ToolStripRenderer Clase
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Controla la funcionalidad de dibujo de los objetos ToolStrip.
public ref class ToolStripRenderer abstract
public abstract class ToolStripRenderer
type ToolStripRenderer = class
Public MustInherit Class ToolStripRenderer
- Herencia
- Derivado
En el ejemplo de código siguiente, se muestra cómo implementar una clase ToolStripRenderer personalizada. La GridStripRenderer
clase personaliza tres aspectos de la GridStrip
apariencia del control: GridStrip
borde, ToolStripButton borde e ToolStripButton imagen. Para obtener una lista de código completa, consulte How to: Implement a Custom ToolStripRenderer.
// This class implements a custom ToolStripRenderer for the
// GridStrip control. It customizes three aspects of the
// GridStrip control's appearance: GridStrip border,
// ToolStripButton border, and ToolStripButton image.
internal class GridStripRenderer : ToolStripRenderer
// The style of the empty cell's text.
private static StringFormat style = new StringFormat();
// The thickness (width or height) of a
// ToolStripButton control's border.
static int borderThickness = 2;
// The main bitmap that is the source for the
// subimagesthat are assigned to individual
// ToolStripButton controls.
private Bitmap bmp = null;
// The brush that paints the background of
// the GridStrip control.
private Brush backgroundBrush = null;
// This is the static constructor. It initializes the
// StringFormat for drawing the text in the empty cell.
static GridStripRenderer()
style.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
style.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
// This method initializes the GridStripRenderer by
// creating the image that is used as the source for
// the individual button images.
protected override void Initialize(ToolStrip ts)
// This method initializes an individual ToolStripButton
// control. It copies a subimage from the GridStripRenderer's
// main image, according to the position and size of
// the ToolStripButton.
protected override void InitializeItem(ToolStripItem item)
GridStrip gs = item.Owner as GridStrip;
// The empty cell does not receive a subimage.
if ((item is ToolStripButton) &&
(item != gs.EmptyCell))
// Copy the subimage from the appropriate
// part of the main image.
Bitmap subImage = bmp.Clone(
// Assign the subimage to the ToolStripButton
// control's Image property.
item.Image = subImage;
// This utility method creates the main image that
// is the source for the subimages of the individual
// ToolStripButton controls.
private void InitializeBitmap(ToolStrip toolStrip)
// Create the main bitmap, into which the image is drawn.
this.bmp = new Bitmap(
// Draw a fancy pattern. This could be any image or drawing.
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
// Draw smoothed lines.
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
// Draw the image. In this case, it is
// a number of concentric ellipses.
for (int i = 0; i < toolStrip.Size.Width; i += 8)
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Blue, 0, 0, i, i);
// This method draws a border around the GridStrip control.
protected override void OnRenderToolStripBorder(
ToolStripRenderEventArgs e)
// This method renders the GridStrip control's background.
protected override void OnRenderToolStripBackground(
ToolStripRenderEventArgs e)
// This late initialization is a workaround. The gradient
// depends on the bounds of the GridStrip control. The bounds
// are dependent on the layout engine, which hasn't fully
// performed layout by the time the Initialize method runs.
if (this.backgroundBrush == null)
this.backgroundBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(
// Paint the GridStrip control's background.
// This method draws a border around the button's image. If the background
// to be rendered belongs to the empty cell, a string is drawn. Otherwise,
// a border is drawn at the edges of the button.
protected override void OnRenderButtonBackground(
ToolStripItemRenderEventArgs e)
// Define some local variables for convenience.
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
GridStrip gs = e.ToolStrip as GridStrip;
ToolStripButton gsb = e.Item as ToolStripButton;
// Calculate the rectangle around which the border is painted.
Rectangle imageRectangle = new Rectangle(
e.Item.Width - 2 * borderThickness,
e.Item.Height - 2 * borderThickness);
// If rendering the empty cell background, draw an
// explanatory string, centered in the ToolStripButton.
if (gsb == gs.EmptyCell)
"Drag to here",
imageRectangle, style);
// If the button can be a drag source, paint its border red.
// otherwise, paint its border a dark color.
Brush b = gs.IsValidDragSource(gsb) ? b =
Brushes.Red : SystemBrushes.ControlDarkDark;
// Draw the top segment of the border.
Rectangle borderSegment = new Rectangle(
g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment);
// Draw the right segment.
borderSegment = new Rectangle(
e.Item.Bounds.Right - imageRectangle.Right,
g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment);
// Draw the left segment.
borderSegment = new Rectangle(
g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment);
// Draw the bottom segment.
borderSegment = new Rectangle(
e.Item.Bounds.Bottom - imageRectangle.Bottom);
g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment);
' This class implements a custom ToolStripRenderer for the
' GridStrip control. It customizes three aspects of the
' GridStrip control's appearance: GridStrip border,
' ToolStripButton border, and ToolStripButton image.
Friend Class GridStripRenderer
Inherits ToolStripRenderer
' The style of the empty cell's text.
Private Shared style As New StringFormat()
' The thickness (width or height) of a
' ToolStripButton control's border.
Private Shared borderThickness As Integer = 2
' The main bitmap that is the source for the
' subimagesthat are assigned to individual
' ToolStripButton controls.
Private bmp As Bitmap = Nothing
' The brush that paints the background of
' the GridStrip control.
Private backgroundBrush As Brush = Nothing
' This is the static constructor. It initializes the
' StringFormat for drawing the text in the empty cell.
Shared Sub New()
style.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
style.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
End Sub
' This method initializes the GridStripRenderer by
' creating the image that is used as the source for
' the individual button images.
Protected Overrides Sub Initialize(ts As ToolStrip)
End Sub
' This method initializes an individual ToolStripButton
' control. It copies a subimage from the GridStripRenderer's
' main image, according to the position and size of
' the ToolStripButton.
Protected Overrides Sub InitializeItem(item As ToolStripItem)
Dim gs As GridStrip = item.Owner
' The empty cell does not receive a subimage.
If ((TypeOf (item) Is ToolStripButton) And _
(item IsNot gs.EmptyCell)) Then
' Copy the subimage from the appropriate
' part of the main image.
Dim subImage As Bitmap = bmp.Clone(item.Bounds, PixelFormat.Undefined)
' Assign the subimage to the ToolStripButton
' control's Image property.
item.Image = subImage
End If
End Sub
' This utility method creates the main image that
' is the source for the subimages of the individual
' ToolStripButton controls.
Private Sub InitializeBitmap(toolStrip As ToolStrip)
' Create the main bitmap, into which the image is drawn.
Me.bmp = New Bitmap(toolStrip.Size.Width, toolStrip.Size.Height)
' Draw a fancy pattern. This could be any image or drawing.
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
' Draw smoothed lines.
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias
' Draw the image. In this case, it is
' a number of concentric ellipses.
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To toolStrip.Size.Width - 8 Step 8
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Blue, 0, 0, i, i)
Next i
End Try
End Sub
' This method draws a border around the GridStrip control.
Protected Overrides Sub OnRenderToolStripBorder(e As ToolStripRenderEventArgs)
ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(e.Graphics, e.AffectedBounds, SystemColors.ControlDarkDark, SystemColors.ControlDarkDark)
End Sub
' This method renders the GridStrip control's background.
Protected Overrides Sub OnRenderToolStripBackground(e As ToolStripRenderEventArgs)
' This late initialization is a workaround. The gradient
' depends on the bounds of the GridStrip control. The bounds
' are dependent on the layout engine, which hasn't fully
' performed layout by the time the Initialize method runs.
If Me.backgroundBrush Is Nothing Then
Me.backgroundBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(e.ToolStrip.ClientRectangle, SystemColors.ControlLightLight, SystemColors.ControlDark, 90, True)
End If
' Paint the GridStrip control's background.
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Me.backgroundBrush, e.AffectedBounds)
End Sub
' This method draws a border around the button's image. If the background
' to be rendered belongs to the empty cell, a string is drawn. Otherwise,
' a border is drawn at the edges of the button.
Protected Overrides Sub OnRenderButtonBackground(e As ToolStripItemRenderEventArgs)
' Define some local variables for convenience.
Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
Dim gs As GridStrip = e.ToolStrip
Dim gsb As ToolStripButton = e.Item
' Calculate the rectangle around which the border is painted.
Dim imageRectangle As New Rectangle(borderThickness, borderThickness, e.Item.Width - 2 * borderThickness, e.Item.Height - 2 * borderThickness)
' If rendering the empty cell background, draw an
' explanatory string, centered in the ToolStripButton.
If gsb Is gs.EmptyCell Then
e.Graphics.DrawString("Drag to here", gsb.Font, SystemBrushes.ControlDarkDark, imageRectangle, style)
' If the button can be a drag source, paint its border red.
' otherwise, paint its border a dark color.
Dim b As Brush = IIf(gs.IsValidDragSource(gsb), Brushes.Red, SystemBrushes.ControlDarkDark)
' Draw the top segment of the border.
Dim borderSegment As New Rectangle(0, 0, e.Item.Width, imageRectangle.Top)
g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment)
' Draw the right segment.
borderSegment = New Rectangle(imageRectangle.Right, 0, e.Item.Bounds.Right - imageRectangle.Right, imageRectangle.Bottom)
g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment)
' Draw the left segment.
borderSegment = New Rectangle(0, 0, imageRectangle.Left, e.Item.Height)
g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment)
' Draw the bottom segment.
borderSegment = New Rectangle(0, imageRectangle.Bottom, e.Item.Width, e.Item.Bounds.Bottom - imageRectangle.Bottom)
g.FillRectangle(b, borderSegment)
End If
End Sub
End Class
Use la ToolStripRenderer clase para aplicar un estilo o tema determinado a .ToolStrip En lugar de pintar personalizado y ToolStrip los ToolStripItem objetos que contiene, establece la ToolStrip.Renderer propiedad en un objeto que hereda de ToolStripRenderer. La pintura especificada por ToolStripRenderer se aplica a , ToolStripasí como a los elementos que contiene.
Hay varias formas de realizar representaciones personalizadas en controles ToolStrip. Como sucede con otros controles de Windows Forms, tanto ToolStrip como ToolStripItem tienen métodos OnPaint
y eventos Paint
que se pueden invalidar. Al igual que con la representación al uso, el sistema de coordenadas es relativo al área cliente del control; es decir, la esquina superior izquierda del control es 0, 0. El evento Paint
y el método OnPaint
de un elemento ToolStripItem se comportan como otros eventos de representación de controles.
La ToolStripRenderer clase tiene métodos reemplazables para pintar el fondo, el fondo del elemento, la imagen del elemento, la flecha del elemento, el texto del elemento y el ToolStripborde de . Los argumentos de evento de estos métodos exponen varias propiedades, como rectángulos, colores y formatos de texto, que se pueden ajustar según sea necesario.
Para ajustar solo algunos aspectos de cómo se representa un elemento, normalmente lo que se hace es invalidar ToolStripRenderer.
Si va a escribir un elemento nuevo y desea controlar todos los aspectos de representación, invalide el método OnPaint
. En OnPaint
se pueden usar métodos de ToolStripRenderer.
ToolStrip se almacena doblemente en búfer de forma predeterminada, con lo cual se saca partido de la configuración OptimizedDoubleBuffer.
Tool |
Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase ToolStripRenderer. |
Offset2X |
Obtiene o establece el multiplicador de desplazamiento en dos veces el desplazamiento a lo largo del eje X. |
Offset2Y |
Obtiene o establece el multiplicador de desplazamiento en dos veces el desplazamiento a lo largo del eje Y. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa una flecha en un objeto ToolStripItem. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa el fondo de un objeto ToolStripButton. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa el fondo de un objeto ToolStripDropDownButton. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa el controlador de movimiento de un objeto ToolStrip. |
Render |
Dibuja el margen comprendido entre una imagen y su contenedor. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa el fondo de un objeto ToolStripItem. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa la imagen de un objeto ToolStripItem seleccionado. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa la imagen de un objeto ToolStripItem. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa el texto de un objeto ToolStripItem. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa el fondo de un objeto ToolStripLabel. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa el fondo de un objeto ToolStripMenuItem. |
Render |
Se produce cuando se presenta el fondo de un botón de desbordamiento. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa un objeto ToolStripSeparator. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa el fondo de un objeto ToolStripSplitButton. |
Render |
Se produce cuando cambia el estilo de presentación. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa el fondo de un objeto ToolStrip. |
Render |
Se desencadena cuando se procesa el borde de un objeto ToolStrip. |
Render |
Dibuja el fondo de un objeto ToolStripContentPanel. |
Render |
Dibuja el fondo de un objeto ToolStripPanel. |
Render |
Dibuja el fondo de un objeto ToolStripStatusLabel. |
Producto | Versiones |
.NET Framework | 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
Windows Desktop | 3.0, 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 |
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