Explore and validate relationships in Power BI semantic models

In this article, you'll learn to discover and validate relationships within your Power BI semantic models and pandas DataFrames by using SemPy modules.

In data science and machine learning, it's important to understand the structure and relationships within your data. Although Power BI is a powerful tool that allows you to model and visualize your data, you sometimes need to dive deeper into a semantic model's structure to gain more insights or build machine learning models. Data scientists and business analysts can explore the relationships within a Power BI semantic model or pandas DataFrame by using various functions in the SemPy library.

You'll learn to:

  • Find, visualize, and explore relationships in a Power BI semantic model
  • Find and validate relationships in a pandas DataFrame


  • Go to the Data Science experience in Microsoft Fabric.
  • Create a new notebook to copy/paste code into cells.
  • For Spark 3.4 and above, Semantic link is available in the default runtime when using Fabric, and there's no need to install it. If you're using Spark 3.3 or below, or if you want to update to the most recent version of Semantic Link, you can run the command: python %pip install -U semantic-link  
  • Add a Lakehouse to your notebook. For Spark 3.4 and above, Semantic link is available in the default runtime when using Fabric, and there is no need to install it. If you are using Spark 3.3 or below, or if you want to update to the most recent version of Semantic Link, you can run the command:

python %pip install -U semantic-link  

Find relationships in a semantic model

The list_relationships function lets you retrieve a list of all relationships found within a Power BI semantic model so that you can better understand the structure of your data and how different tables and columns are connected.

The function works by leveraging semantic link, which provides annotated DataFrames that include the necessary metadata to understand the relationships within the semantic model. This makes it easy for you to analyze the semantic model's structure and use it in your machine learning models or other data analysis tasks.

To use the list_relationships function, you'll first need to import the sempy.fabric module. Then, you can call the function with the name or UUID of your Power BI semantic model as shown in the following code:

import sempy.fabric as fabric


The previous code shows the list_relationships function is called with a Power BI semantic model called my_dataset. The function returns a pandas DataFrame with one row per relationship, allowing you to easily explore and analyze the relationships within the semantic model.


Your notebook, semantic model (Power BI dataset), and Lakehouse can be located in the same workspace or in different workspaces. By default, SemPy tries to access your semantic model from:

  • the workspace of your Lakehouse, if you've attached a Lakehouse to your notebook.
  • the workspace of your notebook, if there's no Lakehouse attached.

If your semantic model isn't located in the default workspace that SemPy tries to access, you must specify the workspace of your semantic model when you call a SemPy method.

Visualize relationships in a semantic model

The plot_relationship_metadata function helps you visualize relationships in a semantic model so that you can gain a better understanding of the semantic model's structure.

By using this function, you can create a graph that displays the connections between tables and columns, making it easier to understand the semantic model's structure and how different elements are related.

The following code shows how to use the plot_relationship_metadata function

import sempy.fabric as fabric
from sempy.relationships import plot_relationship_metadata

relationships = fabric.list_relationships("my_dataset")

In previous code, the list_relationships function retrieves the relationships in the my_dataset semantic model, and the plot_relationship_metadata function creates a graph to visualize these relationships.

You can customize the graph by specifying which columns to include, how to handle missing keys, and by providing more graphviz attributes.

Explore relationship violations in a semantic model

Now that you have a better understanding of the relationships within your semantic model, it's essential to validate these relationships and identify any potential issues or inconsistencies. This is where the list_relationship_violations function comes in.

The list_relationship_violations function helps you validate the content of your tables to ensure that they match the relationships defined in your semantic model. By using this function, you can identify inconsistencies with the specified relationship multiplicity and address any issues before they impact your data analysis or machine learning models.

To use the list_relationship_violations function, you'll first need to import the sempy.fabric module and read the tables from your semantic model. Then, you can call the function with a dictionary that maps table names to the DataFrames with table content.

The following code shows how to list relationship violations:

import sempy.fabric as fabric

tables = {
    "Sales": fabric.read_table("my_dataset", "Sales"),
    "Products": fabric.read_table("my_dataset", "Products"),
    "Customers": fabric.read_table("my_dataset", "Customers"),


In the previous code, the list_relationship_violations function is called with a dictionary that contains the Sales, Products, and Customers tables from the my_dataset semantic model. The function returns a pandas DataFrame with one row per relationship violation, allowing you to easily identify and address any issues within your semantic model.

You can customize the function by specifying how to handle missing keys, by setting a coverage threshold, and defining the number of missing keys to report.

By using the list_relationship_violations function, you can ensure that your semantic model is consistent and accurate, allowing you to build more reliable machine learning models and gain deeper insights into your data.

Find relationships in pandas DataFrames

While the list_relationships, plot_relationships_df and list_relationship_violations functions in the Fabric module are powerful tools for exploring relationships within semantic models, you may also need to discover relationships brought in from other data sources in the form of pandas DataFrames.

This is where the find_relationships function in the sempy.relationship module comes into play.

The find_relationships function helps data scientists and business analysts discover potential relationships within a list of Pandas DataFrames.

By using this function, you can identify possible connections between tables and columns, allowing you to better understand the structure of your data and how different elements are related.

The following code shows how to find relationships in a pandas DataFrame:

from sempy.relationships import find_relationships

tables = [df_sales, df_products, df_customers]


In the previous code, the find_relationships function is called with a list of three Pandas DataFrames: df_sales, df_products, and df_customers. The function returns a pandas DataFrame with one row per potential relationship, allowing you to easily explore and analyze the relationships within your data.

You can customize the function by specifying a coverage threshold, a name similarity threshold, a list of relationships to exclude and whether to include many-to-many relationships.

Validate relationships in pandas DataFrames

After you've discovered potential relationships within your pandas DataFrames, using the find_relationships function, it's essential to validate these relationships and identify any potential issues or inconsistencies. This is where the list_relationship_violations function from the sempy.relationships module comes into play.

The list_relationship_violations function is designed to help you validate the content of your tables and ensure that they match the discovered relationships.

By using this function, you can identify inconsistencies with the specified relationship multiplicity and address any issues before they impact your data analysis or machine learning models.

The following code shows how to find relationship violations in a pandas DataFrame:

from sempy.relationships import find_relationships, list_relationship_violations

tables = [df_sales, df_products, df_customers]
relationships = find_relationships(tables)

list_relationship_violations(tables, relationships)

In the previous code, the list_relationship_violations function is called with a list of three pandas DataFrames (df_sales, df_products, and df_customers) and the relationships DataFrame obtained from the find_relationships function. The list_relationship_violations function returns a pandas DataFrame with one row per relationship violation, allowing you to easily identify and address any issues within your data.

You can customize the function by specifying how to handle missing keys, by setting a coverage threshold, and defining the number of missing keys to report.

By using the list_relationship_violations function with pandas DataFrames, you can ensure that your data is consistent and accurate, allowing you to build more reliable machine learning models and gain deeper insights into your data.