Expedite work using swimlanes

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019

Your board helps you visualize the flow of work as it moves from defined to completed. When you add swimlanes, you can also visualize the status of work that supports different service-level classes. You can create a swimlane to represent any other dimension that supports your tracking needs.


  • Access levels: You need Basic access or higher to fully utilize all backlog and board features. Users with Stakeholder access can edit work items on the board and add existing tags, but they can’t create new work items or update fields displayed on cards.
  • Permissions: To configure team settings, you must be part of the Project Administrators security group or have the Team Administrator role. For more information, see Change project-level permissions.
  • Access levels: You need Basic access or higher to fully utilize all backlog and board features. Users with Stakeholder access can edit work items on the board and add existing tags, but they can’t create new work items, update fields displayed on cards, or drag-and-drop work items to update status or reorder cards.
  • Permissions: To configure team settings, you must be part of the Project Administrators security group or have the Team Administrator role. For more information, see Change project-level permissions.

Types of swimlanes

You can use up to 50 swimlanes to sort work on your board and track items differentiated by the following categories:

  • High priority items
  • Service-level class
  • Date-driven requirements
  • Dependencies for or from another team
  • Blocked items
  • Technical debt or other engineering work that isn't a specific user story

Track work in swimlanes

You can drag items into a swimlane and reorder them within the swimlane.


  • Enter o to expand all swimlanes and u to collapse all swimlanes. To move the focus up or down, enter the ↑↓ up/down arrows. For more information, see Keyboard shortcuts.
  • When you have many swimlanes or cards on your board, you may encounter slow performance when dragging a card. We recommend that you use swimlanes in conjunction with card styles, tags, and board filters to manage your work items. If you have a lot of cards in the default lane, place that lane lower on the board to enhance performance when dragging a card to another swimlane.

Screenshot of board and dragging items into a swimlane.


The default lane appears unlabeled on the board. You can rename it, but you can't delete it or apply rules to it.

You can also focus on a single swimlane by collapsing all other lanes.

Screenshot of board, Collapsed swimlanes.


Work items that appear on more than one team's board can yield results that don't meet your expectations because each team can customize its board columns and swimlanes. The values assigned to Board Column, Board Column Done, and Board Lane fields might differ from what you expect when another team updates the work item from a different board. For more information, see Add, review, and update work items in Azure Boards.

Add or remove a swimlane

Identify the swimlanes that support your tracking needs and add them to your board.

  1. Open your board. If you're not a team admin, get added as one. Only team and project administrators can customize the board.

  2. Choose Configure board settings to configure the board.

    Screenshot of board, Choose Configure board settings.

  3. Choose Swimlanes, choose Add swimlane, and then enter the name of the swimlane you want to add. For example, here we enter Expedite. You can optionally select the more actions icon to insert a new swimlane above or below another swimlane.


    The following images show the user interface when the New Boards Hub preview feature is enabled. Some features are only available with the New Boards Hub, as described in Key concepts and work item tasks in Azure Boards. For example, choosing the swimlane color is only supported when the New Boards Hub feature is enabled. To enable it, see Manage or enable features.

    Screenshot of board Settings, Swimlane tab, Add swimlane.

  4. To set the color of the swimlane, choose a color from the drop-down menu. To reset the swimlane to the default, choose Reset to default color.

    Screenshot of board Settings, Swimlane tab, choose swimlane color.

  5. To reorder a swimlane, choose the up or down menu selector to move it up or down. To remove a swimlane, choose the trash bin icon, but first move all items out of the lane.

    Screenshot of board Settings, Swimlane tab, swimlane menu options.

  6. When you're done with your changes, choose Save.

  1. Open your board. If you're not a team admin, get added as one. Only team and project admins can customize the board.

  2. Choose the gear icon to configure the board and set general team settings.

    Screenshot of gear icon to open board settings for a team.

  3. Choose Swimlanes and then choose the plus icon and enter the name of the swimlane you want to add.

    Screenshot showing board settings dialog, Add a swimlane.

    The default lane appears unlabeled on the board. You can rename it to anything, but you can't delete it. Also, you can rename it directly from the board.

  4. To reorder your swimlanes, grab the lane and move it up or down.

    Screenshot showing board settings dialog, Reorder a swimlane.

  5. If you need to delete a swimlane, first move all items out of the lane. Then open the Settings dialog, choose the actions icon and select Remove.

    Screenshot showing board settings dialog, Remove a swimlane.

  6. When you're done with your changes, choose Save.

Set up swimlane rules

Swimlane rules are similar to style rules but allow you to set conditions on your board to automatically move work items into specific lanes. For example, you can set up a lane for each person on your team. When you assign a work item, it gets placed into that person's lane.

Swimlane rules are executed in order. Once a rule is met, it executes and moves on to the next work item. For example, if Lane 1 has a rule that says "where priority = 1" and Lane 2 has a rule that says "where priority = 2", a work item with priority = 1 gets moved into Lane 1.

The following limits apply to swimlanes:

  • Up to five rules per lane
  • A maximum of 25 rules in total
  • Only AND conditions are supported


Manual movement of items into these lanes is restricted to ensure consistency with the configured rules. To move items into a swimlane with configured rules, ensure that the items meet the criteria defined in the swimlane rules. Adjust the item properties accordingly so that they automatically move into the correct swimlane.

Do the following steps to set up swimlane rules for your board.

  1. From your board, choose the gear icon to Configure board settings.

  2. Select Swimlanes, select the swimlane or + Add swimlane, and then select + Add criteria.

    Screenshot showing sequence of buttons to select to add a swimlane rule.

  3. Choose from the dropdown menus for each of the following entries: Field, Operator, and Value, and then choose Save. For more information, see the examples in the next section.

    Screenshot showing field, operator, and value selections for swimlane rule.


You can't assign rules to the Default lane, but you can optionally rename it.

When your board refreshes, your work items are listed within the appropriate swimlane.

Examples of swimlane rules

The following examples show some of the ways you can use and set up swimlane rules.

  • Track priority. We created rules for the Work Item Type and Priority fields, so work items automatically go into the appropriate swimlane.


    Screenshot showing swimlane rules set up by priority.

    Board results

    Screenshot showing priority swimlanes on board.

  • Track the parents of your work items. We created rules for the Work item type field, so you can quickly see parents (features) and children (user stories and bugs) in their own swimlanes on the board.


    Screenshot showing rules set up for work item types.

    Board results

    Screenshot showing parent work item swimlanes on board.

  • Track each person's work on your team. We created rules for the Assigned to field, so that when you assign a work item, it goes into that user's lane.


    Screenshot showing rule criteria for swimlane, by Assigned To field.

    Board results

    Screenshot showing swimlanes grouped by priority.

Query for work items based on swimlane

You can track which work items get added to a board swimlane by creating a query and using the Board Lane field.

Next steps

REST API resources

To programmatically interact with the board and other team settings, see the REST API, Boards reference.