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StylusPointProperty Clase


Representa una propiedad almacenada en StylusPoint.

public ref class StylusPointProperty
public class StylusPointProperty
type StylusPointProperty = class
Public Class StylusPointProperty


En el ejemplo siguiente se crea el StylusPointDescription objeto a partir de StylusPointCollection y se obtiene la información de cada StylusPointPropertyInfo en .StylusPointDescription

private void WriteDescriptionInfo(StylusPointCollection points)
    StylusPointDescription pointsDescription = points.Description;
    ReadOnlyCollection<StylusPointPropertyInfo> properties = 

    StringWriter descriptionStringWriter = new StringWriter();
    descriptionStringWriter.Write("Property Count:{0}", pointsDescription.PropertyCount.ToString());
    foreach (StylusPointPropertyInfo property in properties)
        // GetStylusPointPropertyName is defined below and returns the
        // name of the property.
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("name = {0}", GetStylusPointPropertyName(property).ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.WriteLine("  Guid = {0}", property.Id.ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  IsButton = {0}", property.IsButton.ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Min = {0}", property.Minimum.ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Max = {0}", property.Maximum.ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Unit = {0}", property.Unit.ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.WriteLine("  Res {0}", property.Resolution.ToString());

    descriptionOutput.Text = descriptionStringWriter.ToString();
Private Sub WriteDescriptionInfo(ByVal points As StylusPointCollection) 

    Dim pointsDescription As StylusPointDescription = points.Description

    Dim properties As ReadOnlyCollection(Of StylusPointPropertyInfo) = _

    Dim descriptionStringWriter As New StringWriter
    descriptionStringWriter.Write("Property Count:{0}", pointsDescription.PropertyCount.ToString())
    Dim pointProperty As StylusPointPropertyInfo
    For Each pointProperty In properties

        ' GetStylusPointPropertyName is defined below and returns the
        ' name of the property.
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("name = {0}", GetStylusPointPropertyName(pointProperty).ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.WriteLine("  Guid = {0}", pointProperty.Id.ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  IsButton = {0}", pointProperty.IsButton.ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Min = {0}", pointProperty.Minimum.ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Max = {0}", pointProperty.Maximum.ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Unit = {0}", pointProperty.Unit.ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.WriteLine("  Res {0}", pointProperty.Resolution.ToString())

    Next pointProperty

    descriptionOutput.Text = descriptionStringWriter.ToString()

End Sub
// Use reflection to get the name of currentProperty.
private string GetStylusPointPropertyName(StylusPointProperty currentProperty)
    Guid guid = currentProperty.Id;

    // Iterate through the StylusPointProperties to find the StylusPointProperty
    // that matches currentProperty, then return the name.
    foreach (FieldInfo theFieldInfo
        in typeof(StylusPointProperties).GetFields())
        StylusPointProperty property = (StylusPointProperty) theFieldInfo.GetValue(currentProperty);
        if (property.Id == guid)
            return theFieldInfo.Name;
    return "Not found";
' Use reflection to get the name of currentProperty.
Private Function GetStylusPointPropertyName(ByVal currentProperty As StylusPointProperty) As String 
    Dim guid As Guid = currentProperty.Id
    ' Iterate through the StylusPointProperties to find the StylusPointProperty
    ' that matches currentProperty, then return the name.
    Dim theFieldInfo As FieldInfo

    For Each theFieldInfo In GetType(StylusPointProperties).GetFields()

        Dim pointProperty As StylusPointProperty = _
            CType(theFieldInfo.GetValue(currentProperty), StylusPointProperty)

        If pointProperty.Id = guid Then
            Return theFieldInfo.Name
        End If

    Next theFieldInfo

    Return "Not found"

End Function 'GetStylusPointPropertyName


StylusPointProperty Un representa las propiedades de StylusPoint , como las coordenadas (x, y), la presión, etc. Puede heredar de la StylusPointProperty clase para personalizar la información almacenada para cada propiedad. Windows Presentation Framework se incluye con la StylusPointPropertyInfo clase que hereda de StylusPointProperty y especifica los valores mínimos y máximos, la resolución y la unidad que se usan para cada propiedad.


StylusPointProperty(Guid, Boolean)

Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase StylusPointProperty utilizando el GUID especificado.


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase StylusPointProperty mediante la copia del objeto StylusPointProperty especificado.



Obtiene el GUID del objeto StylusPointProperty actual.


Obtiene si StylusPointProperty representa un botón del lápiz óptico.



Determina si el objeto especificado es igual que el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Sirve como la función hash predeterminada.

(Heredado de Object)

Obtiene el Type de la instancia actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Crea una copia superficial del Object actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Devuelve una cadena que representa el objeto actual.

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