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Application Deployment Files

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Applications developed using Speech Server Developer Tools consist of several types of files. To deploy an application to Speech Server, the files must be located in a directory on the computer running Speech Server or be accessible from it. The files must also be referenced by a virtual directory in Internet Information Services (IIS).

The application run-time files including the following types:

  • Manifest.xml ??? The application manifest file that specifies the application resources to preload. For more information, see About Application Manifest Files.
  • Grammars ??? Files used by Speech Server to recognize utterances made by callers. For more information, see Grammars Overview.
  • Prompt databases ??? Files with the .prompts file name extension. These files are compiled prompt databases used by Speech Server to speak to callers. For more information, see Prompt Databases in Web-based Voice Response Applications.
  • Web.config file ??? An XML file that defines .NET configuration options for the application. Settings in this file override the system-wide settings specified in the Machine.config file.
  • SALT files ??? Core application run-time files for Speech Application Language Tags (SALT) voice response applications. For more information, see Understand SALT Voice Response Applications.
  • VoiceXML files ??? Core application run-time files for VoiceXML applications. For more information, see Understand VoiceXML Applications.
  • Application DLLs ??? Core application run-time files for managed code voice response applications. For more information, see Create Managed Code Voice Response Applications.
  • Application start pages ??? Files built by Speech Server Developer Tools that initiate application execution, such as .speax files for managed code voice response applications and .aspx files for SALT and VoiceXML applications.

The Voice Response Workflow Application Project Wizard creates these files in a specific directory structure on the development computer. To successfully deploy the application, this directory structure must be replicated with the application files on the deployment computer.


In Speech Server, managed code (or assembly-based) voice response applications must be deployed to IIS on the computer running Speech Server. SALT voice response applications or VoiceXML applications can be deployed locally or on a remote Web server.