Monitor Azure Container Apps metrics

Azure Monitor collects metric data from your container app at regular intervals to help you gain insights into the performance and health of your container app.

The metrics explorer in the Azure portal allows you to visualize the data. You can also retrieve raw metric data through the Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell cmdlets.

Available metrics

Container Apps provides these basic metrics.

Title Dimensions Description Metric ID Unit
CPU Usage Replica, Revision CPU consumed by the container app, in nano cores (1,000,000,000 nanocores = 1 core) UsageNanoCores nanocores
Memory Working Set Bytes Replica, Revision Container app working set memory used in bytes WorkingSetBytes bytes
Network In Bytes Replica, Revision Network received bytes RxBytes bytes
Network Out Bytes Replica, Revision Network transmitted bytes TxBytes bytes
Replica count Revision Number of active replicas Replicas n/a
Replica Restart Count Replica, Revision Restarts count of container app replicas RestartCount n/a
Requests Replica, Revision, Status Code, Status Code Category Requests processed Requests n/a
Reserved Cores Revision Number of reserved cores for container app revisions CoresQuotaUsed n/a
Resiliency Connection Timeouts Revision Total connection timeouts ResiliencyConnectTimeouts n/a
Resiliency Ejected Hosts Revision Number of currently ejected hosts ResiliencyEjectedHosts n/a
Resiliency Ejections Aborted Revision Number of ejections aborted due to the max ejection % ResiliencyEjectionsAborted n/a
Resiliency Request Retries Revision Total request retries ResiliencyRequestRetries n/a
Resiliency Request Timeouts Revision Total requests that timed out waiting for a response ResiliencyRequestTimeouts n/a
Resiliency Requests Pending Connection Pool Replica Total requests pending a connection pool connection ResiliencyRequestsPendingConnectionPool n/a
Total Reserved Cores None Total cores reserved for the container app TotalCoresQuotaUsed n/a

The metrics namespace is


Replica restart count is the aggregate restart count over the specified time range, not the number of restarts that occurred at a point in time.

More runtime specific metrics are available, Java metrics.

Metrics snapshots

Select the Monitoring tab on your app's Overview page to display charts showing your container app's current CPU, memory, and network utilization.

Screenshot of the Monitoring section in the container app overview page.

From this view, you can pin one or more charts to your dashboard or select a chart to open it in the metrics explorer.

Using metrics explorer

The Azure Monitor metrics explorer lets you create charts from metric data to help you analyze your container app's resource and network usage over time. You can pin charts to a dashboard or in a shared workbook.

  1. Open the metrics explorer in the Azure portal by selecting Metrics from the sidebar menu on your container app's page. To learn more about metrics explorer, see Analyze metrics with Azure Monitor metrics explorer.

  2. Create a chart by selecting Metric. You can modify the chart by changing aggregation, adding more metrics, changing time ranges and intervals, adding filters, and applying splitting. Screenshot of the metrics explorer from the container app resource page.

Add filters

Optionally, you can create filters to limit the data shown based on revisions and replicas.

To create a filter:

  1. Select Add filter.

  2. Select a revision or replica from the Property list.

  3. Select values from the Value list. Screenshot of the metrics explorer showing the chart filter options.

Split metrics

When your chart contains a single metric, you can choose to split the metric information by revision or replica with the exceptions:

  • The Replica count metric can only split by revision.
  • The Requests metric can also be split on the status code and status code category.

To split by revision or replica:

  1. Select Apply splitting.

  2. From the Values drop-down list, select Revision or Replica.

  3. You can set the limit of the number of revisions or replicas to display in the chart. The default value is 10.

  4. You can set sort order to Ascending or Descending. The default value is Descending.

Screenshot of metrics splitting options.

Add scopes

You can add more scopes to view metrics across multiple container apps.

Screenshot of the metrics explorer that shows a chart with metrics for multiple container apps.