

CWinTraits Class

This class provides a method for standardizing the styles used when creating a window object.


This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.


template <DWORD t_dwStyle = 0, DWORD t_dwExStyle = 0>  class CWinTraits


Default standard window styles.

Default extended window styles.


Public Methods

Name Description
CWinTraits::GetWndExStyle (Static) Retrieves the extended styles for the CWinTraits object.
CWinTraits::GetWndStyle (Static) Retrieves the standard styles for the CWinTraits object.


This window traits class provides a simple method for standardizing the styles used for the creation of an ATL window object. Use a specialization of this class as a template parameter to CWindowImpl or another of ATL's window classes to specify the default standard and extended styles used for instances of that window class.

Use this template when you want to provide default window styles that will be used only when no other styles are specified in the call to CWindowImpl::Create.

ATL provides three predefined specializations of this template for commonly used combinations of window styles:

  • CControlWinTraits

    Designed for a standard control window. The following standard styles are used: WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS. There are no extended styles.

  • CFrameWinTraits

    Designed for a standard frame window. The standard styles used include: WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS. The extended styles used include: WS_EX_APPWINDOW and WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE.

  • CMDIChildWinTraits

    Designed for a standard MDI child window. The standard styles used include: WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS. The extended styles used include: WS_EX_MDICHILD.

If you want to ensure that certain styles are set for all instances of the window class while permitting other styles to be set on a per-instance basis, use CWinTraitsOR instead.


Header: atlwin.h


Call this function to retrieve the standard styles of the CWinTraits object.

static DWORD GetWndStyle(DWORD dwStyle);


Standard styles used for creation of a window. If dwStyle is 0, the template style values (t_dwStyle) are returned. If dwStyle is nonzero, dwStyle is returned.

Return Value

The standard window styles of the object.


Call this function to retrieve the extended styles of the CWinTraits object.

static DWORD GetWndExStyle(DWORD dwExStyle);


Extended styles used for creation of a window. If dwExStyle is 0, the template style values (t_dwExStyle) are returned. If dwExStyle is nonzero, dwExStyle is returned.

Return Value

The extended window styles of the object.

See also

Class Overview
Understanding Window Traits