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How to: Copy Application Files to the Deployment Directory

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Deploying an application to Speech Server is a two-step process:

  • Install the application by copying the files from the built application project in Speech Server to a directory on the deployment server or to an accessible shared directory. The application project directory is the location in which Speech Server saves and builds the application files. The deployment directory is the location referenced by Internet Information Services (IIS) that contains all the files required to run the application on the computer running Speech Server.
  • Configure Speech Server and IIS to run the application. For more information, see How to: Configure the Application Run-time Environment.

Copying Application Files to the Deployment Directory

To copy application files to the deployment directory

  1. Ensure that the application files in Speech Server are built.

    For more information, see Application Deployment Files.

  2. In Windows Explorer, locate the application project directory on the computer used to develop the application.

    Typically, these files are located at %MyDocuments%\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\Solution Name.

  3. Copy all the files in the application project directory and the directories beneath it to the deployment directory on the computer running Speech Server or an accessible shared directory.

    To prevent the potential loss of intellectual property, delete all files in the deployment directory and subdirectories except those required to run the application. Generally speaking, the required files are those with the following file name extensions:

    • .dll
    • .speax
    • .aspx
    • .config
    • .xml
    • .grxml
    • .cfg


    Outbound.aspx is a special case that is present only as a convenience for the developer and as a demonstration for how to make an outbound Web request. If you have not customized this file, it does not need to be copied to the deployment server. For more information about outbound applications and security, see Walkthrough: Create a Simple Outbound Application, Support for Outbound-Calling Applications, and How to: Configure Message Queue Security.

See Also

Other Resources

Application Administration