The Azure SQL migration extension for Azure Data Studio enables you to assess, get right-sized Azure recommendations and migrate your SQL Server databases to Azure.
The Azure SQL Migration extension for Azure Data Studio offers these key benefits:
A responsive UI for an end-to-end migration experience. The extension starts with a migration readiness assessment and SKU recommendation (preview) (based on performance data).
An enhanced assessment mechanism that can evaluate SQL Server instances. The extension identifies databases that are ready to migrate to Azure SQL targets.
You can use the Azure SQL Migration extension to assess SQL Server databases running on Windows or Linux.
An SKU recommendation engine that collects performance data from the on-premises source SQL Server instance and then generates right-sized SKU recommendations based on your Azure SQL target.
A reliable Azure service powered by Azure Database Migration Service that orchestrates data movement activities to deliver a seamless migration experience.
You can run your migration online (for migrations that require minimal downtime) or offline (for migrations where downtime persists throughout the migration) depending on your business requirements.
You can configure a self-hosted integration runtime to use your own compute resources to access the source SQL Server instance backup files in your on-premises environment.
Provides a secure and improved user experience for migrating TDE databases and SQL/Windows logins to Azure SQL.
For information about specific migration scenarios and Azure SQL targets, see the list of tutorials in the following table:
Follow these steps to install the Azure SQL migration extension in Azure Data Studio. You can choose the standard installation method, or an offline mode when the computer is disconnected from the Internet.
Open the extensions manager in Azure Data Studio. You can either select the extensions icon or select Extensions in the View menu.
Type in Azure SQL Migration in the search bar.
Select the Azure SQL Migration extension and view its details.
Select Install.
You can see the Azure SQL migration extension in the extension list once installed.
You can connect to the SQL Server instance in Azure Data Studio. Right-click the instance name and select Manage to see the dashboard and the Azure SQL Migration extension landing page.
Set up auto update for the extension
You can check for updates to the extension and have them automatically updated by configuring Auto Update in Azure Data Studio settings.
To enable auto updates:
Select the Settings icon in Azure Data Studio.
Select the checkbox under User > Features > Extensions > Auto Check Updates.
Select the dropdown under User > Features > Extensions > Auto Update and select either All Extensions or Only Enabled Extensions.
If you want to update the extension manually, you can disable Auto Update and install the updates from the extension in the Marketplace.
Download installation files
To install the Azure SQL migration extension on a disconnected computer, you must manually download Azure Data Studio, the Azure SQL migration extension VSIX file, and the SQL tool service binaries, on a machine connected to the Internet, and then copy the file to the disconnect machine.
Depending upon the disconnected machine platform, download the Microsoft.SqlTools.Migration zip file. For example:
For 64-bit Windows (x64), download the file named
For 32-bit Windows (x86), download the file named
Install Azure Data Studio and Azure SQL migration extension offline
Copy the three files you downloaded, to the disconnected machine where you want to run Azure Data Studio.
Install Azure Data Studio.
To install the Azure SQL migration extension, open Azure Data Studio and navigate to File > Install Extension from VSIX package. Locate the VSIX file you copied to the disconnected machine.
On the disconnected machine, navigate to the following path:
You can change the version number, which is 1.5.4 in this example, if you download a later version.
Create folders in the path to add the following subdirectories: \migrationService\windows\\. Your folder structure should look similar to the following example:
You can change both the version number (which is in this example) and platform (which is windows in this example), to match the version and platform downloaded the previous steps.
Extract the zipped Microsoft.SqlTools.Migration file under the above mentioned path.
Restart Azure Data Studio.
Azure SQL target readiness assessment and database migrations
The Azure SQL migration extension supports assessment and generates Azure recommendations (Preview) and database migrations for the following Azure SQL targets.
SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Azure SQL Database
Migration modes
The following migration modes are supported for the corresponding Azure SQL targets.
Migration mode
The source SQL Server database is available for reading and writing activity, while database backups are continuously restored on target Azure SQL. Application downtime is limited to the duration of the cutover at the end of migration.
The source database can't be used for writing activity while backup files are restored on the target Azure SQL database. Application downtime persists from the start until the completion of the migration process.
You can raise a support request to get Microsoft support assistance if you encounter issues or errors with your database migrations using the Azure SQL migration extension.
Select the New support request button in the upper section of the extension. It automatically takes you to the Azure portal, where you can fill in the details and then submit a support request.
Learn the essentials of Azure SQL Database deployment and migration. Explore its benefits, exclusive features, and migration options while optimizing performance and application connections for a smooth transition to the cloud.
Administer an SQL Server database infrastructure for cloud, on-premises and hybrid relational databases using the Microsoft PaaS relational database offerings.