
Use XRM tooling to update data


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2015

There are two methods available in the CrmServiceClient class for updating data in Microsoft Dynamics CRM: UpdateEntity and UpdateStateAndStatusForEntity.

An update action using XRM Tooling API requires a data payload. The data payload takes the form of a Dictionary<string, CrmDataTypeWrapper> object. CrmDataTypeWrapper is used to inform the interface what sort of handling needs to be applied to the data point you are referencing.


This is the anchor method for updating any record in CRM, with the exception of setting status or state of a record. To use it, you need to know the following information: schema name of the entity you want to update, the primary key field of the entity you want to update, the GUID of the record you want to update, and finally the data payload array to update it with.

CrmServiceClient crmSvc = new CrmServiceClient(new System.Net.NetworkCredential("<UserName>", "<Password>", “<Domain>”),"<Server>", "<Port>", "<OrgName>");

// Verify that you are connected
if (crmSvc != null && crmSvc.IsReady)
    //Display the CRM version number and org name that you are connected to
    Console.WriteLine("Connected to CRM! (Version: {0}; Org: {1}", 
    crmSvc.ConnectedOrgVersion, crmSvc.ConnectedOrgUniqueName);

    // Update the account record
    Dictionary<string, CrmDataTypeWrapper> updateData = new Dictionary<string, CrmDataTypeWrapper>();
    updateData.Add("name", new CrmDataTypeWrapper("Updated Sample Account Name", CrmFieldType.String));
    updateData.Add("address1_city", new CrmDataTypeWrapper("Boston", CrmFieldType.String));
    updateData.Add("telephone1", new CrmDataTypeWrapper("555-0161", CrmFieldType.String)); 
    bool updateAccountStatus = crmSvc.UpdateEntity("account","accountid",_accountId,updateData);

    // Validate if the account record was updated successfully, and then display the updated information
    if (updateAccountStatus == true)
        Console.WriteLine("Updated the account details as follows:");
        Dictionary<string, object> data = crmSvc.GetEntityDataById("account", accountId, null);
        foreach (var pair in data)
            if ((pair.Key == "name") || (pair.Key == "address1_city") || (pair.Key == "telephone1"))
                Console.WriteLine(pair.Key.ToUpper() + ": " + pair.Value);
    // Display the last error.
    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: {0}", crmSvc.LastCrmError);

    // Display the last exception message if any.



This method is used to set the state of a record in CRM. For example, all records generally start in an “open” state. The name of the state changes based on the kind of record, or even the developers choices. A quote, for example, has several possible status and states, Draft, Active, Close, Lost, Won.


You can use the OptionSets.cs file in the SDK\SampleCode\CS\HelperCode folder of the SDK download package to view and use the global option sets available for various entities in CRM. For more information about global option sets, see Customize global option sets.

Updating the state of an entity requires that you know what the target state and status are, either by the names or IDs. Both the names and the IDs can be found by querying the metadata for the entity and looking at the status and state fields. In this example, we will demonstrate how to set the status of an account record to Inactive.

CrmServiceClient crmSvc = new CrmServiceClient(new System.Net.NetworkCredential("<UserName>", "<Password>", “<Domain>”),"<Server>", "<Port>", "<OrgName>");

// Verify that you are connected
if (crmSvc != null && crmSvc.IsReady)
    //Display the CRM version number and org name that you are connected to
    Console.WriteLine("Connected to CRM! (Version: {0}; Org: {1}",
    crmSvc.ConnectedOrgVersion, crmSvc.ConnectedOrgUniqueName);

    // Here are the state and status code values
    // statecode = 1 ( Inactive ) 
    // statuscode = 2 ( Inactive ) 

    crmSvc.UpdateStateAndStatusForEntity("account" , accountId , 1 , 2 );

    // the same command using the second form of the method
    crmSvc.UpdateStateAndStatusForEntity("account" , accountId , "Inactive" , "Inactive");
    // Display the last error.
    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: {0}", crmSvc.LastCrmError);

    // Display the last exception message if any.


See Also

Sample: Quick start for XRM Tooling API
Use XRM tooling to connect to CRM
Use XRM tooling to execute actions in CRM
Work with attribute metadata

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