How to: Create a profiling tools ETW report
Applies to: Visual Studio
Visual Studio for Mac
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The Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) report lists the ETW events that are recorded in a performance session of Visual Studio Profiling Tools. ETW data is collected in a binary (.etl) file. For more information about this report, see Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) report.
You cannot display ETW reports in the interface for Visual Studio.
For information about how to collect ETW data by using the interface for Visual Studio, see How to: Collect Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) data.
For information about how to collect ETW data from a command prompt, see VSPerfCmd and Events.
You generate the ETW report by using the VSReport/summary:etw command. The .etl that contains the ETW data must be in the same directory as the profiling data (.vsp or .vsps) file. By default, the report is generated as a comma-separated value (.csv) file. For more information, see VSPerfReport.
To generate an ETW report
In a Command Prompt window, type the following command line:
ToolsPath VSPerfReport VSPFile /Summary:ETW [/Xml]
Item Description ToolsPath The path of the Profiling Tools utility. For more information, see Specify the path to command-line tools. VSPFile The profiling data (.vsp or .vsps) file. Full and partial paths are accepted. Xml Generates a report that is formatted in XML.