29. apr, 14 - 30. apr, 19
Liituge 29.–30. aprillil lõppeva Windows Serveri virtuaalse sündmusega, et saada põhjalikke tehnilisi seansse ja reaalajas Q&V-d Koos Microsofti inseneridega.
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Displays the directory structure of a path or of the disk in a drive graphically. The structure displayed by this command depends upon the parameters that you specify at the command prompt. If you don't specify a drive or path, this command displays the tree structure beginning with the current directory of the current drive.
tree [<drive>:][<path>] [/f] [/a]
Parameter | Description |
<drive>: |
Specifies the drive that contains the disk for which you want to display the directory structure. |
<path> |
Specifies the directory for which you want to display the directory structure. |
/f | Displays the names of the files in each directory. |
/a | Specifies to use text characters instead of graphic characters to show the lines that link subdirectories. |
/? | Displays help at the command prompt. |
To display the names of all the subdirectories on the disk in your current drive, type:
tree \
To display, one screen at a time, the files in all the directories on drive C, type:
tree c:\ /f | more
To print a list of all the directories on drive C to a file, type:
tree c:\ /f > <driveletter>:\<filepath>\filename.txt
29. apr, 14 - 30. apr, 19
Liituge 29.–30. aprillil lõppeva Windows Serveri virtuaalse sündmusega, et saada põhjalikke tehnilisi seansse ja reaalajas Q&V-d Koos Microsofti inseneridega.
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