Compartir a través de

CompilerErrorCollection.Contains(CompilerError) Método


Obtiene un valor que indica si la colección contiene el objeto CompilerError especificado.

 bool Contains(System::CodeDom::Compiler::CompilerError ^ value);
public bool Contains (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError value);
member this.Contains : System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError -> bool
Public Function Contains (value As CompilerError) As Boolean



Clase CompilerError que se va a localizar.


Es true si la colección contiene CompilerError; en caso contrario, es false.


En el ejemplo siguiente se usa el Contains método para buscar un objeto específico CompilerError y determinar el valor de índice en el que se encontró.

// Tests for the presence of a CompilerError in the
// collection, and retrieves its index if it is found.
CompilerError^ testError = gcnew CompilerError( "Testfile.cs",5,10,"CS0001","Example error text" );
int itemIndex = -1;
if ( collection->Contains( testError ) )
   itemIndex = collection->IndexOf( testError );
// Tests for the presence of a CompilerError in the
// collection, and retrieves its index if it is found.
CompilerError testError = new CompilerError("Testfile.cs", 5, 10, "CS0001", "Example error text");
int itemIndex = -1;
if( collection.Contains( testError ) )
    itemIndex = collection.IndexOf( testError );
' Tests for the presence of a CompilerError in the 
' collection, and retrieves its index if it is found.
Dim testError As New CompilerError("Testfile.cs", 5, 10, "CS0001", "Example error text")
Dim itemIndex As Integer = -1
If collection.Contains(testError) Then
    itemIndex = collection.IndexOf(testError)
End If

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