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TimeSpan.FromTicks(Int64) Método


Devuelve un TimeSpan que representa un tiempo especificado en unidades de paso.

 static TimeSpan FromTicks(long value);
public static TimeSpan FromTicks (long value);
static member FromTicks : int64 -> TimeSpan
Public Shared Function FromTicks (value As Long) As TimeSpan



Número de pasos que representan un intervalo de tiempo.



Objeto que representa value.


En el ejemplo siguiente se crean TimeSpan varios objetos mediante el método FromTicks .

// Example of the TimeSpan::FromTicks( __int64 ) method.
using namespace System;
void GenTimeSpanFromTicks( __int64 ticks )
   // Create a TimeSpan object and TimeSpan string from 
   // a number of ticks.
   TimeSpan interval = TimeSpan::FromTicks( ticks );
   String^ timeInterval = interval.ToString();
   // Pad the end of the TimeSpan string with spaces if it 
   // does not contain milliseconds.
   int pIndex = timeInterval->IndexOf( ':' );
   pIndex = timeInterval->IndexOf( '.', pIndex );
   if ( pIndex < 0 )
      timeInterval = String::Concat( timeInterval, "        " );

   Console::WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,26}", ticks, timeInterval );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of TimeSpan::FromTicks( __int64 )\n"
   "generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", "FromTicks", "TimeSpan" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", "---------", "--------" );
   GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 1 );
   GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 12345 );
   GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 123456789 );
   GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 1234567898765 );
   GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 12345678987654321 );
   GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 10000000 );
   GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 600000000 );
   GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 36000000000 );
   GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 864000000000 );
   GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 18012202000000 );

This example of TimeSpan::FromTicks( __int64 )
generates the following output.

            FromTicks          TimeSpan
            ---------          --------
                    1          00:00:00.0000001
                12345          00:00:00.0012345
            123456789          00:00:12.3456789
        1234567898765        1.10:17:36.7898765
    12345678987654321    14288.23:31:38.7654321
             10000000          00:00:01
            600000000          00:01:00
          36000000000          01:00:00
         864000000000        1.00:00:00
       18012202000000       20.20:20:20.2000000
// Example of the TimeSpan.FromTicks( long ) method.
using System;

class FromTicksDemo
    static void GenTimeSpanFromTicks( long ticks )
        // Create a TimeSpan object and TimeSpan string from 
        // a number of ticks.
        TimeSpan    interval = TimeSpan.FromTicks( ticks );
        string      timeInterval = interval.ToString( );

        // Pad the end of the TimeSpan string with spaces if it 
        // does not contain milliseconds.
        int pIndex = timeInterval.IndexOf( ':' );
        pIndex = timeInterval.IndexOf( '.', pIndex );
        if( pIndex < 0 )   timeInterval += "        ";

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,26}", ticks, timeInterval );

    static void Main( )
            "This example of TimeSpan.FromTicks( long )\n" +
            "generates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", 
            "FromTicks", "TimeSpan" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", 
            "---------", "--------" );

        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 1 );
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 12345 );
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 123456789 );
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 1234567898765 );
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 12345678987654321 );
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 10000000 );
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 600000000 );
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 36000000000 );
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 864000000000 );
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 18012202000000 );

This example of TimeSpan.FromTicks( long )
generates the following output.

            FromTicks          TimeSpan
            ---------          --------
                    1          00:00:00.0000001
                12345          00:00:00.0012345
            123456789          00:00:12.3456789
        1234567898765        1.10:17:36.7898765
    12345678987654321    14288.23:31:38.7654321
             10000000          00:00:01
            600000000          00:01:00
          36000000000          01:00:00
         864000000000        1.00:00:00
       18012202000000       20.20:20:20.2000000
' Example of the TimeSpan.FromTicks( Long ) method.
Module FromTicksDemo

    Sub GenTimeSpanFromTicks( ticks As Long )

        ' Create a TimeSpan object and TimeSpan string from 
        ' a number of ticks.
        Dim interval As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromTicks( ticks )
        Dim timeInterval As String = interval.ToString( )

        ' Pad the end of the TimeSpan string with spaces if it 
        ' does not contain milliseconds.
        Dim pIndex As Integer = timeInterval.IndexOf( ":"c )
        pIndex = timeInterval.IndexOf( "."c, pIndex )
        If pIndex < 0 Then   timeInterval &= "        "
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,26}", ticks, timeInterval )
    End Sub 

    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of TimeSpan.FromTicks( Long )" & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", _
            "FromTicks", "TimeSpan" )    
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", _
            "---------", "--------" )    

        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 1 )
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 12345 )
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 123456789 )
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 1234567898765 )
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 12345678987654321 )
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 10000000 )
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 600000000 )
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 36000000000 )
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 864000000000 )
        GenTimeSpanFromTicks( 18012202000000 )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of TimeSpan.FromTicks( Long )
' generates the following output.
'             FromTicks          TimeSpan
'             ---------          --------
'                     1          00:00:00.0000001
'                 12345          00:00:00.0012345
'             123456789          00:00:12.3456789
'         1234567898765        1.10:17:36.7898765
'     12345678987654321    14288.23:31:38.7654321
'              10000000          00:00:01
'             600000000          00:01:00
'           36000000000          01:00:00
'          864000000000        1.00:00:00
'        18012202000000       20.20:20:20.2000000


Se trata de un método práctico con el mismo comportamiento que el TimeSpan.TimeSpan(Int64) constructor. Un solo tic representa cien nanosegundos o una diezmillonésima parte de un segundo. Hay 10 000 tics en un milisegundo.

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