Hello S,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A and thank you for posting your questions here.
I understand that you would like to collect Synapse's Spark UI logs through an API and automate the process of obtaining a bearer token for the Synapse Spark API.
To solve the challenges, you have number of options.
Collecting Synapse's Spark UI logs through an API,
you can do the followings:
- You can enable the Synapse Studio connector built into Log Analytics. This allows you to collect and send Apache Spark application metrics and logs to your Log Analytics workspace.
- By creating a Log Analytics workspace, you can do this via the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or PowerShell.
- Prepare an Apache Spark configuration file with the necessary parameters:
Replace parameters with your actual values.spark.synapse.logAnalytics.enabled true spark.synapse.logAnalytics.workspaceId <LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_ID> spark.synapse.logAnalytics.secret <LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_KEY>
- Configure the workspace information in Synapse Studio.
- Submit your Apache Spark application, and the logs and metrics will be sent to your Log Analytics workspace.
- Visualize the metrics and logs using an Azure Monitor workbook. link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/synapse-analytics/spark/apache-spark-azure-log-analytics
- You can download the completed application log via a
command. For the driver log, use bash for direct API Request as shown below:
curl "https://{workspace}.dev.azuresynapse.net/sparkhistory/api/v1/sparkpools/{sparkPool}/livyid/{livyId}/applications/{appId}/driverlog/stderr/?isDownload=true" -H "authorization:Bearer {AccessToken}"
You would have to replace `{workspace}`, `{sparkPool}`, `{livyId}`, `{appId}`, and `{AccessToken}` with your actual values. Also, remember to choose the approach that best fits your requirements and workflow. Similar answer on Q&A: [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/253744/synapse-spark-logs. ](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/253744/synapse-spark-logs.
Automate the process of obtaining a bearer token for the Synapse Spark API
- You'll need to obtain a bearer token to authenticate your requests. The token is a lightweight security token that grants access to protected resources. You can use PowerShell to get the bearer token as it's shown below:
- Azure Management Endpoint (Workspace):
$token = (Get-AzAccessToken -Resource "https://management.azure.com").Token
- Synapse DEV Endpoint (Workspace Resources):
$token = (Get-AzAccessToken -Resource "https://dev.azuresynapse.net").Token
- Make sure you're using the correct endpoint based on your use case. Link: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-synapse-analytics-blog/calling-synapse-rest-api-to-automate-tasks-using-powershell/ba-p/2202814.
- Azure Management Endpoint (Workspace):
- Now that you have the bearer token, you can construct your GET request to the Spark API. By replacing
, and{application_id}
with the actual values from your pipeline as an example API URL you gave in the question:https://{synapse_workspace_name}.dev.azuresynapse.net/sparkhistory/api/v1/sparkpools/{spark_pool_name}/livyid/{livy_id}/applications/{application_id}/1/executors
- Lastly, using the constructed URL to retrieve executor-level metrics for your Spark job in Synapse.
Accept Answer
I hope this is helpful! Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions.
** Please don't forget to close up the thread here by upvoting and accept it as an answer if it is helpful ** so that others in the community facing similar issues can easily find the solution.
Best Regards,
Sina Salam