Objeto WorksheetFunction (Excel)
Se usa como contenedor de las funciones de hoja de cálculo de Microsoft Excel que pueden llamarse desde Visual Basic.
Use la propiedad WorksheetFunction del objeto Aplicación para devolver el objeto WorksheetFunction.
El ejemplo siguiente muestra el resultado de aplicar la función de hoja de cálculo Min al rango A1:C10.
Set myRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C10")
answer = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(myRange)
MsgBox answer
Este ejemplo usa la función de hoja de cálculo CountA para determinar el número de celdas en la columna A que contienen un valor. Para este ejemplo, los valores de la columna A deben ser texto. Este ejemplo utiliza un corrector ortográfico en cada valor de la columna A y, si el valor está escrito de forma incorrecta, inserta el texto "Incorrecto" en la columna B; en caso contrario, inserta el texto "OK" en la columna B.
Sub StartSpelling()
'Set up your variables
Dim iRow As Integer
'And define your error handling routine.
'Go through all the cells in column A, and perform a spellcheck on the value.
'If the value is spelled incorrectly, write "Wrong" in column B; otherwise, write "OK".
For iRow = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns(1))
If Application.CheckSpelling( _
Cells(iRow, 1).Value, , True) = False Then
Cells(iRow, 2).Value = "Wrong"
Cells(iRow, 2).Value = "OK"
End If
Next iRow
Exit Sub
'Error handling routine.
MsgBox "The spell check feature is not installed!"
End Sub
- AccrInt
- AccrIntM
- Acos
- Acosh
- Acot
- Acoth
- Aggregate
- AmorDegrc
- AmorLinc
- And
- Arabic
- Asc
- Asin
- Asinh
- Atan2
- Atanh
- AveDev
- Average
- AverageIf
- AverageIfs
- BahtText
- Base
- BesselI
- BesselJ
- BesselK
- BesselY
- Beta_Dist
- Beta_Inv
- BetaDist
- BetaInv
- Bin2Dec
- Bin2Hex
- Bin2Oct
- Binom_Dist
- Binom_Dist_Range
- Binom_Inv
- BinomDist
- Bitand
- Bitlshift
- Bitor
- Bitrshift
- Bitxor
- Ceiling
- Ceiling_Math
- Ceiling_Precise
- ChiDist
- ChiInv
- ChiSq_Dist
- ChiSq_Dist_RT
- ChiSq_Inv
- ChiSq_Inv_RT
- ChiSq_Test
- ChiTest
- Choose
- Clean
- Combin
- Combina
- Complex
- Confidence
- Confidence_Norm
- Confidence_T
- Convert
- Correl
- Cosh
- Cot
- Coth
- Count
- CountA
- CountBlank
- CountIf
- CountIfs
- CoupDayBs
- CoupDays
- CoupDaysNc
- CoupNcd
- CoupNum
- CoupPcd
- Covar
- Covariance_P
- Covariance_S
- CritBinom
- Csc
- Csch
- CumIPmt
- CumPrinc
- DAverage
- Días
- Days360
- Db
- Dbcs
- DCount
- DCountA
- Ddb
- Dec2Bin
- Dec2Hex
- Dec2Oct
- Decimal
- Degrees
- Delta
- DevSq
- DGet
- Disc
- DMax
- DMin
- Dollar
- DollarDe
- DollarFr
- DProduct
- DStDev
- DStDevP
- DSum
- Duración
- DVar
- DVarP
- EDate
- Effect
- EncodeUrl
- EoMonth
- Erf
- Erf_Precise
- ErfC
- ErfC_Precise
- Even
- Expon_Dist
- ExponDist
- F_Dist
- F_Dist_RT
- F_Inv
- F_Inv_RT
- F_Test
- Fact
- FactDouble
- FDist
- FilterXML
- Find
- FindB
- FInv
- Fisher
- FisherInv
- Fixed
- Floor
- Floor_Math
- Floor_Precise
- Forecast
- Forecast_ETS
- Forecast_ETS_ConfInt
- Forecast_ETS_Seasonality
- Forecast_ETS_STAT
- Forecast_Linear
- Frequency
- FTest
- Fv
- FVSchedule
- Gamma
- Gamma_Dist
- Gamma_Inv
- GammaDist
- GammaInv
- GammaLn
- GammaLn_Precise
- Gauss
- Gcd
- GeoMean
- GeStep
- Growth
- HarMean
- Hex2Bin
- Hex2Dec
- Hex2Oct
- HLookup
- HypGeom_Dist
- HypGeomDist
- IfError
- IfNa
- ImAbs
- Imaginary
- ImArgument
- ImConjugate
- ImCos
- ImCosh
- ImCot
- ImCsc
- ImCsch
- ImDiv
- ImExp
- ImLn
- ImLog10
- ImLog2
- ImPower
- ImProduct
- ImReal
- ImSec
- ImSech
- ImSin
- ImSinh
- ImSqrt
- ImSub
- ImSum
- ImTan
- Índice
- Intercept
- IntRate
- Ipmt
- Irr
- IsErr
- IsError
- IsEven
- IsFormula
- IsLogical
- IsNA
- IsNonText
- IsNumber
- ISO_Ceiling
- IsOdd
- IsoWeekNum
- Ispmt
- IsText
- Kurt
- Large
- Lcm
- LinEst
- Ln
- Log
- Log10
- LogEst
- LogInv
- LogNorm_Dist
- LogNorm_Inv
- LogNormDist
- Lookup
- Match
- Max
- MDeterm
- MDuration
- Median
- Min
- MInverse
- MIrr
- MMult
- Mode
- Mode_Mult
- Mode_Sngl
- MRound
- MultiNomial
- Munit
- NegBinom_Dist
- NegBinomDist
- NetworkDays
- NetworkDays_Intl
- Nominal
- Norm_Dist
- Norm_Inv
- Norm_S_Dist
- Norm_S_Inv
- NormDist
- NormInv
- NormSDist
- NormSInv
- NPer
- Npv
- NumberValue
- Oct2Bin
- Oct2Dec
- Oct2Hex
- Odd
- OddFPrice
- OddFYield
- OddLPrice
- OddLYield
- Or
- PDuration
- Pearson
- Percentile
- Percentile_Exc
- Percentile_Inc
- PercentRank
- PercentRank_Exc
- PercentRank_Inc
- Permut
- Permutationa
- Phi
- Phonetic
- Pi
- Pmt
- Poisson
- Poisson_Dist
- Potencia
- Ppmt
- Price
- PriceDisc
- PriceMat
- Prob
- Producto
- Proper
- Pv
- Quartile
- Quartile_Exc
- Quartile_Inc
- Quotient
- Radians
- RandBetween
- Rank
- Rank_Avg
- Rank_Eq
- Rate
- Received
- Replace
- ReplaceB
- Rept
- Roman
- Round
- RoundDown
- RoundUp
- Rri
- RSq
- Búsqueda
- SearchB
- Sec
- Sech
- SeriesSum
- Sinh
- Skew
- Skew_p
- Sln
- Slope
- Small
- SqrtPi
- Standardize
- StDev
- StDev_P
- StDev_S
- StDevP
- StEyx
- Substitute
- Subtotal
- Sum
- SumIf
- SumIfs
- SumProduct
- SumSq
- SumX2MY2
- SumX2PY2
- SumXMY2
- Syd
- T_Dist
- T_Dist_2T
- T_Dist_RT
- T_Inv
- T_Inv_2T
- T_Test
- Tanh
- TBillEq
- TBillPrice
- TBillYield
- TDist
- Text
- TInv
- Transpose
- Trend
- Trim
- TrimMean
- TTest
- Unichar
- Unicode
- USDollar
- Var
- Var_P
- Var_S
- VarP
- Vdb
- VLookup
- WebService
- Weekday
- WeekNum
- Weibull
- Weibull_Dist
- WorkDay
- WorkDay_Intl
- Xirr
- Xnpv
- Xor
- YearFrac
- YieldDisc
- YieldMat
- Z_Test
- ZTest
Vea también
- Usar una función de hoja de cálculo en una macro de Visual Basic en Excel
- Referencia del modelo de objetos de Excel
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