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IContainerControl Interfaz


Proporciona la funcionalidad para un control que va a actuar como primario de otros controles.

public interface class IContainerControl
public interface IContainerControl
type IContainerControl = interface
Public Interface IContainerControl


En el ejemplo siguiente se hereda de la ScrollableControl clase e implementa la IContainerControl interfaz . La implementación se agrega a la ActiveControl propiedad y al ActivateControl método .

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Drawing;

public ref class MyContainer: public ScrollableControl, public IContainerControl
   Control^ activeControl;

      // Make the container control Blue so it can be distinguished on the form.
      this->BackColor = Color::Blue;

      // Make the container scrollable.
      this->AutoScroll = true;

   property Control^ ActiveControl 
      // Add implementation to the IContainerControl.ActiveControl property.
      virtual Control^ get()
         return activeControl;

      virtual void set( Control^ value )
         // Make sure the control is a member of the ControlCollection.
         if ( this->Controls->Contains( value ) )
            activeControl = value;

   // Add implementations to the IContainerControl.ActivateControl(Control) method.
   virtual bool ActivateControl( Control^ active )
      if ( this->Controls->Contains( active ) )
         // Select the control and scroll the control into view if needed.
         active->Select(  );
         this->ScrollControlIntoView( active );
         this->activeControl = active;
         return true;

      return false;
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;

    public class MyContainer : ScrollableControl, IContainerControl
        private Control activeControl;
        public MyContainer() 
            // Make the container control Blue so it can be distinguished on the form.
            this.BackColor = Color.Blue;
            // Make the container scrollable.
            this.AutoScroll = true;

        // Add implementation to the IContainerControl.ActiveControl property.
        public Control ActiveControl
                return activeControl;

                // Make sure the control is a member of the ControlCollection.
                    activeControl = value;

        // Add implementations to the IContainerControl.ActivateControl(Control) method.
        public bool ActivateControl(Control active)
                // Select the control and scroll the control into view if needed.
                this.activeControl = active;
                return true;
            return false;
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing

   Public Class MyContainerControl
      Inherits ScrollableControl
      Implements IContainerControl 

      Private myActiveControl As Control
      Public Sub New()
         ' Make the container control Blue so it can be distinguished on the form.
         Me.BackColor = Color.Blue
         ' Make the container scrollable.
         Me.AutoScroll = True
      End Sub 
      ' Add implementation to the IContainerControl.ActiveControl property.
      Public Property ActiveControl() As Control Implements IContainerControl.ActiveControl
            Return Me.myActiveControl
         End Get
            ' Make sure the control is a member of the ControlCollection.
            If Me.Controls.Contains(value) Then
               Me.myActiveControl = value
            End If
         End Set
      End Property
      ' Add implementation to the IContainerControl.ActivateControl(Control) method.
      public Function ActivateControl(active As Control) As Boolean Implements IContainerControl.ActivateControl
         If Me.Controls.Contains(active) Then
            ' Select the control and scroll the control into view if needed.
            Me.myActiveControl = active
            Return True
         End If
         Return False
      End Function 

   End Class

Notas a los implementadores

Implemente esta interfaz en las clases que desea primariar una colección de controles. Los miembros de esta interfaz permiten activar un control secundario o determinar qué control está activo actualmente. Cuando se implementa en una clase, ActivateControl(Control) toma como Control parámetro y activa el control especificado. La ActiveControl propiedad activa o recupera el control que está activo.

En los escenarios más comunes, no es necesario implementar directamente esta interfaz. Por ejemplo, si crea un proyecto de biblioteca de control de Windows, Visual Studio genera una clase inicial automáticamente. Esa clase hereda de la UserControl clase e UserControl implementa IContainerControl para usted.



Obtiene o establece el control que está activo en el control contenedor.



Activa un control especificado.

Se aplica a

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