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InkCanvas.DefaultDrawingAttributes Propiedad


Obtiene o establece los atributos de dibujo que se aplican a los nuevos trazos de entrada de lápiz realizados en InkCanvas.

 property System::Windows::Ink::DrawingAttributes ^ DefaultDrawingAttributes { System::Windows::Ink::DrawingAttributes ^ get(); void set(System::Windows::Ink::DrawingAttributes ^ value); };
public System.Windows.Ink.DrawingAttributes DefaultDrawingAttributes { get; set; }
member this.DefaultDrawingAttributes : System.Windows.Ink.DrawingAttributes with get, set
Public Property DefaultDrawingAttributes As DrawingAttributes

Valor de propiedad

Los atributos de dibujo predeterminados para InkCanvas.


En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra cómo usar dos DrawingAttributes objetos para simular la experiencia de usar un lápiz y un resaltador en el mismo InkCanvas. En el ejemplo se supone que el elemento raíz del archivo del lenguaje de marcado (XAML) es un DockPanel denominado root. También supone que hay un Button llamado switchHighlighter y que el Click evento está conectado al controlador de eventos.

InkCanvas inkCanvas1 = new InkCanvas();
DrawingAttributes inkDA;
DrawingAttributes highlighterDA;
bool useHighlighter = false;

// Add an InkCanvas to the window, and allow the user to 
// switch between using a green pen and a purple highlighter 
// on the InkCanvas.
private void WindowLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
    inkCanvas1.Background = Brushes.DarkSlateBlue;
    inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.SpringGreen;


    // Set up the DrawingAttributes for the pen.
    inkDA = new DrawingAttributes();
    inkDA.Color = Colors.SpringGreen;
    inkDA.Height = 5;
    inkDA.Width = 5;
    inkDA.FitToCurve = false;

    // Set up the DrawingAttributes for the highlighter.
    highlighterDA = new DrawingAttributes();
    highlighterDA.Color = Colors.Orchid;
    highlighterDA.IsHighlighter = true;
    highlighterDA.IgnorePressure = true;
    highlighterDA.StylusTip = StylusTip.Rectangle;
    highlighterDA.Height = 30;
    highlighterDA.Width = 10;

    inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = inkDA;

// Create a button called switchHighlighter and use 
// SwitchHighlighter_Click to handle the Click event.  
// The useHighlighter variable is a boolean that indicates
// whether the InkCanvas renders ink as a highlighter.

// Switch between using the 'pen' DrawingAttributes and the 
// 'highlighter' DrawingAttributes.
void SwitchHighlighter_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    useHighlighter = !useHighlighter;
    if (useHighlighter)
        switchHighlighter.Content = "Use Pen";
        inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = highlighterDA;
        switchHighlighter.Content = "Use Highlighter";
        inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = inkDA;
Private WithEvents inkCanvas1 As New InkCanvas()
Private inkDA As DrawingAttributes
Private highlighterDA As DrawingAttributes
Private useHighlighter As Boolean = False

' Add an InkCanvas to the window, and allow the user to 
' switch between using a green pen and a purple highlighter 
' on the InkCanvas.
Private Sub WindowLoaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)

    inkCanvas1.Background = Brushes.DarkSlateBlue
    inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.SpringGreen

    ' Add the InkCanvas to the DockPanel, named root.

    ' Set up the DrawingAttributes for the pen.
    inkDA = New DrawingAttributes()
    With inkDA
        .Color = Colors.SpringGreen
        .Height = 5
        .Width = 5
        .FitToCurve = True
    End With

    ' Set up the DrawingAttributes for the highlighter.
    highlighterDA = New DrawingAttributes()
    With highlighterDA
        .Color = Colors.Orchid
        .IsHighlighter = True
        .IgnorePressure = True
        .StylusTip = StylusTip.Rectangle
        .Height = 30
        .Width = 10
    End With

    inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = inkDA

End Sub

' Create a button called switchHighlighter and use 
' SwitchHighlighter_Click to handle the Click event.  
' The useHighlighter variable is a boolean that indicates
' whether the InkCanvas renders ink as a highlighter.

' Switch between using the 'pen' DrawingAttributes and the 
' 'highlighter' DrawingAttributes when the user clicks on .
Private Sub SwitchHighlighter_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)

    useHighlighter = Not useHighlighter

    If useHighlighter Then
        switchHighlighter.Content = "Use Pen"
        inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = highlighterDA

        switchHighlighter.Content = "Use Highlighter"
        inkCanvas1.DefaultDrawingAttributes = inkDA
    End If

End Sub

El ejemplo siguiente muestra cómo enlazar la propiedad DefaultDrawingAttributes a un origen de datos.

  <!--Define an array containing some DrawingAttributes.-->
  <x:Array x:Key="MyDrawingAttributes" x:Type="{x:Type DrawingAttributes}">
    <DrawingAttributes Color="Black" FitToCurve="true" Width="3" Height="3"/>
    <DrawingAttributes Color="Blue"  FitToCurve="false" Width="5" Height="5"/>
    <DrawingAttributes Color="Red"   FitToCurve="true" Width="7" Height="7"/>

  <!--Create a DataTemplate to display the DrawingAttributes shown above-->
  <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type DrawingAttributes}" >
    <Border Width="80" Height="{Binding Path=Height}">
      <Border.Background >
        <SolidColorBrush Color="{Binding Path=Color}"/>
<!--Bind the InkCavas' DefaultDrawingAtributes to
    a Listbox, called lbDrawingAttributes.-->
<InkCanvas Name="inkCanvas1" Background="LightGreen" 
           Canvas.Top="400" Canvas.Left="0" 
           Height="400" Width="400"
                ElementName=lbDrawingAttributes, Path=SelectedItem}"

<!--Use the array, MyDrawingAttributes, to populate a ListBox-->
<ListBox Name="lbDrawingAttributes" 
         Canvas.Top="400" Canvas.Left="450" 
         Height="100" Width="100"
         ItemsSource="{StaticResource MyDrawingAttributes}" />


Establecer esta propiedad afectará solo a los nuevos trazos realizados después de establecer esta propiedad. Para aplicar nuevos atributos de dibujo a objetos ya creados Stroke , acceda a ellos individualmente mediante la Strokes propiedad .

Información sobre propiedades de dependencia

Campo identificador DefaultDrawingAttributesProperty
Propiedades de metadatos establecidas en true Ninguno

Se aplica a

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