

/INCLUDE (Force Symbol References)



Specifies a symbol to be added to the symbol table.


The /INCLUDE option tells the linker to add a specified symbol to the symbol table.

To specify multiple symbols, type a comma (,), a semicolon (;), or a space between the symbol names. On the command line, specify /INCLUDE:symbol once for each symbol.

The linker resolves symbol by adding the object that contains the symbol definition to the program. This feature is useful for including a library object that otherwise would not be linked to the program.

Specifying a symbol with this option overrides the removal of that symbol by /OPT:REF.

To set this linker option in the Visual Studio development environment

  1. Open the project's Property Pages dialog box. For details, see Set C++ compiler and build properties in Visual Studio.

  2. Select the Configuration Properties > Linker > Input property page.

  3. Modify the Force Symbol References property.

To set this linker option programmatically

See also

MSVC linker reference
MSVC Linker Options