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Behavior Clase


Representa los objetos Behavior administrados por BehaviorService.

public ref class Behavior abstract
public abstract class Behavior
type Behavior = class
Public MustInherit Class Behavior


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo crear su propia clase basada en la Behavior clase que responde a los clics del usuario. Este ejemplo de código es parte de un ejemplo más grande proporcionado para la clase BehaviorService.

// By providing our own behavior we can do something
// interesting when the user clicks or manipulates our glyph.
public  ref class DemoBehavior : public Behavior
    bool OnMouseUp(Glyph^ g, MouseButtons^ button)
        MessageBox::Show("Hey, you clicked the mouse here");

        // indicating we processed this event.
        return true;

public ref class DemoGlyph : public Glyph
    Control^ control;
    BehaviorService^ behavior;

    DemoGlyph(BehaviorService^ behavior, Control^ control):
      Glyph(gcnew BehaviorServiceSample::DemoBehavior)
          this->behavior = behavior;
          this->control = control;

    virtual property Rectangle Bounds
        Rectangle get() override
            // Create a glyph that is 10x10 and sitting
            // in the middle of the control.  Glyph coordinates
            // are in adorner window coordinates, so we must map
            // using the behavior service.
            Point edge = behavior->ControlToAdornerWindow(control);
            Size size = control->Size;
            Point center = Point(edge.X + (size.Width / 2),
                edge.Y + (size.Height / 2));

            Rectangle bounds = Rectangle(center.X - 5,
                center.Y - 5, 10, 10);

            return bounds;

    virtual Cursor^ GetHitTest(Point p) override
        // GetHitTest is called to see if the point is
        // within this glyph.  This gives us a chance to decide
        // what cursor to show.  Returning null from here means
        // the mouse pointer is not currently inside of the
        // glyph.  Returning a valid cursor here indicates the
        // pointer is inside the glyph, and also enables our
        // Behavior property as the active behavior.
        if (Bounds.Contains(p))
            return Cursors::Hand;
        return nullptr;

    virtual void Paint(PaintEventArgs^ pe) override
        // Draw our glyph.  Our's is simple:  a blue ellipse.
        pe->Graphics->FillEllipse(Brushes::Blue, Bounds);
class MyGlyph : Glyph
    Control control;
    BehaviorService behaviorSvc;

    public MyGlyph(BehaviorService behaviorSvc, Control control) : 
        base(new MyBehavior())
        this.behaviorSvc = behaviorSvc;
        this.control = control;

    public override Rectangle Bounds
            // Create a glyph that is 10x10 and sitting
            // in the middle of the control.  Glyph coordinates
            // are in adorner window coordinates, so we must map
            // using the behavior service.
            Point edge = behaviorSvc.ControlToAdornerWindow(control);
            Size size = control.Size;
            Point center = new Point(edge.X + (size.Width / 2), 
                edge.Y + (size.Height / 2));

            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(
                center.X - 5,
                center.Y - 5,

            return bounds;

    public override Cursor GetHitTest(Point p)
        // GetHitTest is called to see if the point is
        // within this glyph.  This gives us a chance to decide
        // what cursor to show.  Returning null from here means
        // the mouse pointer is not currently inside of the glyph.
        // Returning a valid cursor here indicates the pointer is
        // inside the glyph, and also enables our Behavior property
        // as the active behavior.
        if (Bounds.Contains(p))
            return Cursors.Hand;

        return null;

    public override void Paint(PaintEventArgs pe)
        // Draw our glyph. It is simply a blue ellipse.
        pe.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, Bounds);

    // By providing our own behavior we can do something interesting
    // when the user clicks or manipulates our glyph.
    class MyBehavior : Behavior
        public override bool OnMouseUp(Glyph g, MouseButtons button)
            MessageBox.Show("Hey, you clicked the mouse here");
            return true; // indicating we processed this event.
Class MyGlyph
    Inherits Glyph
    Private control As Control
    Private behaviorSvc As _

    Public Sub New(ByVal behaviorSvc As _
        System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior.BehaviorService, _
        ByVal control As Control)

        MyBase.New(New MyBehavior())
        Me.behaviorSvc = behaviorSvc
        Me.control = control
    End Sub

    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Bounds() As Rectangle
            ' Create a glyph that is 10x10 and sitting
            ' in the middle of the control.  Glyph coordinates
            ' are in adorner window coordinates, so we must map
            ' using the behavior service.
            Dim edge As Point = behaviorSvc.ControlToAdornerWindow(control)
            Dim size As Size = control.Size
            Dim center As New Point(edge.X + size.Width / 2, edge.Y + _
                size.Height / 2)

            Dim bounds1 As New Rectangle(center.X - 5, center.Y - 5, 10, 10)

            Return bounds1
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Overrides Function GetHitTest(ByVal p As Point) As Cursor
        ' GetHitTest is called to see if the point is
        ' within this glyph.  This gives us a chance to decide
        ' what cursor to show.  Returning null from here means
        ' the mouse pointer is not currently inside of the glyph.
        ' Returning a valid cursor here indicates the pointer is
        ' inside the glyph,and also enables our Behavior property
        ' as the active behavior.
        If Bounds.Contains(p) Then
            Return Cursors.Hand
        End If

        Return Nothing

    End Function

    Public Overrides Sub Paint(ByVal pe As PaintEventArgs)
        ' Draw our glyph.  It is simply a blue ellipse.
        pe.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, Bounds)

    End Sub

    ' By providing our own behavior we can do something interesting
    ' when the user clicks or manipulates our glyph.

    Class MyBehavior
        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior.Behavior

        Public Overrides Function OnMouseUp(ByVal g As Glyph, _
            ByVal button As MouseButtons) As Boolean
            MessageBox.Show("Hey, you clicked the mouse here")
            Return True
            ' indicating we processed this event.
        End Function 'OnMouseUp
    End Class

End Class


Esta clase se puede ampliar para desarrollar cualquier tipo de comportamiento de interfaz de usuario, incluidos los comportamientos de selección, arrastrar y cambiar el tamaño.

Para obtener más información, consulte Información general sobre el servicio de comportamiento.


El Behavior tipo debe estar asociado a un Glyph tipo. No se admiten comportamientos independientes del glifo.



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Behavior.

Behavior(Boolean, BehaviorService)

Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Behavior con el valor de BehaviorService especificado.



Obtiene el cursor que se debe mostrar para este comportamiento.


Obtiene un valor que indica si se deben deshabilitar los objetos MenuCommand.



Determina si el objeto especificado es igual que el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Intercepta comandos.


Sirve como la función hash predeterminada.

(Heredado de Object)

Obtiene el Type de la instancia actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Crea una copia superficial del Object actual.

(Heredado de Object)
OnDragDrop(Glyph, DragEventArgs)

Permite un comportamiento personalizado de arrastrar y colocar.

OnDragEnter(Glyph, DragEventArgs)

Permite un comportamiento personalizado de arrastrar y entrar.

OnDragLeave(Glyph, EventArgs)

Permite un comportamiento personalizado de arrastrar y salir.

OnDragOver(Glyph, DragEventArgs)

Permite un comportamiento personalizado de arrastrar por encima.

OnGiveFeedback(Glyph, GiveFeedbackEventArgs)

Permite un comportamiento personalizado de información de arrastrar y colocar.

OnLoseCapture(Glyph, EventArgs)

Lo llama la ventana de adorno cuando pierde la captura del mouse.

OnMouseDoubleClick(Glyph, MouseButtons, Point)

Se le llama cuando cualquier mensaje de doble clic entra en la ventana de adorno de BehaviorService.

OnMouseDown(Glyph, MouseButtons, Point)

Se le llama cuando cualquier mensaje de mouse hacia abajo entra en la ventana de adorno de BehaviorService.


Se le llama cuando cualquier mensaje de entrada del mouse entra en la ventana de adorno de BehaviorService.

OnMouseHover(Glyph, Point)

Se le llama cuando cualquier mensaje de mantener el mouse entra en la ventana de adorno de BehaviorService.


Se le llama cuando cualquier mensaje de salida del mouse entra en la ventana de adorno de BehaviorService.

OnMouseMove(Glyph, MouseButtons, Point)

Se le llama cuando cualquier mensaje de movimiento del mouse entra en la ventana de adorno de BehaviorService.

OnMouseUp(Glyph, MouseButtons)

Se le llama cuando cualquier mensaje de mouse hacia arriba entra en la ventana de adorno de BehaviorService.

OnQueryContinueDrag(Glyph, QueryContinueDragEventArgs)

Envía este evento de arrastrar y colocar de la ventana de adorno al Behavior adecuado o al Glyph cuya prueba de detección se ha realizado.


Devuelve una cadena que representa el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Se aplica a

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