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TextEffect Constructores


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase TextEffect.



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase TextEffect.

TextEffect(Transform, Brush, Geometry, Int32, Int32)

Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase TextEffect especificando los valores de propiedad de la clase.


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase TextEffect.

public TextEffect ();
Public Sub New ()


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo crear un TextEffectobjeto , establecer sus propiedades y agregarlo al TextEffectCollection del objeto de texto especificado.

// Create and configure a simple color animation sequence.  Timespan is in 1000ns ticks.
ColorAnimation colorAnimation =
    new ColorAnimation(Colors.Maroon, Colors.White, new Duration(new TimeSpan(1000000)));
colorAnimation.AutoReverse = true;
colorAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;

// Create a new brush and apply the color animation.
SolidColorBrush solidColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
solidColorBrush.BeginAnimation(SolidColorBrush.ColorProperty, colorAnimation);

// Create a new TextEffect object. Set the foreground to the color-animated brush.
TextEffect textEffect = new TextEffect();
textEffect.Foreground = solidColorBrush;

// Apply the TextEffect to the entire range of characters.
textEffect.PositionStart = 0;
textEffect.PositionCount = int.MaxValue;

// Create a new text Run, and add the TextEffect to the TextEffectCollection of the Run.
Run flickerRun = new Run("Text that flickers...");
flickerRun.TextEffects = new TextEffectCollection();

MyFlowDocument.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(flickerRun));
' Create and configure a simple color animation sequence.  Timespan is in 1000ns ticks.
Dim colorAnimation As New ColorAnimation(Colors.Maroon, Colors.White, New Duration(New TimeSpan(1000000)))
colorAnimation.AutoReverse = True
colorAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever

' Create a new brush and apply the color animation.
Dim solidColorBrush As New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black)
solidColorBrush.BeginAnimation(SolidColorBrush.ColorProperty, colorAnimation)

' Create a new TextEffect object. Set the foreground to the color-animated brush.
Dim textEffect As New TextEffect()
textEffect.Foreground = solidColorBrush

' Apply the TextEffect to the entire range of characters.
textEffect.PositionStart = 0
textEffect.PositionCount = Integer.MaxValue

' Create a new text Run, and add the TextEffect to the TextEffectCollection of the Run.
Dim flickerRun As New Run("Text that flickers...")
flickerRun.TextEffects = New TextEffectCollection()

MyFlowDocument.Blocks.Add(New Paragraph(flickerRun))

Se aplica a

TextEffect(Transform, Brush, Geometry, Int32, Int32)

Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase TextEffect especificando los valores de propiedad de la clase.

 TextEffect(System::Windows::Media::Transform ^ transform, System::Windows::Media::Brush ^ foreground, System::Windows::Media::Geometry ^ clip, int positionStart, int positionCount);
public TextEffect (System.Windows.Media.Transform transform, System.Windows.Media.Brush foreground, System.Windows.Media.Geometry clip, int positionStart, int positionCount);
new System.Windows.Media.TextEffect : System.Windows.Media.Transform * System.Windows.Media.Brush * System.Windows.Media.Geometry * int * int -> System.Windows.Media.TextEffect
Public Sub New (transform As Transform, foreground As Brush, clip As Geometry, positionStart As Integer, positionCount As Integer)



Objeto Transform que se aplica a TextEffect.


Brush que se va a aplicar al contenido de TextEffect.


Zona de recorte de TextEffect.


Posición inicial en el texto al que se aplica TextEffect.


Número de posiciones en el texto al que se aplica TextEffect.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo llamar al TextEffect constructor . Tenga en cuenta que, en este caso, los transform parámetros y clip se establecen nullen , ya que esos valores de parámetros no son necesarios.

// Create a new TextEffect object, setting only the foreground brush, position start, and position count.
TextEffect textEffect = new TextEffect(null, solidColorBrush, null, 0, int.MaxValue);
' Create a new TextEffect object, setting only the foreground brush, position start, and position count.
Dim textEffect As New TextEffect(Nothing, solidColorBrush, Nothing, 0, Integer.MaxValue)

Se aplica a