

Unattended setup script file keys

Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch)

This article defines all of the keys and values to specify in the .ini installation script file. Use this file with the /SCRIPT command-line option to do an unattended installation or recovery of a Configuration Manager site. The tables in this article show:

  • The available setup script keys and their corresponding values
  • If they're required
  • Which type of installation they're used for
  • A short description of the key

For more information, see the following articles:

Specify the section names in square brackets ([]): [<Section name>]. For example, [Identification].

When you provide values for keys, the name of the key must be followed by an equal sign (=) and the value for the key: <Key name>=<Value>. For example, CDLatest=1. Make sure the keys are under the appropriate section.

Each section and each value needs to be unique in a single script. For example, there can only be one [Identification] section and only one Action key.

Supported actions

A script is primarily defined by the Action key in the Identification section. The following list includes all of the currently supported actions for running setup unattended:

  • InstallCAS: Install a central administration site (CAS)
  • InstallPrimarySite: Install a primary site
  • ManageLanguages: Add or remove client and server languages
  • RecoverPrimarySite: Recovery a primary site
  • RecoverCCAR: Recover a CAS

Install a site

Identification section for site install

Depending upon the type of site you're installing, include the following keys with the appropriate values in the Identification section:

Key name Required Values Details
Action Yes InstallPrimarySite
- Install a primary site.
- Install a central administration site (CAS)
CDLatest Yes 2 1: Setup runs from CD.Latest When you run setup from the CD.Latest folder, include this key and value. This value tells setup that you're using media from CD.Latest.

Note 2: CDLatest required

The CDLatest key is only required when you run setup from the CD.Latest folder to install a primary site or a central administration site. For more information, see About the command-line script file.

Options section for site install

Include the following keys in the Options section to install a site:

Key name Required Values Details
ProductID Yes xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx: A valid product key with dashes
Eval: Install the evaluation version
The type of license to install.
SiteCode Yes Three character code, for example XYZ The three-character site code that uniquely identifies the site in the hierarchy.
SiteName Yes A site name The friendly name for this site to help identify it.
SMSInstallDir Yes Local directory path The installation folder for the Configuration Manager program files.
SDKServer Yes SMS Provider FQDN The FQDN of the first server to host the SMS Provider.
PrerequisiteComp Yes - 0: Download
- 1: Already downloaded
Specify whether prerequisite files have already been downloaded. If you use a value of 0, setup downloads the files.
PrerequisitePath Yes Local directory path The path to the prerequisite files. Depending on the PrerequisiteComp value, setup uses this path to store downloaded files or to locate previously downloaded files.
AdminConsole Yes - 0: Don't install
- 1: Install
Specify whether to install the Configuration Manager console on the site server.
JoinCEIP Yes 0 While support for the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) was removed from the product, this key is still required.
MobileDeviceLanguage Yes - 0: Don't install
- 1: Install
Specify whether the mobile device client languages are installed.

When you install a site, you can also specify the keys to manage languages, such as AddServerLanguages or AddClientLanguages. For more information, see Options section for languages.

The following keys in the Options section are specific to a primary site:

Key name Required Values Details
ManagementPoint No MP FQDN The FQDN of the server that will host the first management point (MP) site system role.
ManagementPointProtocol No HTTPS or HTTP The protocol to use for the MP.
DistributionPoint No DP FQDN The FQDN of the server that will host the first distribution point (DP) site system role.
DistributionPointProtocol No HTTPS or HTTP The protocol to use for the DP.
DistributionPointInstallIIS No - 0: Don't install
- 1: Install
Specify whether to install IIS on the DP.
RoleCommunicationProtocol Yes EnforceHTTPS or HTTPorHTTPS Specify whether to configure all site systems to accept only HTTPS communication from clients, or to configure the communication method for each site system role. When you select EnforceHTTPS, clients need a valid public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate for client authentication.
ClientsUsePKICertificate Yes - 0: Don't use
- 1: Use
Specify whether clients will use a client PKI certificate to communicate with site system roles.
UseFQDN No - 0: Don't use
- 1: Use
Specify whether the site systems' FQDN is for use on the internet.
ParentSiteCode No Site code When you're adding a child primary site to an existing hierarchy, specify the site code of the CAS.
ParentSiteServer No FQDN When you're adding a child primary site to an existing hierarchy, specify the FQDN of the CAS server.

SQLConfigOptions section for site install

Include the following keys in the SQLConfigOptions section to install a site:

Key name Required Values Details
SQLServerName Yes FQDN of SQL Server The name of the server or clustered instance that's running SQL Server to host the site database.
DatabaseName Yes Name or
The name of the SQL Server database to create or use. If it's on the default instance, just specify the database name. Otherwise specify the instance and name.
SQLServerPort No Port number The port that SQL Server uses. By default, it uses 1433.
SQLSSBPort No Port number The SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port. By default, SSB uses TCP port 4022.
SQLDataFilePath No Local directory path An alternate location to create the database .mdb file.
SQLLogFilePath No Local directory path An alternate location to create the database .ldf log file.
AGBackupShare No Network share path The network location for sharing database backups when creating the site database in an Availability Group. The backup share is only needed if automatic seeding is not set.

CloudConnectorOptions section for site install

Include the following keys in the CloudConnectorOptions section to install a site:

Key name Required Values Details
CloudConnector Yes - 0: Don't install
- 1: Install
Specify whether to install a service connection point (SCP) at this site. Because you can only install the SCP at the top-tier site of a hierarchy, set this value to 0 for a child primary site.
CloudConnectorServer Yes* SCP FQDN The FQDN of the server that will host the SCP role. * Only required when CloudConnector equals 1.
UseProxy Yes* - 0: No proxy
- 1: Use proxy
Specify whether the SCP uses a proxy server. * Only required when CloudConnector equals 1.
ProxyName Yes* Proxy FQDN The FQDN of the proxy server that the SCP uses. * Only required when UseProxy equals 1.
ProxyPort Yes* Port number The port number of the proxy server that the SCP uses. * Only required when UseProxy equals 1.

SABranchOptions section for site install

Include the following keys in the SABranchOptions section to install a site:

Key name Required Values Details
SAActive Yes - 0: You don't have SA
- 1: SA is active
Specify if you have active Software Assurance (SA). For more information, see Product and licensing FAQ.
CurrentBranch Yes - 0: Install the LTSB
- 1: Install current branch
Specify whether to use Configuration Manager current branch or long-term servicing branch (LTSB). For more information, see Which branch of Configuration Manager should I use?
SAExpiration No Date The date when SA expires, used as a convenient reminder of that date. For more information, see Licensing and branches.

HierarchyExpansionOption section for site expansion

When you're installing a CAS to expand a standalone primary site into a hierarchy, use the following keys in the HierarchyExpansionOption section:

Key name Required Values Details
CCARSiteServer No CAS FQDN The FQDN of the CAS that a primary site attaches to when it joins the Configuration Manager hierarchy. Specify the CAS during setup.
CASRetryInterval No Minutes If the connection to the CAS fails, the primary site waits this number of minutes, and then reattempts the connection.
WaitForCASTimeout No 0 to 100 The maximum timeout value in minutes for a primary site to connect to the CAS.
UseDistributionView No - 0: Don't enable
- 1: Enable
Specify whether to use distributed views to optimize database replication.
JoinPrimarySiteName No Site server FQDN The FQDN of the primary site server to expand.

Manage languages

Identification section for languages

Include the following key in the Identification section to manage languages:

Key name Required Values Details
Action Yes ManageLanguages Manages the server, client, and mobile client language support at a site.

Options section for languages

Include the following keys in the Options section to manage languages:

Key name Required Values Details
AddServerLanguages No See note 1 The server languages that will be available for the Configuration Manager console, reports, and other objects.
AddClientLanguages No See note 1 The languages that will be available to client computers.
DeleteServerLanguages No See note 1 The languages to remove. They'll no longer be available for the Configuration Manager console, reports, and other objects.
DeleteClientLanguages No See note 1 The languages to remove, and which will no longer be available to client computers. English is available by default, you can't remove it.
MobileDeviceLanguage Yes - 0: Don't install
- 1: Install
Specify whether the mobile device client languages are installed.
PrerequisiteComp Yes - 0: Download
- 1: Already downloaded
Specify whether prerequisite files have already been downloaded. For example, if you use a value of 0, setup downloads the files.
PrerequisitePath Yes Local directory path The path to the prerequisite files. Depending on the PrerequisiteComp value, setup uses this path to store downloaded files or to locate previously downloaded files.
ResetSecSiteLangs No - 0: Don't reset
- 1: Reset
Reset the language packs installed at a secondary site.

Note 1: Supported language values

Use the three-letter code for the server languages or client languages that Configuration Manager supports. For example, to add support for German on the client, specify the following key and value pair: AddClientLanguages=DEU

English (ENG) is available by default. You don't have to add it, and you can't remove it.

Recover a site

Identification section for site recovery

Depending upon the type of site you're recovering, include the following keys with the appropriate values in the Identification section:

Key name Required Values Details
Action Yes RecoverPrimarySite
- Recover a primary site
- Recover a CAS
CDLatest Yes 3 1: Setup runs from CD.Latest When you run setup from the CD.Latest folder, include this key and value. This value tells setup that you're using media from CD.Latest.

Note 3: CDLatest required

The CDLatest key is only required when you run setup from the CD.Latest folder to recover a site. For more information, see About the command-line script file.

RecoveryOptions section for site recovery

Include the following keys in the RecoveryOptions section to recover a site:

Key name Required Values Details
ServerRecoveryOptions Yes - 1: Site server and SQL Server
- 2: Site server only
- 4: SQL Server only
What components to recover. See note 4
DatabaseRecoveryOptions Yes* - 10: Restore from backup
- 20: Manually recovered
- 40: Create new database
- 80: Skip
Specify how setup recovers the site database in SQL Server. * Only required when ServerRecoveryOptions is 1 or 4.
ReferenceSite Yes* FQDN The reference primary site that the CAS uses to recover global data. * Only required when DatabaseRecoveryOptions is 40. See note 5
SiteServerBackupLocation No Directory path The path to the site server backup set. If you don't specify a value, setup reinstalls the site without restoring it from a backup set.
BackupLocation Yes* Directory path The path to the site database backup set. * Required when ServerRecoveryOptions is 1 or 4, and DatabaseRecoveryOptions is 10.

Note 4: ServerRecoveryOptions value notes

  • 1 or 2: To recover the site by using a site backup, specify a value for SiteServerBackupLocation. If you don't specify a value, setup reinstalls the site without restoring it from a backup set.

  • 4: The BackupLocation key is required when you configure a value of 10 for the DatabaseRecoveryOptions key, which is to restore the site database from backup.

Note 5: ReferenceSite value notes

  • If the database backup is older than the change-tracking retention period, or when you recover the site without a backup, specify the reference primary site that the CAS uses to recover global data.

  • When you don't specify a reference site, and the backup is older than the change-tracking retention period, all primary sites are reinitialized with the restored data from the CAS.

  • When you don't specify a reference site, and the backup is within the change-tracking retention period, only changes that are made after the backup are replicated from primary sites. When there are conflicting changes from different primary sites, the CAS uses the first one that it receives.

Options section for site recovery

Many of the keys in the Options section are also required for site recovery. For more information, see Options section for site install. The following table summarizes the keys in the Options section for site recovery:

Key name Required Comment
ProductID Yes
SiteCode Yes Use the same site code that it used before the failure.
SiteName No
SMSInstallDir Yes
SDKServer Yes Use the same server that hosted this role before the failure.
PrerequisiteComp Yes
PrerequisitePath Yes
AdminConsole Yes* * Only required when ServerRecoveryOptions is 1 or 2.
JoinCEIP Yes

SQLConfigOptions section for site recovery

Many of the keys in the SQLConfigOptions section are also required for site recovery. For more information, see SQLConfigOptions section for site install. The following table summarizes the keys in the SQLConfigOptions section for site recovery:

Key name Required Comment
SQLServerName Yes Use the same server that hosted the site database before the failure.
DatabaseName Yes Use the same database name that was used before the failure.
SQLSSBPort Yes Use the same port that was used before the failure.
SQLDataFilePath No
SQLLogFilePath No

CloudConnectorOptions section for site recovery

Many of the keys in the CloudConnectorOptions section are also required for site recovery. For more information, see CloudConnectorOptions section for site install. The following table summarizes the keys in the CloudConnectorOptions section for site recovery:

Key name Required Comment
CloudConnector Yes
CloudConnectorServer Yes* * Only required when CloudConnector equals 1.
UseProxy Yes* * Only required when CloudConnector equals 1.
ProxyName Yes* * Only required when UseProxy equals 1.
ProxyPort Yes* * Only required when UseProxy equals 1.

HierarchyExpansionOption section for site recovery

Many of the keys in the HierarchyExpansionOption section are also required for site recovery. For more information, see HierarchyExpansionOption section for site install. The following table summarizes the keys in the HierarchyExpansionOption section for site recovery:

Key name Required Comment
CCARSiteServer Yes* * Only required if the primary site was attached to a CAS before the failure.
CASRetryInterval No
WaitForCASTimeout No


Example script to install a primary site


SiteName=Contoso eval site
SMSInstallDir=D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager

SQLDataFilePath=E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\
SQLLogFilePath=E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\

