

CDBException Class

Represents an exception condition arising from the database classes.


class CDBException : public CException


Public Data Members

Name Description
CDBException::m_nRetCode Contains an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) return code, of type RETCODE.
CDBException::m_strError Contains a string that describes the error in alphanumeric terms.
CDBException::m_strStateNativeOrigin Contains a string describing the error in terms of the error codes returned by ODBC.


The class includes two public data members you can use to determine the cause of the exception or to display a text message describing the exception. CDBException objects are constructed and thrown by member functions of the database classes.


This class is one of MFC's Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) classes. If you are instead using the newer Data Access Objects (DAO) classes, use CDaoException instead. All DAO class names have "CDao" as a prefix. For more information, see the article Overview: Database Programming.

Exceptions are cases of abnormal execution involving conditions outside the program's control, such as data source or network I/O errors. Errors that you might expect to see in the normal course of executing your program are usually not considered exceptions.

You can access these objects within the scope of a CATCH expression. You can also throw CDBException objects from your own code with the AfxThrowDBException global function.

For more information about exception handling in general, or about CDBException objects, see the articles Exception Handling (MFC) and Exceptions: Database Exceptions.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Header: afxdb.h


Contains an ODBC error code of type RETCODE returned by an ODBC application programming interface (API) function.


This type includes SQL-prefixed codes defined by ODBC and AFX_SQL-prefixed codes defined by the database classes. For a CDBException, this member will contain one of the following values:

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_API_CONFORMANCE The driver for a CDatabase::OpenEx or CDatabase::Open call does not conform to required ODBC API Conformance level 1 ( SQL_OAC_LEVEL1).

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_CONNECT_FAIL Connection to the data source failed. You passed a NULL CDatabase pointer to your recordset constructor and the subsequent attempt to create a connection based on GetDefaultConnect failed.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_DATA_TRUNCATED You requested more data than you have provided storage for. For information on increasing the provided data storage for CString or CByteArray data types, see the nMaxLength argument for RFX_Text and RFX_Binary under "Macros and Globals."

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_DYNASET_NOT_SUPPORTED A call to CRecordset::Open requesting a dynaset failed. Dynasets are not supported by the driver.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_EMPTY_COLUMN_LIST You attempted to open a table (or what you gave could not be identified as a procedure call or SELECT statement) but there are no columns identified in record field exchange (RFX) function calls in your DoFieldExchange override.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_FIELD_SCHEMA_MISMATCH The type of an RFX function in your DoFieldExchange override is not compatible with the column data type in the recordset.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MODE You called CRecordset::Update without previously calling CRecordset::AddNew or CRecordset::Edit.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_LOCK_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED Your request to lock records for update could not be fulfilled because your ODBC driver does not support locking.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_MULTIPLE_ROWS_AFFECTED You called CRecordset::Update or Delete for a table with no unique key and changed multiple records.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_NO_CURRENT_RECORD You attempted to edit or delete a previously deleted record. You must scroll to a new current record after a deletion.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_NO_POSITIONED_UPDATES Your request for a dynaset could not be fulfilled because your ODBC driver does not support positioned updates.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_NO_ROWS_AFFECTED You called CRecordset::Update or Delete, but when the operation began the record could no longer be found.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_ODBC_LOAD_FAILED An attempt to load the ODBC.DLL failed; Windows could not find or could not load this DLL. This error is fatal.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_ODBC_V2_REQUIRED Your request for a dynaset could not be fulfilled because a Level 2-compliant ODBC driver is required.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_RECORDSET_FORWARD_ONLY An attempt to scroll did not succeed because the data source does not support backward scrolling.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_SNAPSHOT_NOT_SUPPORTED A call to CRecordset::Open requesting a snapshot failed. Snapshots are not supported by the driver. (This should only occur when the ODBC cursor library ODBCCURS.DLL is not present.)

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_SQL_CONFORMANCE The driver for a CDatabase::OpenEx or CDatabase::Open call does not conform to the required ODBC SQL Conformance level of "Minimum" (SQL_OSC_MINIMUM).

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_SQL_NO_TOTAL The ODBC driver was unable to specify the total size of a CLongBinary data value. The operation probably failed because a global memory block could not be preallocated.

  • AFX_SQL_ERROR_RECORDSET_READONLY You attempted to update a read-only recordset, or the data source is read-only. No update operations can be performed with the recordset or the CDatabase object it is associated with.

  • SQL_ERROR Function failed. The error message returned by the ODBC function SQLError is stored in the m_strError data member.

  • SQL_INVALID_HANDLE Function failed due to an invalid environment handle, connection handle, or statement handle. This indicates a programming error. No additional information is available from the ODBC function SQLError.

The SQL-prefixed codes are defined by ODBC. The AFX-prefixed codes are defined in AFXDB.H, found in MFC\INCLUDE.


Contains a string describing the error that caused the exception.


The string describes the error in alphanumeric terms. For more detailed information and an example, see m_strStateNativeOrigin.


Contains a string describing the error that caused the exception.


The string is of the form "State:%s,Native:%ld,Origin:%s", where the format codes, in order, are replaced by values that describe:

  • The SQLSTATE, a null-terminated string containing a five-character error code returned in the szSqlState parameter of the ODBC function SQLError. SQLSTATE values are listed in Appendix A, ODBC Error Codes, in the ODBC Programmer's Reference. Example: "S0022".

  • The native error code, specific to the data source, returned in the pfNativeError parameter of the SQLError function. Example: 207.

  • The error message text returned in the szErrorMsg parameter of the SQLError function. This message consists of several bracketed names. As an error is passed from its source to the user, each ODBC component (data source, driver, Driver Manager) appends its own name. This information helps to pinpoint the origin of the error. Example: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]

The framework interprets the error string and puts its components into m_strStateNativeOrigin; if m_strStateNativeOrigin contains information for more than one error, the errors are separated by newlines. The framework puts the alphanumeric error text into m_strError.

For additional information about the codes used to make up this string, see the SQLError function in the ODBC Programmer's Reference.


From ODBC: "State:S0022,Native:207,Origin:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Invalid column name 'ColName'"

In m_strStateNativeOrigin: "State:S0022,Native:207,Origin:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]"

In m_strError: "Invalid column name 'ColName'"

See also

CException Class
Hierarchy Chart
CDatabase Class
CRecordset Class
CFieldExchange Class
CException Class