Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration Namespace
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This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. |
The latest Unity Application Block information can be found at the Unity Application Block site. |
Class | Description | |
ArrayValueElement |
A configuration element that represents an array to be resolved.
DependencyValueElement |
Element representing a dependency value to resolve.
InjectionConstructorElement |
Configuration element for configuring constructor injection.
InjectionMemberElement |
Base class for elements that control which members are injected.
InjectionMemberElementCollection |
Configuration collection of the information used to configure member injection.
InjectionMethodElement |
Configuration element for configuring method injection.
InjectionParameterValueElement |
Base class for configuration elements that specify how to create values for a constructor or method to be injected.
InjectionPropertyElement |
Configuration element for configuring injection properties.
InstanceDescriptionConfigurationElement |
Base class for configuration elements which describe objects.
InstanceValueElement |
A configuration element that gives a value for an instance. It lets you specify the type, value, and type converter to use to create the instance.
MethodParameterElement |
Configuration element for storing the values of method / constructor parameters.
MethodParameterElementCollection |
A configuration collection of parameters for a method or constructor.
TypeInjectionElement |
Parent element used to configure member injection for a type.
TypeResolvingConfigurationElement |
Base class for configuration elements that use a UnityTypeResolver.
TypeResolvingConfigurationElementCollection |
A configuration element collection base class that makes sure that it's provided elements have a type resolver associated with them.
UnityConfigurationSection |
A ConfigurationSection that contains the configuration for one or more UnityContainers.
UnityContainerElement |
A ConfigurationElement that stores the configuration information for a single IUnityContainer.
UnityContainerElementCollection |
A ConfigurationElementCollection that holds the collection of container elements specified in the configuration file.
UnityContainerExtensionConfigurationElement |
This class provides a base class for configuration of a Unity container using user-installed container extensions.
UnityContainerExtensionConfigurationElementCollection |
Collection of UnityContainerExtensionConfigurationElement elements from the configuration file. This collection can contain derived classes of UnityContainerExtensionConfigurationElement.
UnityContainerExtensionElement |
A ConfigurationElement that holds the information from the configuration file about which extensions to add to the container.
UnityContainerExtensionElementCollection |
A ConfigurationElementCollection that holds the collection of extension elements specified in the configuration file.
UnityContainerTypeConfigurationElement |
This class provides a base class for configuration of a Unity container using user-installed container types.
UnityContainerTypeConfigurationElementCollection |
Collection of UnityContainerExtensionConfigurationElement elements from the configuration file. This collection can contain derived classes of UnityContainerExtensionConfigurationElement.
UnityInstanceElement |
A ConfigurationElement that holds the information about instances to be placed in the container.
UnityInstanceElementCollection |
A ConfigurationElementCollection that stores the collection of UnityInstanceElement objects specified in the current configuration file.
UnityLifetimeElement |
Configuration element class wrapping the lifetime element inside a type element.
UnityTypeAlias |
A ConfigurationElement class used to manage the contents of a <typeAlias> node in the configuration file.
UnityTypeAliasCollection |
A ConfigurationElementCollection that stores the set of type elements in the configuration file.
UnityTypeElement |
A ConfigurationElement class used to manage the contents of a <type> node in the configuration file.
UnityTypeElementCollection |
A ConfigurationElementCollection that stores the set of type elements in the configuration file.
UnityTypeResolver |
Provides logic to resolve a type alias or type fullname to a concrete type
Interface | Description | |
IContainerConfigurationCommand |
Interface for objects that will execute methods on the given container. Typically used for configuration of the container.
IResolvesTypeAliases |
Interface defining the contract for classes that use a UnityTypeResolver to resolve type aliases.