as well as displayed in the Yield Analytics UI. This syntax allows for the richest targeting expressions to be built and defined. The use of Originating Target works for both static and dynamic products.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter target target true string
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK ProductDetail
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/create/target/ad_server%20in%20('TEST')' -i -H 
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 
    'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/create/target/ad_server%20in%20('TEST') HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 603
      "active" : true,
      "reporting" : true,
      "sold" : false,
      "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
      "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
      "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
      "productClass" : "REPORTING",
      "isReporting" : true,
      "isSold" : false,
      "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
      "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
      "exists" : true,
      "isActive" : true,
      "productId" : 12345,
      "externalId" : "54321",
      "state" : "ACTIVE",
      "resolved" : false,
      "targetExists" : false,
      "priority" : 8,
      "rateCardProductId" : 1,
      "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0

Create product by originating target expression

POST /api/v1/rest/product/create/targetexpression
  • Description

    The use of a Yield Analytics Originating Target targeting expression in Yield Analytics targeting syntax is supported for Analysis Target Creation. These expressions are returned in the ProductLookupResponse ProductDetail data structure as well as displayed in the Yield Analytics UI. This syntax allows for the richest targeting expressions to be built and defined. The use of Originating Target works for both static and dynamic products.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter targetExpression targetExpression true TargetExpression
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK ProductDetail
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/create/targetexpression' -i -X POST -H 
    'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' -d '{
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/create/targetexpression HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 75
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 603
      "active" : true,
      "reporting" : true,
      "sold" : false,
      "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
      "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
      "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
      "productClass" : "REPORTING",
      "isReporting" : true,
      "isSold" : false,
      "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
      "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
      "exists" : true,
      "isActive" : true,
      "productId" : 12345,
      "externalId" : "54321",
      "state" : "ACTIVE",
      "resolved" : false,
      "targetExists" : false,
      "priority" : 8,
      "rateCardProductId" : 1,
      "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0

Find products by match phrase

GET /api/v1/rest/product/discover/matchphrase/{matchphrase}
  • Description

    Match Phrase functionality is the easiest Product Discovery functionality to use. It may be used to retrieve static-only products from the Yield Analytics API. The Match Phrase specifies a text string to be matched in a case-insensitive manner against both product names and included-only Product Targeting criteria term values. The specified text matches anywhere in the name or included term values but not against the attribute names or excluded term values. For example when specifying a match phrase; 'Food', both a product named ROS Food and a product having category=FOODLOVER would match.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter matchphrase matchphrase true string
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/discover/matchphrase/testingMatchphrase' -i -H 
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/discover/matchphrase/testingMatchphrase HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1470
      "productLookupResponse" : {
        "exactMatch" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "candidateMatches" : [ {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        } ]

Find products by targeting characteristics

GET /api/v1/rest/product/discover/targetingcharacteristics/{characteristics}
  • Description

    Targeting Criteria current functionality allows the API developer to interact with static products. A future API release may allow for the exact match in the ProductLookupResponse to be created from the specific Targeting Criteria passed. Targeting Criteria is used to provide more exact matching than the Match Phrase functionality. When using the Targeting Criteria functionality, API developers may specify the specific attribute names and values to match. Both inclusion '=' or exclusion '!=" may be specified. Multiple term values for the same attribute may also be supplied. The above example will match any product having category=food and category=cooking where the size is 350x200. Note that the matched products will usually have other targeting attributes defined.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter characteristics characteristics true string
    PathParameter matrixVars matrixVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/discover/targetingcharacteristics/target;category=food;
    size=350x200;category=cooking' -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 
    'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/discover/targetingcharacteristics/target;category=food;size=350x200;category=cooking HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1470
      "productLookupResponse" : {
        "exactMatch" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "candidateMatches" : [ {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        } ]

Find products

GET /api/v1/rest/product/discover/{productLocator}
  • Description

    The Product Discovery interfaces allow the API developer to find products in the Yield Analytics system and retrieve product related meta-data. The identifiers returned in the Product Detail response data types allow for subsequent retrieval of Product Inventory. All Product Discovery interfaces return the ProductLookupResponse data type. Depending on the use case, one of the following API calls may be used to discover products.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter productLocator productLocator true string
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/discover/%7B%22productId%22:%221%22,%22externalId%22:%221%22%7D' -i 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/discover/%7B%22productId%22:%221%22,%22externalId%22:%221%22%7D HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1470
      "productLookupResponse" : {
        "exactMatch" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "candidateMatches" : [ {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        } ]

Get forecast adjustments

GET /api/v1/rest/product/forecast/{targets}/{date}
  • Description

    Get forecast adjustment.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter targets targets true string
    PathParameter date date true string
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/forecast/1/2017-03-01' -i -H 
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/forecast/1/2017-03-01 HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 58
      "forecastDebugResponse" : {
        "result" : "foo"

Get inventory detail by external ID batch

GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/batch/externalids/{queries}
  • Description

    The External ID Product Inventory API call can also be called in a batch mode, where more than one combination of external ID, start date, and end date can be queried for in a single call. In this case, the Inventory Batch Lookup Response structure will be returned from the call. This structure wraps multiple Inventory Detail structures, one for each query made to the batch API call. In case an invalid External ID is passed in, the API will return a NOT_FOUND constant for all string values in the ProductDetail structure.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter queries queries true string
    PathParameter matrixVars matrixVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/batch/externalids/queries;
    q=12345,2017-03-01,2017-03-31;q=23456,2017-03-01,2017-03-31' -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
    -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/batch/externalids/queries;q=12345,2017-03-01,2017-03-31;q=23456,
    2017-03-01,2017-03-31 HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1767
      "inventoryBatchLookupResponse" : {
        "inventoryDetails" : [ {
          "productDetail" : {
            "active" : true,
            "reporting" : true,
            "sold" : false,
            "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
            "productClass" : "REPORTING",
            "isReporting" : true,
            "isSold" : false,
            "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
            "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
            "exists" : true,
            "isActive" : true,
            "productId" : 12345,
            "externalId" : "54321",
            "state" : "ACTIVE",
            "resolved" : false,
            "targetExists" : false,
            "priority" : 8,
            "rateCardProductId" : 1,
            "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
          "summary" : {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
          "dailyDetail" : [ {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
          } ]
        } ]

Get inventory details by target expression batch

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/batch/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    Inventory Details can be dynamically looked up in batch mode by passing url based alias function and consumption filters. The body of this call can contain a collection of lookup queries that are defined by the presence of a well-formed target expression and the date range for the lookup.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter batchInventoryQuery batchInventoryQuery true BatchInventoryQuery
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/batch/consumptionFilter;
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "batchInventoryQuery" : {
        "queryCriteria" : [ {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2030-09-01"
        }, {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('ca')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2030-09-01"
        } ]
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/batch/consumptionFilter;INVENTORY_CLASS=GUARANTEED;CONSUMPTION_TYPE=DIRECT;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 348
      "batchInventoryQuery" : {
        "queryCriteria" : [ {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2030-09-01"
        }, {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('ca')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2030-09-01"
        } ]
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1767
      "inventoryBatchLookupResponse" : {
        "inventoryDetails" : [ {
          "productDetail" : {
            "active" : true,
            "reporting" : true,
            "sold" : false,
            "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
            "productClass" : "REPORTING",
            "isReporting" : true,
            "isSold" : false,
            "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
            "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
            "exists" : true,
            "isActive" : true,
            "productId" : 12345,
            "externalId" : "54321",
            "state" : "ACTIVE",
            "resolved" : false,
            "targetExists" : false,
            "priority" : 8,
            "rateCardProductId" : 1,
            "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
          "summary" : {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
          "dailyDetail" : [ {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
          } ]
        } ]

Get inventory details by target expression with displacement batch

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/displacement/batch/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    Inventory Details can be dynamically looked up in batch mode by passing url based alias function and consumption filters. The body of this call can contain a collection of lookup queries that are defined by the presence of a well-formed target expression and the date range for the lookup.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter batchInventoryQuery batchInventoryQuery true BatchInventoryQuery
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/displacement/batch/consumptionFilter;
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 
    'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "batchInventoryQuery" : {
        "queryCriteria" : [ {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2030-09-01"
        }, {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('ca')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2030-09-01"
        } ]
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/displacement/batch/consumptionFilter;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 348
      "batchInventoryQuery" : {
        "queryCriteria" : [ {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2030-09-01"
        }, {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('ca')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2030-09-01"
        } ]
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1869
      "inventoryWithDisplacementBatchLookupResponse" : {
        "inventoryDetails" : [ {
          "productDetail" : {
            "active" : true,
            "reporting" : true,
            "sold" : false,
            "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
            "productClass" : "REPORTING",
            "isReporting" : true,
            "isSold" : false,
            "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
            "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
            "exists" : true,
            "isActive" : true,
            "productId" : 12345,
            "externalId" : "54321",
            "state" : "ACTIVE",
            "resolved" : false,
            "targetExists" : false,
            "priority" : 8,
            "rateCardProductId" : 1,
            "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
          "summary" : {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0,
            "availableWithDisplacement" : 150
          "dailyDetail" : [ {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0,
            "availableWithDisplacement" : 150
          } ]
        } ]

Get inventory detail by target expression with displacement

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/displacement/targetexpression/{startDate}/{endDate}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    The use of a Yield Analytics Originating Target targeting expression in Yield Analytics targeting syntax is supported for Product Inventory lookup. These expressions are returned in the ProductLookupResponse ProductDetail data structure as well as displayed in the Yield Analytics UI. This syntax allows for the richest targeting expressions to be built and defined. The use of Originating Target works for both static and dynamic products.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter targetExpression targetExpression true TargetExpression
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/displacement/targetexpression/
    PRIORITY%3E=5' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/displacement/targetexpression/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/consumptionFilter;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 75
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1693
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0,
          "availableWithDisplacement" : 150
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0,
          "availableWithDisplacement" : 150
        } ]

Get inventory detail by external ID

GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/externalid/{externalId}/{startDate}/{endDate}
  • Description

    The use of the External ID Product Inventory API is limited to inventory lookups where a static product has been configured with an external ID. This allows API developers to use an external correlating identifier to lookup Yield Analytics Product Inventory. In order to use the external ID a persistent mapping must be specified, configured, and maintained in the Yield Analytics system. Contact your Yield Analytics Administrator to setup this mapping.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter externalId externalId true string
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/externalid/12345/2017-03-01/2017-03-31' -i -H 
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' 
    -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/externalid/12345/2017-03-01/2017-03-31 HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get inventory detail by external ID with consumption filter

GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/externalid/{externalId}/{startDate}/{endDate}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    The use of the External ID Product Inventory API is limited to inventory lookups where a static Product has been configured with an external ID. This allows API developers to use an external correlating identifier to lookup Yield Analytics Product Inventory. In order to use the external ID a persistent mapping must be specified, configured, and maintained in the Yield Analytics system. Contact your Yield Analytics Administrator to setup this mapping.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter externalId externalId true string
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter matrixVars matrixVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/externalid/12345/2017-03-01/2017-03-31/consumptionFilter;
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/externalid/12345/2017-03-01/2017-03-31/consumptionFilter;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get inventory detail by operative adapter targeting

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/operativeadapter/targeting/{startDate}/{endDate}
  • Description

    The Operative Adapter Targeting Product Inventory API call allows Inventory Details to be retrieved for static or dynamic products via Operative Targeting Structures syntax combined with Consumption Filter inputs.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter targeting targeting true OperativeTargetingOptions
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/operativeadapter/targeting/2017-03-01/2017-03-01' 
    -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' 
    -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "targetingOptionFlatList" : [ {
        "mappedField" : "",
        "mappedValue" : "",
        "mappedValueExternalId" : "",
        "productionSystemIds" : [ ],
        "productionSystemName" : "",
        "rank" : 0,
        "status" : "",
        "targetingId" : 0,
        "targetingName" : "TEST",
        "targetingOptionId" : 0,
        "targetingOptionValue" : "",
        "productionSystemId" : 0
      } ]
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/operativeadapter/targeting/2017-03-01/2017-03-01 HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 370
      "targetingOptionFlatList" : [ {
        "mappedField" : "",
        "mappedValue" : "",
        "mappedValueExternalId" : "",
        "productionSystemIds" : [ ],
        "productionSystemName" : "",
        "rank" : 0,
        "status" : "",
        "targetingId" : 0,
        "targetingName" : "TEST",
        "targetingOptionId" : 0,
        "targetingOptionValue" : "",
        "productionSystemId" : 0
      } ]
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get inventory detail by operative adapter targeting with consumption filter

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/operativeadapter/targeting/{startDate}/{endDate}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    The Operative Adapter Targeting Product Inventory API call allows Inventory Details to be retrieved for static or dynamic products via Operative Targeting Structures syntax combined with Consumption Filter inputs.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter targeting targeting true OperativeTargetingOptions
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/operativeadapter/targeting/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/
    POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "targetingOptionFlatList" : [ {
        "mappedField" : "",
        "mappedValue" : "",
        "mappedValueExternalId" : "",
        "productionSystemIds" : [ ],
        "productionSystemName" : "",
        "rank" : 0,
        "status" : "",
        "targetingId" : 0,
        "targetingName" : "TEST",
        "targetingOptionId" : 0,
        "targetingOptionValue" : "",
        "productionSystemId" : 0
      } ]
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/operativeadapter/targeting/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/consumptionFilter;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 370
      "targetingOptionFlatList" : [ {
        "mappedField" : "",
        "mappedValue" : "",
        "mappedValueExternalId" : "",
        "productionSystemIds" : [ ],
        "productionSystemName" : "",
        "rank" : 0,
        "status" : "",
        "targetingId" : 0,
        "targetingName" : "TEST",
        "targetingOptionId" : 0,
        "targetingOptionValue" : "",
        "productionSystemId" : 0
      } ]
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get inventory detail by product ID with consumption filter

GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/productid/{productId}/{startDate}/{endDate}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    Product Inventory may also be retrieved using the Yield Analytics internal Product ID combined with Consumption Filter inputs.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter productId productId true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/productid/-2147483646/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/
    -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' 
    -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/productid/-2147483646/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/consumptionFilter;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get roadblock detail with consumption filter

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/roadblock/product/{startDate}/{endDate}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    Roadblock Detail would be retrieved with roadblock Consumption Filter.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    BodyParameter roadblock roadblock true Roadblock
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/roadblock/product/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/consumptionFilter;
    ROADBLOCK=all' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' 
    -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "roadblock" : {
        "targetExpressions" : [ "ad_server in ('TEST') and size in ('180x70'), ad_server in ('TEST') and size in ('1010x150')" ]
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/roadblock/product/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/consumptionFilter;ROADBLOCK=all HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 150
      "roadblock" : {
        "targetExpressions" : [ "ad_server in ('TEST') and size in ('180x70'), ad_server in ('TEST') and size in ('1010x150')" ]
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 78
      "roadblockDetail" : {
        "availability" : 100,
        "capacity" : 100

Get inventory detail by target string

GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/target/{target}/{startDate}/{endDate}
  • Description

    The use of a Yield Analytics Originating Target targeting expression in Yield Analytics targeting syntax is supported for Product Inventory lookup. These expressions are returned in the ProductLookupResponse ProductDetail data structure as well as displayed in the Yield Analytics UI. This syntax allows for the richest targeting expressions to be built and defined. The use of Originating Target works for both static and dynamic products.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter target target true string
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/target/city=Boulder;country=USA/2017-03-01/2017-03-01' -i 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' 
    -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/target/city=Boulder;country=USA/2017-03-01/2017-03-01 HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get inventory detail by target string with consumption filter

GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/target/{target}/{startDate}/{endDate}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    The use of a Yield Analytics Originating Target targeting expression in Yield Analytics targeting syntax is supported for Product Inventory lookup. These expressions are returned in the ProductLookupResponse ProductDetail data structure as well as displayed in the Yield Analytics UI. This syntax allows for the richest targeting expressions to be built and defined. The use of Originating Target works for both static and dynamic products.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter target target true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/target/city=Boulder;country=USA/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/target/city=Boulder;country=USA/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/consumptionFilter;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get inventory detail by target expression

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetexpression/{startDate}/{endDate}
  • Description

    The use of a Yield Analytics Originating Target targeting expression in Yield Analytics targeting syntax is supported for Product Inventory lookup. These expressions are returned in the ProductLookupResponse ProductDetail data structure as well as displayed in the Yield Analytics UI. This syntax allows for the richest targeting expressions to be built and defined. The use of Originating Target works for both static and dynamic products.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    BodyParameter targetExpression targetExpression true TargetExpression
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetexpression/2017-03-01/2017-03-01' -i -X 
    POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' 
    -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetexpression/2017-03-01/2017-03-01 HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 75
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get inventory detail by target expression with consumption filter

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetexpression/{startDate}/{endDate}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    The use of a Yield Analytics Originating Target targeting expression in Yield Analytics targeting syntax is supported for Product Inventory lookup. These expressions are returned in the ProductLookupResponse ProductDetail data structure as well as displayed in the Yield Analytics UI. This syntax allows for the richest targeting expressions to be built and defined. The use of Originating Target works for both static and dynamic products.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    BodyParameter targetExpression targetExpression true TargetExpression
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetexpression/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/consumptionFilter;
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' 
    -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetexpression/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/consumptionFilter;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 75
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get combined inventory detail by target expression

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetexpressioncombined/{startDate}/{endDate}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    The use of a Yield Analytics Originating Target targeting expression in Yield Analytics targeting syntax is supported for Product Inventory lookup. These expressions are returned in the ProductLookupResponse ProductDetail data structure as well as displayed in the Yield Analytics UI. This syntax allows for the richest targeting expressions to be built and defined. The use of Originating Target works for both static and dynamic products. This API returns a CombinedInventoryDetail object that contains an InventoryDetail including the effects of frequency capping and another one without capping effects. If the consumption filter has no frequency capping component, both InventoryDetail results are the same.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    BodyParameter targetExpression targetExpression true TargetExpression
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetexpressioncombined/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 
    'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetexpressioncombined/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/consumptionFilter;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 75
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 3472
      "combinedInventoryDetail" : {
        "uncappedDetail" : {
          "productDetail" : {
            "active" : true,
            "reporting" : true,
            "sold" : false,
            "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
            "productClass" : "REPORTING",
            "isReporting" : true,
            "isSold" : false,
            "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
            "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
            "exists" : true,
            "isActive" : true,
            "productId" : 12345,
            "externalId" : "54321",
            "state" : "ACTIVE",
            "resolved" : false,
            "targetExists" : false,
            "priority" : 8,
            "rateCardProductId" : 1,
            "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
          "summary" : {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
          "dailyDetail" : [ {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
          } ]
        "cappedDetail" : {
          "productDetail" : {
            "active" : true,
            "reporting" : true,
            "sold" : false,
            "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
            "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
            "productClass" : "REPORTING",
            "isReporting" : true,
            "isSold" : false,
            "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
            "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
            "exists" : true,
            "isActive" : true,
            "productId" : 12345,
            "externalId" : "54321",
            "state" : "ACTIVE",
            "resolved" : false,
            "targetExists" : false,
            "priority" : 8,
            "rateCardProductId" : 1,
            "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
          "summary" : {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
          "dailyDetail" : [ {
            "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
            "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
            "capacity" : 100,
            "available" : 100,
            "unmetDemand" : 100,
            "consumptionDetails" : [ {
              "detailName" : "sample name",
              "consumedImpressions" : 1
            } ],
            "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
            "evenAvailability" : false,
            "daysInForecast" : 0,
            "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
          } ]

Get inventory detail by targeting characteristics

GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetingcharacteristics/{characteristics}/{startDate}/{endDate}
  • Description

    The Targeting Characteristics Product Inventory API call allows Inventory Detail to be retrieved for static or dynamic products via the loosely formed Targeting Criteria syntax.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter characteristics characteristics true string
    BodyParameter characteristicsVars characteristicsVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetingcharacteristics/characteristics;city=Boulder;
    country=USA/2017-03-01/2017-03-01' -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 
    'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetingcharacteristics/characteristics;city=Boulder;
    country=USA/2017-03-01/2017-03-01 HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get inventory detail by targeting characteristics with consumption filter

GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetingcharacteristics/{characteristics}/{startDate}/{endDate}
  • Description

    The Targeting Characteristics Product Inventory API call allows Inventory Detail to be retrieved for static or dynamic products via the loosely formed Targeting Criteria syntax.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter characteristics characteristics true string
    BodyParameter characteristicsVars characteristicsVars false object
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetingcharacteristics/characteristics;
    CONSUMPTION_TYPE=CONTAINED;PRIORITY%3E=5' -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 
    'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventory/targetingcharacteristics/characteristics;city=Boulder;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1611
      "inventoryDetail" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summary" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "dailyDetail" : [ {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        } ]

Get batch inventory and contention

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/batch/{aliasFunctions}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    A batch related interface is also available to retrieve multiple product - date range pairings' inventory and contention data concurrently. The batch interface should be preferred in cases where several sets of inventory and contention data must be retrieved for display as a grouping. The batch interface performs internal multi-threading to greatly increase overall throughput and performance as batch items are not run serially.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter batchInventoryQuery batchInventoryQuery true BatchInventoryQuery
    PathParameter aliasFunctions aliasFunctions true string
    PathParameter aliasFunctionsVars aliasFunctionsVars false object
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/batch/aliasFunctions;
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' 
    -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "batchInventoryQuery" : {
        "queryCriteria" : [ {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('TEST')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2017-03-01"
        } ]
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/batch/aliasFunctions;INVENTORY_CLASS=GUARANTEED;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 181
      "batchInventoryQuery" : {
        "queryCriteria" : [ {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('TEST')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2017-03-01"
        } ]
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1652
      "inventoryAndContentionBatchResponse" : {
        "batchResults" : [ {
          "identifier" : "sample identifier",
          "result" : {
            "productDetail" : {
              "active" : true,
              "reporting" : true,
              "sold" : false,
              "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
              "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
              "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
              "productClass" : "REPORTING",
              "isReporting" : true,
              "isSold" : false,
              "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
              "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
              "exists" : true,
              "isActive" : true,
              "productId" : 12345,
              "externalId" : "54321",
              "state" : "ACTIVE",
              "resolved" : false,
              "targetExists" : false,
              "priority" : 8,
              "rateCardProductId" : 1,
              "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
            "summaryData" : {
              "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
              "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
              "capacity" : 100,
              "available" : 100,
              "unmetDemand" : 100,
              "consumptionDetails" : [ {
                "detailName" : "sample name",
                "consumedImpressions" : 1
              } ],
              "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
              "evenAvailability" : false,
              "daysInForecast" : 0,
              "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
            "contendingData" : {
              "row" : [ {
                "columnData" : [ {
                  "name" : "sample name",
                  "value" : "sample value"
                } ]
              } ]
        } ]

Get batch inventory and contention with displacement

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/displacement/batch/{aliasFunctions}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    A batch related interface is also available to retrieve multiple product - date range pairings' inventory and contention data concurrently. The batch interface should be preferred in cases where several sets of inventory and contention data must be retrieved for display as a grouping. The batch interface performs internal multi-threading to greatly increase overall throughput and performance as batch items are not run serially.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter batchInventoryQuery batchInventoryQuery true BatchInventoryQuery
    PathParameter aliasFunctions aliasFunctions true string
    PathParameter aliasFunctionsVars aliasFunctionsVars false object
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/displacement/batch/aliasFunctions;
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' 
    -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "batchInventoryQuery" : {
        "queryCriteria" : [ {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('TEST')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2017-03-01"
        } ]
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/displacement/batch/aliasFunctions;INVENTORY_CLASS=GUARANTEED;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 181
      "batchInventoryQuery" : {
        "queryCriteria" : [ {
          "targetExpression" : "size in ('TEST')",
          "startDate" : "2017-01-01",
          "endDate" : "2017-03-01"
        } ]
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1713
      "inventoryAndContentionWithDisplacementBatchResponse" : {
        "batchResults" : [ {
          "identifier" : "sample identifier",
          "result" : {
            "productDetail" : {
              "active" : true,
              "reporting" : true,
              "sold" : false,
              "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
              "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
              "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
              "productClass" : "REPORTING",
              "isReporting" : true,
              "isSold" : false,
              "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
              "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
              "exists" : true,
              "isActive" : true,
              "productId" : 12345,
              "externalId" : "54321",
              "state" : "ACTIVE",
              "resolved" : false,
              "targetExists" : false,
              "priority" : 8,
              "rateCardProductId" : 1,
              "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
            "summaryData" : {
              "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
              "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
              "capacity" : 100,
              "available" : 100,
              "unmetDemand" : 100,
              "consumptionDetails" : [ {
                "detailName" : "sample name",
                "consumedImpressions" : 1
              } ],
              "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
              "evenAvailability" : false,
              "daysInForecast" : 0,
              "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0,
              "availableWithDisplacement" : 150
            "contendingData" : {
              "row" : [ {
                "columnData" : [ {
                  "name" : "sample name",
                  "value" : "sample value"
                } ]
              } ]
        } ]

Get inventory and contention by target expression with displacement

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/displacement/targetexpression/{startDate}/{endDate}/{aliasFunctions}
  • Description

    In cases where both inventory forecast data and contender data is required, overall performance and throughput can be maximized by leveraging the Inventory and Contention based APIs. There are both single call and batch invocation options. When multiple inventory and contention is being retrieved for a variety of products or targets, the batch option should be preferred or the API should be accessed in a multithreaded manner. Calls to the Inventory and Contention APIs may be filtered using the Yield Analytics API consumptionFilter filter specification syntax.

    Additionally, the Inventory and Contention API offers flexible extraction of order line dimensional data using Query Engine aliases.

    The Inventory And Consumption API may be invoked via both GET and POST http methods. The use of POST is strongly recommended as this lessens the escaping required due to conflicting characters between the supplied target expression and URL legal characters.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter target target true TargetExpression
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter aliasFunctions aliasFunctions true string
    PathParameter aliasFunctionsVars aliasFunctionsVars false object
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/displacement/targetexpression/
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 
    'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/displacement/targetexpression/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/aliasFunctions;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 75
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1410
      "inventoryAndContentionWithDisplacement" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summaryData" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0,
          "availableWithDisplacement" : 150
        "contendingData" : {
          "row" : [ {
            "columnData" : [ {
              "name" : "sample name",
              "value" : "sample value"
            } ]
          } ]

Get inventory and contention by target string

GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/target/{target}/{startDate}/{endDate}/{aliasFunctions}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    In cases where both inventory forecast data and contender data is required, overall performance and throughput can be maximized by leveraging the Inventory and Contention based APIs. There are both single call and batch invocation options. When multiple inventory and contention is being retrieved for a variety of products or targets, the batch option should be preferred or the API should be accessed in a multithreaded manner. Calls to the Inventory and Contention APIs may be filtered using the Yield Analytics API consumptionFilter filter specification syntax.

    Additionally, the Inventory and Contention API offers flexible extraction of order line dimensional data using Query Engine aliases.

    The Inventory And Consumption API may be invoked via both GET and POST http methods. The use of POST is strongly recommended as this lessens the escaping required due to conflicting characters between the supplied target expression and URL legal characters.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    PathParameter target target true TargetExpression
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter aliasFunctions aliasFunctions true string
    PathParameter aliasFunctionsVars aliasFunctionsVars false object
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/target/ad_server%20in%20('TEST')
    'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' 
    -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/target/ad_server%20in%20('TEST')/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/aliasFunctions;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1353
      "inventoryAndContention" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summaryData" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "contendingData" : {
          "row" : [ {
            "columnData" : [ {
              "name" : "sample name",
              "value" : "sample value"
            } ]
          } ]

Get inventory and contention by target expression

POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/targetexpression/{startDate}/{endDate}/{aliasFunctions}/{consumptionFilter}
  • Description

    In cases where both inventory forecast data and contender data is required, overall performance and throughput can be maximized by leveraging the Inventory and Contention based APIs. There are both single call and batch invocation options. When multiple inventory and contention is being retrieved for a variety of products or targets, the batch option should be preferred or the API should be accessed in a multithreaded manner. Calls to the Inventory and Contention APIs may be filtered using the Yield Analytics API consumptionFilter filter specification syntax.

    Additionally, the Inventory and Contention API offers flexible extraction of order line dimensional data using Query Engine aliases.

    The Inventory And Consumption API may be invoked via both GET and POST http methods. The use of POST is strongly recommended as this lessens the escaping required due to conflicting characters between the supplied target expression and URL legal characters.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter target target true TargetExpression
    PathParameter startDate startDate true string
    PathParameter endDate endDate true string
    PathParameter aliasFunctions aliasFunctions true string
    PathParameter aliasFunctionsVars aliasFunctionsVars false object
    PathParameter consumptionFilter consumptionFilter true string
    PathParameter consumptionFilterVars consumptionFilterVars false object
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK object
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/targetexpression/2017-03-01/
    -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/inventoryandcontention/targetexpression/2017-03-01/2017-03-01/aliasFunctions;
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 75
      "targetExpression" : {
        "expression" : "ad_server in ('TEST')"
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1353
      "inventoryAndContention" : {
        "productDetail" : {
          "active" : true,
          "reporting" : true,
          "sold" : false,
          "productExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "safeProductExpression" : "size in ('300x250') and state in ('co')",
          "productName" : "API Example Product Name",
          "productClass" : "REPORTING",
          "isReporting" : true,
          "isSold" : false,
          "rateCardCPM" : 0.0,
          "rateCardFloor" : 1.1,
          "exists" : true,
          "isActive" : true,
          "productId" : 12345,
          "externalId" : "54321",
          "state" : "ACTIVE",
          "resolved" : false,
          "targetExists" : false,
          "priority" : 8,
          "rateCardProductId" : 1,
          "baseRateCardPrice" : 12.0
        "summaryData" : {
          "startDate" : "2020-03-19",
          "endDate" : "2020-06-19",
          "capacity" : 100,
          "available" : 100,
          "unmetDemand" : 100,
          "consumptionDetails" : [ {
            "detailName" : "sample name",
            "consumedImpressions" : 1
          } ],
          "exceededForecastWindow" : true,
          "evenAvailability" : false,
          "daysInForecast" : 0,
          "daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold" : 0
        "contendingData" : {
          "row" : [ {
            "columnData" : [ {
              "name" : "sample name",
              "value" : "sample value"
            } ]
          } ]

Get operative adapter targeting expression

POST /api/v1/rest/product/targeting/operativeadapter
  • Description

    Get operative adapter targeting expression.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    BodyParameter targets targets true OperativeTargetingOptions
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK TargetExpression
  • Consumes

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Produces

    • application/json
    • application/xml
  • Tags

    Product Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/product/targeting/operativeadapter' -i -X POST 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' 
    -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}' -d '{
      "targetingOptionFlatList" : [ {
        "mappedField" : "",
        "mappedValue" : "",
        "mappedValueExternalId" : "",
        "productionSystemIds" : [ ],
        "productionSystemName" : "",
        "rank" : 0,
        "status" : "",
        "targetingId" : 0,
        "targetingName" : "TEST",
        "targetingOptionId" : 0,
        "targetingOptionValue" : "",
        "productionSystemId" : 0
      } ]
  • Example HTTP request

    POST /api/v1/rest/product/targeting/operativeadapter HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
    Content-Length: 370
      "targetingOptionFlatList" : [ {
        "mappedField" : "",
        "mappedValue" : "",
        "mappedValueExternalId" : "",
        "productionSystemIds" : [ ],
        "productionSystemName" : "",
        "rank" : 0,
        "status" : "",
        "targetingId" : 0,
        "targetingName" : "TEST",
        "targetingOptionId" : 0,
        "targetingOptionValue" : "",
        "productionSystemId" : 0
      } ]
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 46
      "expression" : "ad_unit in ('sf video')"



Name Description Required Schema
batchInventoryQuery false BatchInventoryQuery
queryCriteria A collection of inventory query criteria true InventoryQueryCriteria array


Name Description Required Schema
bulkProductCreation false BulkProductCreation
products A collection of product creation data types holding the relevant data for each product to be added to the system true ProductCreation array


A JSON object to hold the request for Bulk Product Creation Response.

Name Description Required Schema
products A collection of product creation detail of the bulk product creation response false ProductCreationDetail array


A JSON object to hold the results of a column data.

Name Description Required Schema
name The name of the column data true string
value The value object of the column data true string


A JSON object to hold the results of a combined inventory detail.

Name Description Required Schema
cappedDetail The capped inventory detail of the combined inventory detail true InventoryDetail
uncappedDetail The uncapped inventory detail of the combined inventory detail true InventoryDetail


A JSON object to hold the results of a consumption detail.

Name Description Required Schema
consumedImpressions The field contains consumed impressions true integer (int64)
detailName The name of consumption detail true string


A JSON object to hold the results of a forecast debug response.

Name Description Required Schema
result The result of the forecast debug response true string


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory and contention.

Name Description Required Schema
contendingData The contending query result data of the inventory and contention true QueryResultData
productDetail The product detail of the inventory and contention true ProductDetail
summaryData The inventory summary data of the inventory and contention true InventoryData


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory and contention batch response.

Name Description Required Schema
batchResults A collection of inventory and contention batch results true InventoryAndContentionBatchResult array


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory and contention batch result.

Name Description Required Schema
identifier The identifier of the inventory and contention batch result true string
result The result of the inventory and contention batch result true InventoryAndContention


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory and contention detail with displacement enabled.

Name Description Required Schema
contendingData false QueryResultData
productDetail false ProductDetail
summaryData false InventoryDataWithDisplacement


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory and contention with displacement enabled batch response.

Name Description Required Schema
batchResults false InventoryAndContentionWithDisplacementBatchResult array


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory and contention with displacement enabled batch result.

Name Description Required Schema
identifier false string
result false InventoryAndContentionWithDisplacement


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory batch lookup response.

Name Description Required Schema
inventoryDetails A collection of inventory details false InventoryDetail array


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory data.

Name Description Required Schema
available The field contains available true integer (int64)
capacity The field contains capacity true integer (int64)
consumptionDetails A collection of consumption details false ConsumptionDetail array
daysInForecast The days in forecast of the inventory data true integer (int32)
daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold The days outside availability threshold of the inventory data true integer (int32)
endDate The end date of inventory data true string
evenAvailability The even availability of the inventory data true boolean
exceededForecastWindow The field indicates whether or not the inventory data exceeded forecast window true boolean
startDate The start date of inventory data true string
unmetDemand The field contains unmet demand true integer (int64)


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory data with displacement enabled.

Name Description Required Schema
available The field contains available true integer (int64)
availableWithDisplacement false integer (int64)
capacity The field contains capacity true integer (int64)
consumptionDetails A collection of consumption details false ConsumptionDetail array
daysInForecast The days in forecast of the inventory data true integer (int32)
daysOutsideAvailabilityThreshold The days outside availability threshold of the inventory data true integer (int32)
endDate The end date of inventory data true string
evenAvailability The even availability of the inventory data true boolean
exceededForecastWindow The field indicates whether or not the inventory data exceeded forecast window true boolean
startDate The start date of inventory data true string
unmetDemand The field contains unmet demand true integer (int64)


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory detail.

Name Description Required Schema
dailyDetail A collection of daily inventory detail data true InventoryData array
productDetail The product detail of the inventory detail true ProductDetail
summary The inventory data of the inventory detail true InventoryData


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory detail with displacement enabled.

Name Description Required Schema
dailyDetail false InventoryDataWithDisplacement array
productDetail false ProductDetail
summary false InventoryDataWithDisplacement


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory query criteria.

Name Description Required Schema
endDate The end date of the inventory query criteria true string
identifier The identifier of the inventory query criteria true string
startDate The start date of the inventory query criteria true string
targetExpression The target expression of the inventory query criteria true string


A JSON object to hold the results of an inventory with displacement enabled batch lookup response.

Name Description Required Schema
inventoryDetails false InventoryDetailWithDisplacement array


A JSON object to hold the OperativeTargetingOptions.

Name Description Required Schema
operativeProductId false string
targetingOptionFlatList false TargetingOptionFlat array
yxProductId false string


A JSON object to hold the request for Product Creation.

Name Description Required Schema
externalId rim then: not empty and length < 200

If productId exist and found in system, check for existence of externalId. If externalId also exist violates uniqueness of external ids. raise error: "Unable to update an existing product with product id: XXX that changes externalId to one: XXX that already exist"
false string
originatingTarget trim then: length > 0, parsable, and attributes and values exist in our system true string
productClass CUSTOM or RATE_CARD or REPORTING or SEASONAL_MODEL true string
productGroupNames Comma separated list of user group names. User groups must exist or an error will be generated, new user groups are not created. false string array
productId If present must be Long and must correspond to a product in our system. false integer (int64)
productName check for null, trim then: not empty and length < 4000 true string
rateCardCPM if present must be double - If omitted default value of 0 will be used. false number (double)
state ACTIVE or INACTIVE true string
userGroupNames Comma separated list of user group names. User groups must exist or an error will be generated, new user groups are not created. false string array


A JSON object to hold the results for Product Creation.

Name Description Required Schema
errors The a collection of validation constraints that were not met during creation scheduling false ProductCreationError array
externalId The ID of the product from it’s system of record false string
productId The ID of the product within the Yield Analytics platform false string
productName The name of the product within the Yield Analytics platform true string
status The status of the product creation job: PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED true string


A JSON object to hold the error for product creation.

Name Description Required Schema
error The error msg of the product creation field true string
field The field of the product creation true string


A JSON object to hold the results of a product search.

Name Description Required Schema
active false boolean
baseRateCardPrice The base rate card price of the product detail false number (double)
exists The exists boolean field of the product detail true boolean
externalId The external product ID of the product detail false string
isActive The is active boolean field of the product detail true boolean
isReporting The is reporting boolean field of the product detail true boolean
isSold The is sold boolean field of the product detail true boolean
priority The priority of the product detail false integer (int32)
productClass The product class of the product detail true string
productExpression The product expression of the product detail true string
productId The product ID of the product detail false integer (int64)
productName The product name of the product detail true string
rateCardCPM The rate card cpm of the product detail true number (double)
rateCardFloor The rate card floor of the product detail true number (double)
rateCardProductId The rate card product id of the product detail false integer (int64)
reporting false boolean
resolved The resolved boolean field of the product detail true boolean
safeProductExpression The safe product expression of the product detail true string
sold false boolean
state The state of the product detail true string
targetExists The target exists boolean field of the product detail true boolean


A JSON object to hold the results of a product search.

Name Description Required Schema
candidateMatches Details of the products matched in the search false ProductDetail array
exactMatch The total count of matched products in the search false ProductDetail


A JSON object to hold the results of a query result data.

Name Description Required Schema
row A collection of row data false RowData array


Name Description Required Schema
products A list of products true string array
roadblock false Roadblock
targetExpressions A list of target expressions true string array


A JSON object to hold the results of an roadblock detail.

Name Description Required Schema
availability The availability of roadblock true integer (int64)
capacity The capacity of roadblock true integer (int64)


A JSON object to hold the results of a row data.

Name Description Required Schema
columnData A collection of column data true ColumnData array


Name Description Required Schema
expression The expression field of the target expression true string
targetExpression false TargetExpression


A JSON object to hold the TargetingOptionFlat.

Name Description Required Schema
mappedField false string
mappedValue false string
mappedValueExternalId false string
productionSystemId false integer (int64)
productionSystemIds false string array
productionSystemName false string
rank false integer (int64)
status false string
targetingId false integer (int64)
targetingName false string
targetingOptionId false integer (int64)
targetingOptionValue false string

Yield Analytics API