Compartir a través de

Console.Clear Método


Borra la información que se muestra en el búfer de pantalla y en la correspondiente ventana de la consola.

 static void Clear();
public static void Clear ();
public static void Clear ();
static member Clear : unit -> unit
static member Clear : unit -> unit
Public Shared Sub Clear ()


Error de E/S.


En el ejemplo siguiente se usa el Clear método para borrar la consola antes de ejecutar un bucle, se pide al usuario que seleccione un color de primer plano y de fondo y que escriba una cadena que se va a mostrar. Si el usuario decide no salir del programa, se restauran los colores originales de primer plano y de fondo de la consola y se vuelve a llamar al Clear método antes de volver a ejecutar el bucle.

using System;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      // Save colors so they can be restored when use finishes input.
      ConsoleColor dftForeColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
      ConsoleColor dftBackColor = Console.BackgroundColor;
      bool continueFlag = true;

      do {
         ConsoleColor newForeColor = ConsoleColor.White;
         ConsoleColor newBackColor = ConsoleColor.Black;

         Char foreColorSelection = GetKeyPress("Select Text Color (B for Blue, R for Red, Y for Yellow): ",
                                              new Char[] { 'B', 'R', 'Y' } );
         switch (foreColorSelection) {
            case 'B':
            case 'b':
               newForeColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue;
            case 'R':
            case 'r':
               newForeColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
            case 'Y':
            case 'y':
               newForeColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
         Char backColorSelection = GetKeyPress("Select Background Color (W for White, G for Green, M for Magenta): ",
                                              new Char[] { 'W', 'G', 'M' });
         switch (backColorSelection) {
            case 'W':
            case 'w':
               newBackColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            case 'G':
            case 'g':
               newBackColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            case 'M':
            case 'm':
               newBackColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;

         Console.Write("Enter a message to display: ");
         String textToDisplay = Console.ReadLine();
         Console.ForegroundColor = newForeColor;
         Console.BackgroundColor = newBackColor;
         if (Char.ToUpper(GetKeyPress("Display another message (Y/N): ", new Char[] { 'Y', 'N' } )) == 'N')
            continueFlag = false;

         // Restore the default settings and clear the screen.
         Console.ForegroundColor = dftForeColor;
         Console.BackgroundColor = dftBackColor;
      } while (continueFlag);

   private static Char GetKeyPress(String msg, Char[] validChars)
      ConsoleKeyInfo keyPressed;
      bool valid = false;

      do {
         keyPressed = Console.ReadKey();
         if (Array.Exists(validChars, ch => ch.Equals(Char.ToUpper(keyPressed.KeyChar))))
            valid = true;
      } while (! valid);
      return keyPressed.KeyChar;
open System

let getKeyPress msg validChars =
    let mutable valid = false
    let mutable keyChar = ' '
    while not valid do
        printfn "%s" msg
        let keyPressed = Console.ReadKey()
        printfn ""
        if validChars |> List.exists (fun ch -> ch.Equals(Char.ToUpper keyPressed.KeyChar)) then
            valid <- true
            keyChar <- keyPressed.KeyChar

// Save colors so they can be restored when use finishes input.
let dftForeColor = Console.ForegroundColor
let dftBackColor = Console.BackgroundColor
let mutable continueFlag = true

while continueFlag do
    let foreColorSelection = 
        getKeyPress "Select Text Color (B for Blue, R for Red, Y for Yellow): " [ 'B'; 'R'; 'Y' ]
    let newForeColor = 
        match foreColorSelection with
        | 'B' | 'b' ->
        | 'R' | 'r' ->
        | 'Y' | 'y' ->
        | _ -> ConsoleColor.White

    let backColorSelection = 
        getKeyPress "Select Background Color (W for White, G for Green, M for Magenta): " [ 'W'; 'G'; 'M' ]

    let newBackColor = 
        match backColorSelection with
        | 'W' | 'w' ->
        | 'G' | 'g' ->
        | 'M' | 'm' ->
        | _ -> ConsoleColor.Black

    printfn ""
    printf "Enter a message to display: "
    let textToDisplay = Console.ReadLine()
    printfn ""
    Console.ForegroundColor <- newForeColor
    Console.BackgroundColor <- newBackColor
    printfn "%s" textToDisplay
    printfn ""
    if Char.ToUpper(getKeyPress "Display another message (Y/N): " [ 'Y'; 'N' ] ) = 'N' then
        continueFlag <- false

    // Restore the default settings and clear the screen.
    Console.ForegroundColor <- dftForeColor
    Console.BackgroundColor <- dftBackColor
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      ' Save colors so they can be restored when use finishes input.
      Dim dftForeColor As ConsoleColor = Console.ForegroundColor
      Dim dftBackColor As ConsoleColor = Console.BackgroundColor
      Dim continueFlag As Boolean = True
         Dim newForeColor As ConsoleColor
         Dim newBackColor As ConsoleColor
         Dim foreColorSelection As Char = GetKeyPress("Select Text Color (B for Blue, R for Red, Y for Yellow): ", 
                                              { "B"c, "R"c, "Y"c } )
         Select Case foreColorSelection
            Case "B"c, "b"c
               newForeColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue
            Case "R"c, "r"c
               newForeColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed
            Case "Y"c, "y"c
               newForeColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow   
         End Select
         Dim backColorSelection As Char = GetKeyPress("Select Background Color (W for White, G for Green, M for Magenta): ",
                                              { "W"c, "G"c, "M"c })
         Select Case backColorSelection
            Case "W"c, "w"c
               newBackColor = ConsoleColor.White
            Case "G"c, "g"c
               newBackColor = ConsoleColor.Green
            Case "M"c, "m"c
               newBackColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta   
         End Select
         Console.Write("Enter a message to display: ")
         Dim textToDisplay As String = Console.ReadLine()
         Console.ForegroundColor = newForeColor
         Console.BackgroundColor = newBackColor
         If Char.ToUpper(GetKeyPress("Display another message (Y/N): ", { "Y"c, "N"c } )) = "N" Then
            continueFlag = False
         End If
         ' Restore the default settings and clear the screen.
         Console.ForegroundColor = dftForeColor
         Console.BackgroundColor = dftBackColor
      Loop While continueFlag
   End Sub
   Private Function GetKeyPress(msg As String, validChars() As Char) As Char
      Dim keyPressed As ConsoleKeyInfo
      Dim valid As Boolean = False
         keyPressed = Console.ReadKey()
         If Array.Exists(validChars, Function(ch As Char) ch.Equals(Char.ToUpper(keypressed.KeyChar)))           
            valid = True
         End If
      Loop While Not valid
      Return keyPressed.KeyChar 
   End Function
End Module

El ejemplo se basa en un GetKeyPress método para validar la selección del usuario de un color de primer plano y de fondo.

En este ejemplo se muestran las CursorLeft propiedades y CursorTop , y los SetCursorPosition métodos y Clear . En el ejemplo se coloca el cursor, que determina dónde se producirá la escritura siguiente, para dibujar un rectángulo de 5 caracteres por 5 caracteres mediante una combinación de cadenas "+", "|" y "-". Tenga en cuenta que el rectángulo podría dibujarse con menos pasos mediante una combinación de otras cadenas.

// This example demonstrates the 
//     Console.CursorLeft and 
//     Console.CursorTop properties, and the
//     Console.SetCursorPosition and 
//     Console.Clear methods.
using namespace System;
int origRow;
int origCol;
void WriteAt( String^ s, int x, int y )
      Console::SetCursorPosition( origCol + x, origRow + y );
      Console::Write( s );
   catch ( ArgumentOutOfRangeException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );


int main()
   // Clear the screen, then save the top and left coordinates.
   origRow = Console::CursorTop;
   origCol = Console::CursorLeft;
   // Draw the left side of a 5x5 rectangle, from top to bottom.
   WriteAt( "+", 0, 0 );
   WriteAt( "|", 0, 1 );
   WriteAt( "|", 0, 2 );
   WriteAt( "|", 0, 3 );
   WriteAt( "+", 0, 4 );
   // Draw the bottom side, from left to right.
   WriteAt( "-", 1, 4 ); // shortcut: WriteAt("---", 1, 4)
   WriteAt( "-", 2, 4 ); // ...
   WriteAt( "-", 3, 4 ); // ...
   WriteAt( "+", 4, 4 );
   // Draw the right side, from bottom to top.
   WriteAt( "|", 4, 3 );
   WriteAt( "|", 4, 2 );
   WriteAt( "|", 4, 1 );
   WriteAt( "+", 4, 0 );
   // Draw the top side, from right to left.
   WriteAt( "-", 3, 0 ); // shortcut: WriteAt("---", 1, 0)
   WriteAt( "-", 2, 0 ); // ...
   WriteAt( "-", 1, 0 ); // ...
   WriteAt( "All done!", 0, 6 );

This example produces the following results:

|   |
|   |
|   |

All done!

// This example demonstrates the
//     Console.CursorLeft and
//     Console.CursorTop properties, and the
//     Console.SetCursorPosition and
//     Console.Clear methods.
using System;

class Sample
    protected static int origRow;
    protected static int origCol;

    protected static void WriteAt(string s, int x, int y)
        Console.SetCursorPosition(origCol+x, origRow+y);
    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)

    public static void Main()
// Clear the screen, then save the top and left coordinates.
    origRow = Console.CursorTop;
    origCol = Console.CursorLeft;

// Draw the left side of a 5x5 rectangle, from top to bottom.
    WriteAt("+", 0, 0);
    WriteAt("|", 0, 1);
    WriteAt("|", 0, 2);
    WriteAt("|", 0, 3);
    WriteAt("+", 0, 4);

// Draw the bottom side, from left to right.
    WriteAt("-", 1, 4); // shortcut: WriteAt("---", 1, 4)
    WriteAt("-", 2, 4); // ...
    WriteAt("-", 3, 4); // ...
    WriteAt("+", 4, 4);

// Draw the right side, from bottom to top.
    WriteAt("|", 4, 3);
    WriteAt("|", 4, 2);
    WriteAt("|", 4, 1);
    WriteAt("+", 4, 0);

// Draw the top side, from right to left.
    WriteAt("-", 3, 0); // shortcut: WriteAt("---", 1, 0)
    WriteAt("-", 2, 0); // ...
    WriteAt("-", 1, 0); // ...
    WriteAt("All done!", 0, 6);
This example produces the following results:

|   |
|   |
|   |

All done!

// This example demonstrates the
//     Console.CursorLeft and
//     Console.CursorTop properties, and the
//     Console.SetCursorPosition and
//     Console.Clear methods.
open System

// Clear the screen, then save the top and left coordinates.
let origRow = Console.CursorTop
let origCol = Console.CursorLeft

let writeAt s x y =
        Console.SetCursorPosition(origCol + x, origRow + y)
        printfn $"%s{s}"
    with :? ArgumentOutOfRangeException as e ->
        printfn $"{e.Message}"

// Draw the left side of a 5x5 rectangle, from top to bottom.
writeAt "+" 0 0
writeAt "|" 0 1
writeAt "|" 0 2
writeAt "|" 0 3
writeAt "+" 0 4

// Draw the bottom side, from left to right.
writeAt "-" 1 4 // shortcut: writeAt "---", 1, 4)
writeAt "-" 2 4 // ...
writeAt "-" 3 4 // ...
writeAt "+" 4 4

// Draw the right side, from bottom to top.
writeAt "|" 4 3
writeAt "|" 4 2
writeAt "|" 4 1
writeAt "+" 4 0

// Draw the top side, from right to left.
writeAt "-" 3 0 // shortcut: writeAt "---", 1, 0)
writeAt "-" 2 0 // ...
writeAt "-" 1 0 // ...

writeAt "All done!" 0 6
printfn ""

// This example produces the following results:
// +---+
// |   |
// |   |
// |   |
// +---+
// All done!
' This example demonstrates the 
'     Console.CursorLeft and 
'     Console.CursorTop properties, and the
'     Console.SetCursorPosition and 
'     Console.Clear methods.
Class Sample
   Protected Shared origRow As Integer
   Protected Shared origCol As Integer
   Protected Shared Sub WriteAt(s As String, x As Integer, y As Integer)
         Console.SetCursorPosition(origCol + x, origRow + y)
      Catch e As ArgumentOutOfRangeException
      End Try
   End Sub
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Clear the screen, then save the top and left coordinates.
      origRow = Console.CursorTop
      origCol = Console.CursorLeft
      ' Draw the left side of a 5x5 rectangle, from top to bottom.
      WriteAt("+", 0, 0)
      WriteAt("|", 0, 1)
      WriteAt("|", 0, 2)
      WriteAt("|", 0, 3)
      WriteAt("+", 0, 4)
      ' Draw the bottom side, from left to right.
      WriteAt("-", 1, 4) ' shortcut: WriteAt("---", 1, 4)
      WriteAt("-", 2, 4) ' ...
      WriteAt("-", 3, 4) ' ...
      WriteAt("+", 4, 4)
      ' Draw the right side, from bottom to top.
      WriteAt("|", 4, 3)
      WriteAt("|", 4, 2)
      WriteAt("|", 4, 1)
      WriteAt("+", 4, 0)
      ' Draw the top side, from right to left.
      WriteAt("-", 3, 0) ' shortcut: WriteAt("---", 1, 0)
      WriteAt("-", 2, 0) ' ...
      WriteAt("-", 1, 0) ' ...
      WriteAt("All done!", 0, 6)
   End Sub
End Class
'This example produces the following results:
'|   |
'|   |
'|   |
'All done!


El uso del Clear método equivale a invocar el comando MS-DOS cls en la ventana del símbolo del sistema. Cuando se llama al Clear método , el cursor se desplaza automáticamente a la esquina superior izquierda de la ventana y el contenido del búfer de pantalla se establece en espacios en blanco mediante los colores de fondo de primer plano actuales.


Al intentar llamar al Clear método cuando se redirige la salida de una aplicación de consola a un archivo, se produce una IOExceptionexcepción . Para evitar esto, encapsula siempre una llamada al Clear método en un tryobjeto ...catch Bloquear.

Se aplica a