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Consultas de ejemplo de Azure Resource Graph para Azure Policy

Esta página es una colección de consultas de ejemplo de Azure Resource Graph para Azure Policy.

Azure Policy

Cumplimiento por asignación de directiva

Proporciona el estado de cumplimiento, el porcentaje de cumplimiento y los recuentos de recursos para cada asignación de Azure Policy.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights/PolicyStates'
| extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState)
| extend
  resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceId),
  policyAssignmentId = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId),
  policyAssignmentScope = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentScope),
  policyAssignmentName = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentName),
  policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionId),
  policyDefinitionReferenceId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionReferenceId),
  stateWeight = iff(complianceState == 'NonCompliant', int(300), iff(complianceState == 'Compliant', int(200), iff(complianceState == 'Conflict', int(100), iff(complianceState == 'Exempt', int(50), int(0)))))
| summarize max(stateWeight) by resourceId, policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, policyAssignmentName
| summarize counts = count() by policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, max_stateWeight, policyAssignmentName
| summarize overallStateWeight = max(max_stateWeight),
nonCompliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 300),
compliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 200),
conflictCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 100),
exemptCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 50) by policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, policyAssignmentName
| extend totalResources = todouble(nonCompliantCount + compliantCount + conflictCount + exemptCount)
| extend compliancePercentage = iff(totalResources == 0, todouble(100), 100 * todouble(compliantCount + exemptCount) / totalResources)
| project policyAssignmentName, scope = policyAssignmentScope,
complianceState = iff(overallStateWeight == 300, 'noncompliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 200, 'compliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 100, 'conflict', iff(overallStateWeight == 50, 'exempt', 'notstarted')))),
az graph query -q "PolicyResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights/PolicyStates' | extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState) | extend resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceId), policyAssignmentId = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId), policyAssignmentScope = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentScope), policyAssignmentName = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentName), policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionId), policyDefinitionReferenceId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionReferenceId), stateWeight = iff(complianceState == 'NonCompliant', int(300), iff(complianceState == 'Compliant', int(200), iff(complianceState == 'Conflict', int(100), iff(complianceState == 'Exempt', int(50), int(0))))) | summarize max(stateWeight) by resourceId, policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, policyAssignmentName | summarize counts = count() by policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, max_stateWeight, policyAssignmentName | summarize overallStateWeight = max(max_stateWeight), nonCompliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 300), compliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 200), conflictCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 100), exemptCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 50) by policyAssignmentId, policyAssignmentScope, policyAssignmentName | extend totalResources = todouble(nonCompliantCount + compliantCount + conflictCount + exemptCount) | extend compliancePercentage = iff(totalResources == 0, todouble(100), 100 * todouble(compliantCount + exemptCount) / totalResources) | project policyAssignmentName, scope = policyAssignmentScope, complianceState = iff(overallStateWeight == 300, 'noncompliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 200, 'compliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 100, 'conflict', iff(overallStateWeight == 50, 'exempt', 'notstarted')))), compliancePercentage, compliantCount, nonCompliantCount, conflictCount, exemptCount"

Cumplimiento por tipo de recurso

Proporciona el estado de cumplimiento, el porcentaje de cumplimiento y los recuentos de recursos para cada tipo de recurso.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights/PolicyStates'
| extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState)
| extend
  resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceId),
  resourceType = tolower(tostring(properties.resourceType)),
  policyAssignmentId = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId),
  policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionId),
  policyDefinitionReferenceId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionReferenceId),
  stateWeight = iff(complianceState == 'NonCompliant', int(300), iff(complianceState == 'Compliant', int(200), iff(complianceState == 'Conflict', int(100), iff(complianceState == 'Exempt', int(50), int(0)))))
| summarize max(stateWeight) by resourceId, resourceType
| summarize counts = count() by resourceType, max_stateWeight
| summarize overallStateWeight = max(max_stateWeight),
nonCompliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 300),
compliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 200),
conflictCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 100),
exemptCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 50) by resourceType
| extend totalResources = todouble(nonCompliantCount + compliantCount + conflictCount + exemptCount)
| extend compliancePercentage = iff(totalResources == 0, todouble(100), 100 * todouble(compliantCount + exemptCount) / totalResources)
| project resourceType,
overAllComplianceState = iff(overallStateWeight == 300, 'noncompliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 200, 'compliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 100, 'conflict', iff(overallStateWeight == 50, 'exempt', 'notstarted')))),
az graph query -q "PolicyResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights/PolicyStates' | extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState) | extend resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceId), resourceType = tolower(tostring(properties.resourceType)), policyAssignmentId = tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId), policyDefinitionId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionId), policyDefinitionReferenceId = tostring(properties.policyDefinitionReferenceId), stateWeight = iff(complianceState == 'NonCompliant', int(300), iff(complianceState == 'Compliant', int(200), iff(complianceState == 'Conflict', int(100), iff(complianceState == 'Exempt', int(50), int(0))))) | summarize max(stateWeight) by resourceId, resourceType | summarize counts = count() by resourceType, max_stateWeight | summarize overallStateWeight = max(max_stateWeight), nonCompliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 300), compliantCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 200), conflictCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 100), exemptCount = sumif(counts, max_stateWeight == 50) by resourceType | extend totalResources = todouble(nonCompliantCount + compliantCount + conflictCount + exemptCount) | extend compliancePercentage = iff(totalResources == 0, todouble(100), 100 * todouble(compliantCount + exemptCount) / totalResources) | project resourceType, overAllComplianceState = iff(overallStateWeight == 300, 'noncompliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 200, 'compliant', iff(overallStateWeight == 100, 'conflict', iff(overallStateWeight == 50, 'exempt', 'notstarted')))), compliancePercentage, compliantCount, nonCompliantCount, conflictCount, exemptCount"

Lista de todos los recursos no compatibles

Proporciona una lista de todos los tipos de recursos que están en un estado NonCompliant.

| where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates'
| where properties.complianceState == 'NonCompliant'
| extend NonCompliantResourceId = properties.resourceId, PolicyAssignmentName = properties.policyAssignmentName
az graph query -q "PolicyResources | where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates' | where properties.complianceState == 'NonCompliant' | extend NonCompliantResourceId = properties.resourceId, PolicyAssignmentName = properties.policyAssignmentName"

Resumen del cumplimiento de recursos por estado

Se detalla el número de recursos en cada estado de cumplimiento.

| where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates'
| extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState)
| summarize count() by complianceState
az graph query -q "PolicyResources | where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates' | extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState) | summarize count() by complianceState"

Resumen del cumplimiento de recursos por estado y ubicación

Se detalla el número de recursos en cada estado de cumplimiento por ubicación.

| where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates'
| extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState)
| extend resourceLocation = tostring(properties.resourceLocation)
| summarize count() by resourceLocation, complianceState
az graph query -q "PolicyResources | where type == 'microsoft.policyinsights/policystates' | extend complianceState = tostring(properties.complianceState) | extend resourceLocation = tostring(properties.resourceLocation) | summarize count() by resourceLocation, complianceState"

Exenciones de Azure Policy

Exenciones de directiva por asignación

Enumera el número de exenciones para cada asignación.

| where type == 'microsoft.authorization/policyexemptions'
| summarize count() by tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId)

Use el parámetro --management-groups con un identificador de grupo de administración de Azure o un identificador de inquilino. En este ejemplo, la varaible tenantid almacena el identificador de inquilino.

tenantid="$(az account show --query tenantId --output tsv)"
az graph query -q "policyresources | where type == 'microsoft.authorization/policyexemptions' | summarize count() by tostring(properties.policyAssignmentId)" --management-groups $tenantid

Exenciones de directiva que expiran en un plazo de 90 días

Enumera el nombre y la fecha de expiración.

| where type == 'microsoft.authorization/policyexemptions'
| extend expiresOnC = todatetime(properties.expiresOn)
| where isnotnull(expiresOnC)
| where expiresOnC >= now() and expiresOnC < now(+90d)
| project name, expiresOnC
az graph query -q "policyresources | where type == 'microsoft.authorization/policyexemptions' | extend expiresOnC = todatetime(properties.expiresOn) | where isnotnull(expiresOnC) | where expiresOnC >= now() and expiresOnC < now(+90d) | project name, expiresOnC"

Configuración de invitado de Azure Policy

Recuento de máquinas en el ámbito de las directivas de configuración de invitado

Se muestra el recuento de máquinas virtuales de Azure y los servidores conectados de Arc en el ámbito para las asignaciones de configuración de invitado de Azure Policy.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments'
| extend vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')
| mvexpand properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources
| where properties_latestAssignmentReport_resources.resourceId != 'Invalid assignment package.'
| project machine = tostring(vmid[(-1)]),type = tostring(vmid[(-3)])
| distinct machine, type
| summarize count() by type
az graph query -q "GuestConfigurationResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments' | extend vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/') | mvexpand properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources | where properties_latestAssignmentReport_resources.resourceId != 'Invalid assignment package.' | project machine = tostring(vmid[(-1)]),type = tostring(vmid[(-3)]) | distinct machine, type | summarize count() by type"

Recuento de asignaciones de configuración de invitado no compatibles

Se muestra un recuento de las máquinas no compatibles por razón de asignación de configuración de invitado. Por motivos de rendimiento, los resultados se limitan a las 100 primeras.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments'
| project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus)
| extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources)
| mvexpand resources
| extend reasons = resources.reasons
| extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons)
| mvexpand reasons
| project id, vmid, name, status, resource = tostring(resources.resourceId), reason = reasons.phrase
| summarize count() by resource, name
| order by count_
| limit 100
az graph query -q "GuestConfigurationResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments' | project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus) | extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources) | mvexpand resources | extend reasons = resources.reasons | extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons) | mvexpand reasons | project id, vmid, name, status, resource = tostring(resources.resourceId), reason = reasons.phrase | summarize count() by resource, name | order by count_ | limit 100"

Búsqueda de todas las razones por las que una máquina no es compatible con las asignaciones de configuración de invitado

Se muestran todas las razones de la asignación de una configuración de invitado en una máquina determinada. Quite la primera cláusula where para incluir también las auditorías en las que la máquina es compatible.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments'
| where properties.complianceStatus == 'NonCompliant'
| project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, machine = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus)
| extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources)
| mvexpand resources
| extend reasons = resources.reasons
| extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons)
| mvexpand reasons
| where machine == 'MACHINENAME'
| project id, machine, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase
az graph query -q "GuestConfigurationResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.guestconfiguration/guestconfigurationassignments' | where properties.complianceStatus == 'NonCompliant' | project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, machine = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus) | extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources) | mvexpand resources | extend reasons = resources.reasons | extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons) | mvexpand reasons | where machine == 'MACHINENAME' | project id, machine, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase"

Enumeración de las máquinas y el estado del reinicio pendiente

Proporciona una lista de máquinas con detalles de configuración sobre si tienen un reinicio pendiente.

| where name in ('WindowsPendingReboot')
| project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/'), status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus)
| extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources)
| mvexpand resources
| extend reasons = resources.reasons
| extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons)
| mvexpand reasons
| project id, vmid, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase
| summarize name = any(name), status = any(status), vmid = any(vmid), resources = make_list_if(resource, isnotnull(resource)), reasons = make_list_if(reason, isnotnull(reason)) by id = tolower(id)
| project id, machine = tostring(vmid[(-1)]), type = tostring(vmid[(-3)]), name, status, reasons
az graph query -q "GuestConfigurationResources | where name in ('WindowsPendingReboot') | project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/'), status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus) | extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources) | mvexpand resources | extend reasons = resources.reasons | extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons) | mvexpand reasons | project id, vmid, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase | summarize name = any(name), status = any(status), vmid = any(vmid), resources = make_list_if(resource, isnotnull(resource)), reasons = make_list_if(reason, isnotnull(reason)) by id = tolower(id) | project id, machine = tostring(vmid[(-1)]), type = tostring(vmid[(-3)]), name, status, reasons"

Enumeración de las máquinas que no se ejecutan y último estado de cumplimiento

Proporciona una lista de las máquinas que no están encendidas con sus asignaciones de configuración y el último estado de cumplimiento notificado.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| where properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code != 'PowerState/running'
| project vmName = name, power = properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code
| join kind = leftouter (GuestConfigurationResources
  | extend vmName = tostring(split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)])
  | project vmName, name, compliance = properties.complianceStatus) on vmName | project-away vmName1
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | where properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code != 'PowerState/running' | project vmName = name, power = properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code | join kind = leftouter (GuestConfigurationResources | extend vmName = tostring(split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)]) | project vmName, name, compliance = properties.complianceStatus) on vmName | project-away vmName1"

Consulta de detalles de los informes de asignaciones de configuración de invitado

Se muestran informes con los detalles del motivo de la asignación de la configuración de invitado. En el ejemplo siguiente, la consulta devuelve solo los resultados en los que el nombre de la asignación de invitado es installed_application_linux y la salida contiene la cadena Chrome para enumerar todas las máquinas Linux en las que se ha instalado un paquete que incluye el nombre installed_application_linux.

| where name in ('installed_application_linux')
| project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus)
| extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources)
| mvexpand resources
| extend reasons = resources.reasons
| extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons)
| mvexpand reasons
| where reasons.phrase contains 'chrome'
| project id, vmid, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase
az graph query -q "GuestConfigurationResources | where name in ('installed_application_linux') | project id, name, resources = properties.latestAssignmentReport.resources, vmid = split(properties.targetResourceId,'/')[(-1)], status = tostring(properties.complianceStatus) | extend resources = iff(isnull(resources[0]), dynamic([{}]), resources) | mvexpand resources | extend reasons = resources.reasons | extend reasons = iff(isnull(reasons[0]), dynamic([{}]), reasons) | mvexpand reasons | where reasons.phrase contains 'chrome' | project id, vmid, name, status, resource = resources.resourceId, reason = reasons.phrase"

Pasos siguientes