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WorkflowView.ShadowDepth Propiedad


Obtiene o establece el objeto ShadowDepth para WorkflowView.

 property int ShadowDepth { int get(); void set(int value); };
public int ShadowDepth { get; set; }
member this.ShadowDepth : int with get, set
Public Property ShadowDepth As Integer

Valor de propiedad


La profundidad de la sombra en píxeles.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo obtener una instancia de la clase WorkflowView utilizando el método GetView. El código establece a continuación varias propiedades WorkflowView, incluso HScrollBar y VScrollBar, ShadowDepth, y llama al método FitToScreenSize.

IDesignerHost designerHost = designSurface.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
if (designerHost != null && designerHost.RootComponent != null)
    IRootDesigner rootDesigner = designerHost.GetDesigner(designerHost.RootComponent) as IRootDesigner;
    if (rootDesigner != null)

        this.designSurface = designSurface;
        this.loader = loader;
        this.workflowView = rootDesigner.GetView(ViewTechnology.Default) as WorkflowView;
        this.workflowView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
        this.workflowView.TabIndex = 1;
        this.workflowView.TabStop = true;
        this.workflowView.HScrollBar.TabStop = false;
        this.workflowView.VScrollBar.TabStop = false;
        this.workflowView.ShadowDepth = 0;
        this.workflowView.EnableFitToScreen = true;

        ISelectionService selectionService = GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
        IComponentChangeService changeService = GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)) as IComponentChangeService;

        if (selectionService != null)
            selectionService.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(OnSelectionChanged);

        if (changeService != null)
            changeService.ComponentAdded += new ComponentEventHandler(changeService_ComponentAdded);
            changeService.ComponentChanged += new ComponentChangedEventHandler(changeService_ComponentChanged);
            changeService.ComponentRemoved += new ComponentEventHandler(changeService_ComponentRemoved);
            changeService.ComponentRename += new ComponentRenameEventHandler(changeService_ComponentRename);
Dim designerHost As IDesignerHost = CType(designSurface.GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost)
If designerHost IsNot Nothing And designerHost.RootComponent IsNot Nothing Then

    Dim rootDesigner As IRootDesigner = CType(designerHost.GetDesigner(designerHost.RootComponent), IRootDesigner)
    If rootDesigner IsNot Nothing Then

        Me.designSurface = designSurface
        Me.loader = loader
        Me.workflowView = CType(rootDesigner.GetView(ViewTechnology.Default), WorkflowView)
        Me.workflowView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        Me.workflowView.TabIndex = 1
        Me.workflowView.TabStop = True
        Me.workflowView.HScrollBar.TabStop = False
        Me.workflowView.VScrollBar.TabStop = False
        Me.workflowView.ShadowDepth = 0
        Me.workflowView.EnableFitToScreen = True

        Dim selectionService As ISelectionService = CType(GetService(GetType(ISelectionService)), ISelectionService)
        Dim changeService As IComponentChangeService = CType(GetService(GetType(IComponentChangeService)), IComponentChangeService)

        If selectionService IsNot Nothing Then
            AddHandler selectionService.SelectionChanged, AddressOf OnSelectionChanged
        End If

        If changeService IsNot Nothing Then

            AddHandler changeService.ComponentAdded, AddressOf changeService_ComponentAdded
            AddHandler changeService.ComponentChanged, AddressOf changeService_ComponentChanged
            AddHandler changeService.ComponentRemoved, AddressOf changeService_ComponentRemoved
            AddHandler changeService.ComponentRename, AddressOf changeService_ComponentRename
        End If
    End If
End If

El método UnloadWorkflow al que se llama en el código anterior quita un flujo de trabajo actualmente cargado para preparar para la carga de un nuevo flujo de trabajo y se implementa como sigue:

private void UnloadWorkflow()
    IDesignerHost designerHost = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
    if (designerHost != null && designerHost.Container.Components.Count > 0)
        WorkflowLoader.DestroyObjectGraphFromDesignerHost(designerHost, designerHost.RootComponent as Activity);

    if (this.designSurface != null)
        this.designSurface = null;

    if (this.workflowView != null)
        this.workflowView = null;
Private Sub UnloadWorkflow()

    Dim designerHost As IDesignerHost = CType(GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost)
    If designerHost IsNot Nothing And designerHost.Container.Components.Count > 0 Then
        WorkflowLoader.DestroyObjectGraphFromDesignerHost(designerHost, CType(designerHost.RootComponent, Activity))
    End If

    If Me.designSurface IsNot Nothing Then
        Me.designSurface = Nothing
    End If

    If Me.workflowView IsNot Nothing Then
        Me.workflowView = Nothing
    End If

End Sub


Utilice ShadowDepth para obtener o ajustar la profundidad de la sombra de texto mostrado en la superficie de diseño de flujo de trabajo.

Se aplica a