17. märts, 21 - 21. märts, 10
Liituge sarjaga, et luua muude arendajate ja ekspertidega skaleeritavad tehisintellektilahendused, mis põhinevad reaalajas kasutusjuhtumitel.
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operator (C# reference)The is
operator checks if the result of an expression is compatible with a given type. For information about the type-testing is
operator, see the is operator section of the Type-testing and cast operators article. You can also use the is
operator to match an expression against a pattern, as the following example shows:
static bool IsFirstFridayOfOctober(DateTime date) =>
date is { Month: 10, Day: <=7, DayOfWeek: DayOfWeek.Friday };
In the preceding example, the is
operator matches an expression against a property pattern with nested constant and relational patterns.
The is
operator can be useful in the following scenarios:
To check the run-time type of an expression, as the following example shows:
int i = 34;
object iBoxed = i;
int? jNullable = 42;
if (iBoxed is int a && jNullable is int b)
Console.WriteLine(a + b); // output 76
The preceding example shows the use of a declaration pattern.
To check for null
, as the following example shows:
if (input is null)
When you match an expression against null
, the compiler guarantees that no user-overloaded ==
or !=
operator is invoked.
You can use a negation pattern to do a non-null check, as the following example shows:
if (result is not null)
Beginning with C# 11, you can use list patterns to match elements of a list or array. The following code checks arrays for integer values in expected positions:
int[] empty = [];
int[] one = [1];
int[] odd = [1, 3, 5];
int[] even = [2, 4, 6];
int[] fib = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5];
Console.WriteLine(odd is [1, _, 2, ..]); // false
Console.WriteLine(fib is [1, _, 2, ..]); // true
Console.WriteLine(fib is [_, 1, 2, 3, ..]); // true
Console.WriteLine(fib is [.., 1, 2, 3, _ ]); // true
Console.WriteLine(even is [2, _, 6]); // true
Console.WriteLine(even is [2, .., 6]); // true
Console.WriteLine(odd is [.., 3, 5]); // true
Console.WriteLine(even is [.., 3, 5]); // false
Console.WriteLine(fib is [.., 3, 5]); // true
For the complete list of patterns supported by the is
operator, see Patterns.
For more information, see The is operator section of the C# language specification and Pattern matching.
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17. märts, 21 - 21. märts, 10
Liituge sarjaga, et luua muude arendajate ja ekspertidega skaleeritavad tehisintellektilahendused, mis põhinevad reaalajas kasutusjuhtumitel.
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