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FrameworkElement.OnStyleChanged(Style, Style) Method


Invoked when the style in use on this element changes, which will invalidate the layout.

protected public:
 virtual void OnStyleChanged(System::Windows::Style ^ oldStyle, System::Windows::Style ^ newStyle);
protected internal virtual void OnStyleChanged (System.Windows.Style oldStyle, System.Windows.Style newStyle);
abstract member OnStyleChanged : System.Windows.Style * System.Windows.Style -> unit
override this.OnStyleChanged : System.Windows.Style * System.Windows.Style -> unit
Protected Friend Overridable Sub OnStyleChanged (oldStyle As Style, newStyle As Style)



The old style.


The new style.


This method has a default implementation that sets an internal flag that notes the style changed condition.

Notes to Inheritors

You should not typically have to override this method. Any change to a style that involves a measure or arrange change would already trigger another render cycle, assuming a typical implementation of ArrangeOverride(Size) / MeasureOverride(Size), or the defaults. Overrides of OnStyleChanged(Style, Style) might be appropriate if your ArrangeOverride(Size) / MeasureOverride(Size) implementations were deliberately optimizing or supporting partial updates, but still wanted to apply changes to styles more directly. (The partial updates would be an attempt to avoid multiple incremental calls to Measure(Size) and Arrange(Rect) on any child elements).

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