Common report configurations

Below are the most common report configurations in Yield Analytics:

At risk report

Customers use this to understand which order lines are projected to underdeliver.


Screenshot that explains most common configurations and the selected values of the configuration.

Zombie order line report

Customers use this report to understand if there are any order lines allocating inventory that are in a paused status and may need to be cancelled out.


Screenshot that explains Zombie Order Line Report which helps customers identify paused order lines needing cancellation.

Advertiser scorecard

Customers use this report to track KPIs for their top advertiser accounts, such as revenue, yield, and consumption.


Screenshot that explains Advertiser scorecard report to track KPIs for their top advertiser accounts, such as revenue, yield, and consumption.

Sales scorecard

Customers use this report to track KPIs for their top sales reps, such as revenue, yield, and consumption.


The screenshot that explains the Sales scorecard report used by the customers to track KPIs for their top sales reps, such as revenue, yield, and consumption.

Pricing dashboard

Customers use this report to quickly access historical pricing trends by product, based on the way they sell.


Screenshot that explains Pricing dashboard for customers, accessing historical pricing trends by product, based on their sales approach.

Availability dashboard

Customers use this report to quickly impression availability by product,- based on the way they traffic campaigns.


The screenshot that explains the Availability dashboard report used by customers to quickly impression availability by product, based on the way they traffic campaigns.

Common Journey Maps