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Profile Writes

Profile includes any data stored related to the player profile, entity profile, character profile, groups, and inventory. Profile data is information that applies to an individual player, group of players, or items, and is stored as Key/Value Pairs (KVPs) by PlayFab.

The following APIs cause the Profile writes meter to increment.

Admin APIs

  • AddPlayerTag Adds a given tag to a player profile. The tag's namespace is automatically generated based on the source of the tag.

  • AddUserVirtualCurrency Increments the specified virtual currency by the stated amount

  • AddVirtualCurrencyTypes Adds one or more virtual currencies to the set defined for the title. Virtual Currencies have a maximum value of 2,147,483,647 when granted to a player. Any value over that will be discarded.

  • BanUsers Bans users by PlayFab ID with optional IP address, or MAC address for the provided game.

  • CreateActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTask Create an ActionsOnPlayersInSegment task, which iterates through all players in a segment to execute action.

  • CreatePlayerSharedSecret Creates a new Player Shared Secret Key. It may take up to 5 minutes for this key to become generally available after this API returns.

  • CreatePlayerStatisticDefinition Adds a new player statistic configuration to the title, optionally allowing the developer to specify a reset interval and an aggregation method.

  • DeleteMasterPlayerAccount Removes a master player account entirely from all titles and deletes all associated data.

  • DeletePlayer Removes a user's player account from a title and deletes all associated data

  • DeletePlayerSharedSecret Deletes an existing Player Shared Secret Key. It may take up to 5 minutes for this delete to be reflected after this API returns.

  • DeleteStore Deletes an existing virtual item store.

  • DeleteTitle Permanently deletes a title and all associated configuration.

  • GrantItemsToUsers Adds the specified items to the specified user inventories

  • IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailability Increases the global count for the given scarce resource.

  • IncrementPlayerStatisticVersion Resets the indicated statistic, removing all player entries for it and backing up the old values.

  • RefundPurchase Attempts to process an order refund through the origin'l real money payment provider.""

  • RemovePlayerTag Remove a given tag from a player profile. The tag's namespace is automatically generated based on the source of the tag.

  • RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypes Removes one or more virtual currencies from the set defined for the title.

  • ResetCharacterStatistics Completely removes all statistics for the specified character, for the current game.

  • ResetUserStatistics Completely removes all statistics for the specified user, for the current game.

  • ResolvePurchaseDispute Attempts to resolve a dispute with the original order's payment provider.

  • RevokeAllBansForUser Revoke all active bans for a user.

  • RevokeBans Revoke all active bans specified with BanId.

  • RevokeInventoryItem Revokes access to an item in a user's inventory

  • RevokeInventoryItems Revokes access for up to 25 items across multiple users and characters.

  • SetCatalogItems Creates the catalog configuration of all virtual goods for the specified catalog version.

  • SetPlayerSecret Sets or resets the player's secret. Player secrets are used to sign API requests.

  • SetPublishedRevision Sets the currently published revision of a title Cloud Script.

  • SetPublisherData Updates the key-value store of custom publisher settings

  • SetStoreItems Sets all the items in one virtual store.

  • SetTitleData Creates and updates the key-value store of custom title settings which can be read by the client.

  • SetTitleInternalData Updates the key-value store of custom title settings which cannot be read by the client.

  • SubtractUserVirtualCurrency Decrements the specified virtual currency by the stated amount.

  • UpdateBans Updates information of a list of existing bans specified with Ban Ids.

  • UpdateCatalogItems Updates the catalog configuration for virtual goods in the specified catalog version.

  • UpdatePlayerSharedSecret Updates a existing Player Shared Secret Key. It may take up to 5 minutes for this update to become generally available after this API returns.

  • UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinition Updates a player statistic configuration for the title, optionally allowing the developer to specify a reset interval.

  • UpdateRandomResultTables Updates the random drop table configuration for the title

  • UpdateStoreItems Updates an existing virtual item store with new or modified items.

  • UpdateUserData Updates the title-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client.

  • UpdateUserInternalData Updates the title-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client.

  • UpdateUserPublisherData Updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client.

  • UpdateUserPublisherInternalData Updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client.

  • UpdateUserPublisherReadOnlyData Updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client.

  • UpdateUserReadOnlyData Updates the title-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client.

  • UpdateUserTitleDisplayName Updates the title specific display name for a user.

Client APIs

  • AcceptTrade Accepts an open trade (one that has not yet been accepted or cancelled), if the locally signed-in player is in the allowed player list for the trade, or it is open to all players. If the call is successful, the offered and accepted items will be swapped between the two players' inventories.

  • AddFriend Adds the PlayFab user, based upon a match against a supplied unique identifier, to the friend list of the local user. At least one of FriendPlayFabId,FriendUsername,FriendEmail, or FriendTitleDisplayName should be initialized.

  • AddGenericID Adds the specified generic service identifier to the player's PlayFab account. This is designed to allow for a PlayFab ID lookup of any arbitrary service identifier a title wants to add. This identifier should never be used as authentication credentials, as the intent is that it is easily accessible by other players.

  • AddOrUpdateContactEmail Adds or updates a contact email to the player's profile.

  • AddSharedGroupMembers Adds users to the set of those able to update both the shared data, as well as the set of users in the group. Only users in the group (and the server) can add new members. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, see Using Shared Group Data.

  • AddUsernamePassword Adds playfab username/password auth to an existing account created via an anonymous auth method, e.g. automatic device ID login.

  • AndroidDevicePushNotificationRegistration Registers the Android device to receive push notifications

  • ConsumePSNEntitlements Checks for any new consumable entitlements. If any are found, they are consumed and added as PlayFab items.

  • ConsumeXboxEntitlements Grants the player's current entitlements from Xbox Live, consuming all availble items in Xbox and granting them to the player's PlayFab inventory. This call is idempotent and will not grant previously granted items to the player.

  • CreateSharedGroup Requests the creation of a shared group object, containing key/value pairs which may be updated by all members of the group. Upon creation, the current user will be the only member of the group. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players. For more info, see Using Shared Group Data.

  • GrantCharacterToUser Grants the specified character type to the user. CharacterIds are not globally unique; characterId must be evaluated with the parent PlayFabId to guarantee uniqueness.

  • LinkAndroidDeviceID Links the Android device identifier to the user's PlayFab account

  • LinkCustomID Links the custom identifier, generated by the title, to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkFacebookAccount Links the Facebook account associated with the provided Facebook access token to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkFacebookInstantGamesId Links the Facebook Instant Games Id to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkGameCenterAccount Links the Game Center account associated with the provided Game Center ID to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkGoogleAccount Links the currently signed-in user account to their Google account, using their Google account credentials.

  • LinkIOSDeviceID Links the vendor-specific iOS device identifier to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkKongregate Links the Kongregate identifier to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkNintendoSwitchDeviceId Links the NintendoSwitchDeviceId to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkOpenIdConnect Links an OpenID Connect account to a user's PlayFab account, based on an existing relationship between a title and an Open ID Connect provider and the OpenId Connect JWT from that provider.

  • LinkPSNAccount Links the PlayStation™Network account associated with the provided access code to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkSteamAccount Links the Steam account associated with the provided Steam authentication ticket to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkTwitch Links the Twitch account associated with the token to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkWindowsHello Link Windows Hello authentication to the current PlayFab Account.

  • LinkXboxAccount Links the Xbox Live account associated with the provided access code to the user's PlayFab account.

  • OpenTrade Opens a new outstanding trade. Note that a given item instance may only be in one open trade at a time.

  • PurchaseItem Buys a single item with virtual currency. You must specify both the virtual currency to use to purchase, as well as what the client believes the price to be. This lets the server fail the purchase if the price has changed.

  • PayForPurchase Selects a payment option for purchase order created via StartPurchase

  • RegisterForIOSPushNotification Registers the iOS device to receive push notifications

  • RegisterPlayFabUser Registers a new Playfab user account, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. You must supply either a username or an email address.

  • RegisterWithWindowsHello Registers a new PlayFab user account using Windows Hello authentication, returning a session ticket that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user

  • RemoveContactEmail Removes a contact email from the player's profile.

  • RemoveFriend Removes a specified user from the friend list of the local user.

  • RemoveGenericID Removes the specified generic service identifier from the player's PlayFab account.

  • RemoveSharedGroupMembers Removes users from the set of those able to update the shared data and the set of users in the group. Only users in the group can remove members. If as a result of the call, zero users remain with access, the group and its associated data will be deleted. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, see Using Shared Group Data.

  • ReportAdActivity Report player's ad activity

  • ReportDeviceInfo Write a PlayStream event to describe the provided player device information. This API method is not designed to be called directly by developers. Each PlayFab client SDK will eventually report this information automatically.

  • ReportPlayer Submit a report for another player (due to bad bahavior, etc.), so that customer service representatives for the title can take action concerning potentially toxic players.

  • RestoreIOSPurchases Restores all in-app purchases based on the given restore receipt

  • SetFriendTags Updates the tag list for a specified user in the friend list of the local user.

  • SubtractUserVirtualCurrency Decrements the user's balance of the specified virtual currency by the stated amount. It is possible to make a VC balance negative with this API.

  • UnlinkAndroidDeviceID Unlinks the related Android device identifier from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkCustomID Unlinks the related custom identifier from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkFacebookAccount Unlinks the related Facebook account from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkFacebookInstantGamesId Unlinks the related Facebook Instant Game Ids from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkGameCenterAccount Unlinks the related Game Center account from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkGoogleAccount Unlinks the related Google account from the user's PlayFab account (https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/auth/GoogleAuthUtil#public-methods).

  • UnlinkIOSDeviceID Unlinks the related iOS device identifier from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkKongregate Unlinks the related Kongregate identifier from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkNintendoSwitchDeviceId Unlinks the related NintendoSwitchDeviceId from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkOpenIdConnect Unlinks an OpenID Connect account from a user's PlayFab account, based on the connection ID of an existing relationship between a title and an Open ID Connect provider.

  • UnlinkPSNAccount Unlinks the related PSN™ account from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkSteamAccount Unlinks the related Steam account from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkTwitch Unlinks the related Twitch account from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkWindowsHello Unlink Windows Hello authentication from the current PlayFab Account.

  • UnlinkXboxAccount Unlinks the related Xbox Live account from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlockContainerInstance Opens the specified container, with the specified key (when required), and returns the contents of the opened container. If the container (and key when relevant) are consumable (RemainingUses > 0), their RemainingUses will be decremented, consistent with the operation of ConsumeItem.

  • UnlockContainerItem Searches target inventory for an ItemInstance matching the given CatalogItemId, if necessary unlocks it using an appropriate key, and returns the contents of the opened container. If the container (and key when relevant) are consumable (RemainingUses > 0), their RemainingUses will be decremented, consistent with the operation of ConsumeItem.

  • UpdateAvatarUrl Update the avatar URL of the player.

  • UpdateCharacterData Creates and updates the title-specific custom data for the user's character which is readable and writable by the client

  • UpdateCharacterStatistics Updates the values of the specified title-specific statistics for the specific character. By default, clients are not permitted to update statistics. Developers may override this setting in the Game Manager > Settings > API Features.

  • UpdatePlayerStatistics Updates the values of the specified title-specific statistics for the user. By default, clients are not permitted to update statistics. Developers may override this setting in the Game Manager > Settings > API Features.

  • UpdateSharedGroupData Adds, updates, and removes data keys for a shared group object. If the permission is set to Public, all fields updated or added in this call will be readable by users not in the group. By default, data permissions are set to Private. Regardless of the permission setting, only members of the group can update the data. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, see Using Shared Group Data.

  • UpdateUserData Creates and updates the title-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client.

  • UpdateUserPublisherData Creates and updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client.

  • UpdateUserTitleDisplayName Updates the title specific display name for the user

"PlayStation" is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

"PSN" is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

Data APIs

Groups APIs

Profile APIs

  • SetGlobalPolicy Sets the global title access policy.

  • SetProfileLanguage Updates the entity's language. The precedence hierarchy for communication to the player is Title Player Account language, Master Player Account language, and then title default language if the first two aren't set or supported.

  • SetProfilePolicy Sets the profiles access policy.

Server APIs

  • AddCharacterVirtualCurrency Increments the character's balance of the specified virtual currency by the stated amount.

  • AddFriend Adds the Friend user to the friendlist of the user with PlayFabId. At least one of FriendPlayFabId,FriendUsername,FriendEmail, or FriendTitleDisplayName should be initialized.

  • AddGenericID Adds the specified generic service identifier to the player's PlayFab account. This is designed to allow for a PlayFab ID lookup of any arbitrary service identifier a title wants to add. This identifier should never be used as authentication credentials, as the intent is that it is easily accessible by other players.

  • AddPlayerTag Adds a given tag to a player profile. The tag's namespace is automatically generated based on the source of the tag.

  • AddSharedGroupMembers Adds users to the set of those able to update both the shared data, as well as the set of users in the group. Only users in the group (and the server) can add new members. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, see Using Shared Group Data.

  • AddUserVirtualCurrency Increments the user's balance of the specified virtual currency by the stated amount.

  • AwardSteamAchievement Awards the specified users the specified Steam achievements.

  • BanUsers Bans users by PlayFab ID with optional IP address, or MAC address for the provided game.

  • ConsumeItem Consume uses of a consumable item. When all uses are consumed, it will be removed from the player's inventory.

  • CreateSharedGroup Requests the creation of a shared group object, containing key/value pairs which may be updated by all members of the group. When created by a server, the group will initially have no members. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, see Using Shared Group Data.

  • DeleteCharacterFromUser Deletes the specific character ID from the specified user.

  • DeleteSharedGroup Deletes a shared group, freeing up the shared group ID to be reused for a new group. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, see Using Shared Group Data.

  • GrantCharacterToUser Grants the specified character type to the user. CharacterIds are not globally unique; characterId must be evaluated with the parent PlayFabId to guarantee uniqueness.

  • GrantItemsToCharacter Adds the specified items to the specified character's inventory.

  • GrantItemsToUser Adds the specified items to the specified user's inventory.

  • GrantItemsToUsers Adds the specified items to the specified user inventories,

  • LinkServerCustomId Links the custom server identifier, generated by the title, to the user's PlayFab account.

  • LinkXboxAccount Links the Xbox Live account associated with the provided access code to the user's PlayFab account.

  • ModifyItemUses Modifies the number of remaining uses of a player's inventory item.

  • MoveItemToCharacterFromCharacter Moves an item from a character's inventory into another of the users's character's inventory.

  • MoveItemToCharacterFromUser Moves an item from a user's inventory into their character's inventory.

  • MoveItemToUserFromCharacter Moves an item from a character's inventory into the owning user's inventory.

  • RedeemCoupon Adds the virtual goods associated with the coupon to the user's inventory. Coupons can be generated via the Economy->Catalogs tab in the PlayFab Game Manager.

  • RemoveFriend Removes the specified friend from the user's friend list.

  • RemoveGenericID Removes the specified generic service identifier from the player's PlayFab account.

  • RemovePlayerTag Remove a given tag from a player profile. The tag's namespace is automatically generated based on the source of the tag.

  • RemoveSharedGroupMembers Removes users from the set of those able to update the shared data and the set of users in the group. Only users in the group can remove members. If as a result of the call, zero users remain with access, the group and its associated data will be deleted. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, see Using Shared Group Data.

  • RevokeAllBansForUser Revoke all active bans for a user.

  • RevokeBans Revoke all active bans specified with BanId.

  • RevokeInventoryItem Revokes access to an item in a user's inventory.

  • RevokeInventoryItems Revokes access for up to 25 items across multiple users and characters.

  • SetFriendTags Updates the tag list for a specified user in the friend list of another user.

  • SetPlayerSecret Sets the player's secret if it is not already set. Player secrets are used to sign API requests. To reset a player's secret use the Admin or Server API method SetPlayerSecret.

  • SetPublisherData Updates the key-value store of custom publisher settings.

  • SetTitleData /rest/api/playfab/server/title-wide-data-management/setpublisherdata?

  • SetTitleInternalData Updates the key-value store of custom title settings

  • SubtractCharacterVirtualCurrency Decrements the character's balance of the specified virtual currency by the stated amount. It is possible to make a VC balance negative with this API.

  • SubtractUserVirtualCurrency Decrements the user's balance of the specified virtual currency by the stated amount. It is possible to make a VC balance negative with this API.

  • UnlinkServerCustomId Unlinks the custom server identifier from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlinkXboxAccount Unlinks the related Xbox Live account from the user's PlayFab account.

  • UnlockContainerInstance Opens a specific container (ContainerItemInstanceId), with a specific key (KeyItemInstanceId, when required), and returns the contents of the opened container. If the container (and key when relevant) are consumable (RemainingUses > 0), their RemainingUses will be decremented, consistent with the operation of ConsumeItem.

  • UnlockContainerItem Searches Player or Character inventory for any ItemInstance matching the given CatalogItemId, if necessary unlocks it using any appropriate key, and returns the contents of the opened container. If the container (and key when relevant) are consumable (RemainingUses > 0), their RemainingUses will be decremented, consistent with the operation of ConsumeItem.

  • UpdateAvatarUrl Update the avatar URL of the specified player.

  • UpdateBans Updates information of a list of existing bans specified with Ban Ids.

  • UpdateCharacterData Updates the title-specific custom data for the user's character which is readable and writable by the client.

  • UpdateCharacterInternalData Updates the title-specific custom data for the user's character which cannot be accessed by the client.

  • UpdateCharacterReadOnlyData Updates the title-specific custom data for the user's character which can only be read by the client.

  • UpdateCharacterStatistics Updates the values of the specified title-specific statistics for the specific character.

  • UpdatePlayerStatistics Updates the values of the specified title-specific statistics for the user.

  • UpdateUserData Updates the title-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client.

  • UpdateUserInternalData Updates the title-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client.

  • UpdateUserInventoryItemCustomData Updates the key-value pair data tagged to the specified item, which is read-only from the client.

  • UpdateUserPublisherData Updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client.

  • UpdateUserPublisherInternalData Updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client.

  • UpdateUserPublisherReadOnlyData Updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client.

  • UpdateUserReadOnlyData Updates the title-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client.