Quickstart: Configure Microsoft Dev Box by using an ARM template
This quickstart describes how to use an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template to set up the Microsoft Dev Box Service in Azure.
An Azure Resource Manager template is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file that defines the infrastructure and configuration for your project. The template uses declarative syntax. You describe your intended deployment without writing the sequence of programming commands to create the deployment.
This Dev Box with customized image template deploys a simple Dev Box environment that you can use for testing and exploring the service.
It creates the following Dev Box resources: dev center, project, network connection, dev box definition, and dev box pool. Once the template is deployed, you can go to the developer portal to create your dev box.
If your environment meets the prerequisites and you're familiar with using ARM templates, select the
Deploy to Azure button. The template opens in the Azure portal.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
Owner or Contributor role on an Azure subscription or resource group.
Microsoft Entra AD. Your organization must use Microsoft Entra AD for identity and access management.
Microsoft Intune subscription. Your organization must use Microsoft Intune for device management.
Select Open Cloudshell from the following code block to open Azure Cloud Shell, and then follow the instructions to sign in to Azure.
Azure PowerShell
$userPrincipalName = Read-Host"Please enter user principal name e.g. alias@xxx.com"$resourceGroupName = Read-Host"Please enter resource group name e.g. rg-devbox-dev"$location = Read-Host"Please enter region name e.g. eastus"$templateUri = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/quickstarts/microsoft.devcenter/devbox-with-customized-image/azuredeploy.json"$userPrincipalId=(Get-AzADUser -UserPrincipalName$userPrincipalName).Id
Write-Host"Start provisioning..."
az group create -l$location -n$resourceGroupName
az deployment group create -g$resourceGroupName --template-uri$templateUri --parameters userPrincipalId=$userPrincipalId
}else {
Write-Host"User Principal Name cannot be found."
Write-Host"Provisioning Completed."
Wait until you see the prompt from the console.
Select Copy from the previous code block to copy the PowerShell script.
Right-click the shell console pane and then select Paste.
Enter the values.
It takes about 30 minutes to deploy the template.
Azure PowerShell is used to deploy the template. You can also use the Azure portal and Azure CLI. To learn other deployment methods, see Deploy templates.
Required parameters:
User Principal ID: The user principal ID of the user or group that is granted the Devcenter Dev Box User role.
User Principal Type: The type of user principal. Valid values are User or Group.
Location: The location where the resources are deployed. Choose a location close to the dev boxes users to reduce latency.
Planning for a Microsoft Dev Box deployment covers many areas, including securing the virtual network (VNet). For more information, see Azure network security overview.
NIC resource group:
Microsoft Dev Box automatically creates a resource group for each network connection, which holds the network interface cards (NICs) that use the virtual network assigned to the network connection. The resource group has a fixed name based on the name and region of the network connection. You can't change the name of the resource group, or specify an existing resource group.
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Escriba plantillas de Azure Resource Manager de JSON con Visual Studio Code para implementar la infraestructura en Azure de forma coherente y confiable.
Cree soluciones de un extremo a otro en Microsoft Azure para crear Azure Functions, implementar y administrar aplicaciones web, desarrollar soluciones que usen Azure Storage, etc.
En este inicio rápido, aprenderá cómo los desarrolladores pueden crear un equipo de desarrollo en el portal para desarrolladores de Microsoft Dev Box y conectarse de forma remota a él mediante el explorador.
Microsoft Dev Box proporciona acceso de autoservicio a estaciones de trabajo de alto rendimiento, preconfiguradas y listas para codificar basadas en la nube.
Aprenda a usar personalizaciones de equipo para crear equipos de desarrollo personalizados para el equipo de desarrollo, lo que proporciona un entorno personalizado para los proyectos.
Configure rápidamente los recursos de Microsoft Dev Box para que los desarrolladores usen el autoservicio en un equipo de desarrollo basado en la nube. Cree un centro de desarrollo, un equipo de desarrollo y un grupo de equipo de desarrollo.
Conozca los conceptos clave y la terminología de Microsoft Dev Box. Obtenga información sobre el centro de desarrollo, el equipo de desarrollo, las definiciones del equipo de desarrollo y los grupos de equipos de desarrollo.