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Ancestry in ESG data model

Base entity from which all Industry Data Model entities are derived.


Traits for this entity are listed here.


ParameterValueData typeExplanation
versionNumber"4.3"stringsemantic version number of the entity

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enBase entity from which all Industry Data Model entities are derived.
enOne or more ethnic identifies that may be identified by the Individual.

Source: US Bureau of Census

This identification is based on self-identification; the data on ancestry represent self-classification by people according to the ancestry group(s) with which they most closely identify. Ancestry refers to a person's ethnic origin or descent, "roots," or heritage or the place of birth of the person or the person's parents or ancestors before their arrival in the United States. Some ethnic identities, such as "Egyptian" or "Polish" can be traced to geographic areas outside the United States, while other ethnicities such as "Pennsylvania Dutch" or "Cajun" evolved in the United States.

The intent of the ancestry question was not to measure the degree of attachment the respondent had to a particular ethnicity. For example, a response of "Irish" might reflect total involvement in an "Irish" community or only a memory of ancestors several generations removed from the individual.

The Census Bureau coded the responses through an automated review, edit, and coding operation. The open-ended write-in ancestry item was coded by subject-matter specialists into a numeric representation using a code list containing over 1,000 categories. The 1990 code list reflects the results of the Census Bureau's own research and consultations with many ethnic experts. Many decisions were made to determine the classification of responses. These decisions affected the grouping of the tabulated data. For example, the "Assyrian" category includes both responses of "Assyrian" and "Chaldean."

The ancestry question allowed respondents to report one or more ancestry groups. While a large number of respondents listed a single ancestry, the majority of answers included more than one ethnic entry. Generally, only the first two responses reported were coded in 1990. If a response was in terms of a dual ancestry, for example, Irish-English, the person was assigned two codes, in this case one for Irish and another for English.

However, in certain cases, multiple responses such as "French Canadian," "Greek Cypriote," and "Black Dutch" were assigned a single code reflecting their status as unique groups. If a person reported "English Irish French," only English and Irish were coded. Certain combinations of ancestries where the ancestry group is a part of another, such as "German-Bavarian," the responses were coded as a single ancestry using the smaller group ("Bavarian"). Also, responses such as "Polish-American" or "Italian-American" were coded and tabulated as a single entry ("Polish" or "Italian").

The Census Bureau accepted "American" as a unique ethnicity if it was given alone, with an ambiguous response, or with State names. If the respondent listed any other ethnic identity such as "Italian American," generally the "American" portion of the response was not coded. However, distinct groups such as "American Indian," "Mexican American," and "African American" were coded and identified separately because they represented groups who considered themselves different from those who reported as "Indian," "Mexican," or "African," respectively.

In all tabulations, when respondents provided an unacceptable ethnic identity (for example, an uncodeable or unintelligible response such as "multi-national," "adopted," or "I have no idea"), the answer was included in "Ancestry not reported."

The tabulations on ancestry are presented using two types of data presentations--one used total persons as the base, and the other used total responses as the base. The following are categories shown in the two data presentations:

Presentation Based on Persons:

  • Single Ancestries Reported--Includes all persons who reported only one ethnic group. Included in this category are persons with multiple-term responses such as "German-Bavarian" who are assigned a single code.

  • Multiple Ancestries Reported--Includes all persons who reported more than one group and were assigned two ancestry codes.

  • Ancestry Unclassified--Includes all persons who provided a response that could not be assigned an ancestry code because they provided nonsensical entries or religious responses.

Presentations Based on Responses:

  • Total Ancestries Reported--Includes the total number of ancestries reported and coded. If a person reported a multiple ancestry such as "French Danish," that response was counted twice in the tabulations--once in the "French" category and again in the "Danish" category. Thus, the sum of the counts in this type of presentation is not the total population but the total of all responses.

  • First Ancestry Reported--Includes the first response of all persons who reported at least one codeable entry. For example, in this category, the count for "Danish" would include all those who reported only Danish and those who reported Danish first and then some other group.

  • Second Ancestry Reported--Includes the second response of all persons who reported a multiple ancestry. Thus, the count for "Danish" in this category includes all persons who reported Danish as the second response, regardless of the first response provided.

The Census Bureau identified hundreds of ethnic groups in the 1990 census. However, it was impossible to show information for every group in all census tabulations because of space constraints. Publications such as the 1990 CP-2, Social and Economic Characteristics and the 1990 CPH-3, Population and Housing Characteristics for Census Tracts and Block Numbering Areas reports show a limited number of groups based on the number reported and the advice received from experts. A more complete distribution of groups is presented in the 1990 Summary Tape File 4, supplementary reports, and a special subject report on ancestry. In addition, groups identified specifically in the questions on race and Hispanic origin (for example, Japanese, Laotian, Mexican, Cuban, and Spaniard), in general, are not shown separately in ancestry tabulations.

entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Names a specific identity attribute to use with an entity.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Minimum version of the object model required to fully understand the data schema used.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Semantic version number of the IDM.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define other identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{6A24FA44-5A19-45FD-8090-AC7D8267F44E}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The name of the business area from which the entity originates.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

A level of abstraction assigned to an Entity schema. Logical schema descriptions use complex dataTypes, inheritance, and entities as attributes. Resolved descriptions contain none of those things, only final trait and attribute sets are shown. A composition schema manipulates, guides or restates parts of logical schemas to produce one resolved schema.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
level"resolved"stringPossible values: logical, composition, resolved


Name Description First Included in Instance
AncestryId The unique identifier of an Ancestry. Ancestry
AncestryName The name of an Ancestry. Ancestry
AncestryDescription The description of an Ancestry. Ancestry


The unique identifier of an Ancestry.
First included in: Ancestry (this entity)


displayNameAncestry ID
descriptionThe unique identifier of an Ancestry.


List of traits for the AncestryId attribute are listed here.

Names a specific identity attribute to use with an entity.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define other identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{10B34623-90AE-4F30-94F8-C00C2FB50ABB}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enAncestry ID
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of an Ancestry.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



The name of an Ancestry.
First included in: Ancestry (this entity)


displayNameAncestry Name
descriptionThe name of an Ancestry.


List of traits for the AncestryName attribute are listed here.

Indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

Indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String. Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define other identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{533D600F-EF9F-489B-87B0-EE15166A8716}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enAncestry Name
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe name of an Ancestry.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Maximum length or value constraints.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String. Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The description of an Ancestry.
First included in: Ancestry (this entity)


displayNameAncestry Description
descriptionThe description of an Ancestry.


List of traits for the AncestryDescription attribute are listed here.

Indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

Indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String. Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define other identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{054F5419-3C6D-4B54-A58B-3366E23A9E94}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enAncestry Description
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe description of an Ancestry.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Maximum length or value constraints.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String. Array of Byte is a Binary Object.