Bring your own keys (BYOK) with Azure managed disks in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure encrypts all data in a managed disk at rest. By default, data is encrypted with Microsoft-managed keys. For more control over encryption keys, you can supply customer-managed keys to use for encryption at rest for both the OS and data disks for your AKS clusters.
Learn more about customer-managed keys on Linux and Windows.
You must enable soft delete and purge protection for Azure Key Vault when using Key Vault to encrypt managed disks.
You need the Azure CLI version 2.11.1 or later.
Data disk encryption and customer-managed keys are supported on Kubernetes versions 1.24 and higher.
Create a new resource group, then create a new Key Vault instance and enable soft delete and purge protection. Ensure you use the same region and resource group names for each command.
Azure CLI
# Optionally retrieve Azure region short names for use on upcoming commandsaz account list-locations
Azure CLI
# Create new resource group in a supported Azure regionaz group create --location myAzureRegionName --name myResourceGroup
# Create an Azure Key Vault resource in a supported Azure regionaz keyvault create --name myKeyVaultName --resource-group myResourceGroup --location myAzureRegionName --enable-purge-protectiontrue
Create an instance of a DiskEncryptionSet
Replace myKeyVaultName with the name of your key vault. You also need a key stored in Azure Key Vault to complete the following steps. Either store your existing Key in the Key Vault you created on the previous steps, or generate a new key and replace myKeyName with the name of your key.
Azure CLI
# Retrieve the Key Vault Id and store it in a variable
keyVaultId=$(az keyvault show --name myKeyVaultName --query"[id]"-o tsv)
# Retrieve the Key Vault key URL and store it in a variable
keyVaultKeyUrl=$(az keyvault key show --vault-name myKeyVaultName --name myKeyName --query"[key.kid]"-o tsv)
# Create a DiskEncryptionSetaz disk-encryption-set create --name myDiskEncryptionSetName --location myAzureRegionName --resource-group myResourceGroup --source-vault$keyVaultId--key-url$keyVaultKeyUrl
Make sure that the DiskEncryptionSet is located in the same region as your AKS cluster and that the AKS cluster identity has read access to the DiskEncryptionSet.
Grant the DiskEncryptionSet access to key vault
Use the DiskEncryptionSet and resource groups you created on the prior steps, and grant the DiskEncryptionSet resource access to the Azure Key Vault.
Azure CLI
# Retrieve the DiskEncryptionSet value and set a variabledesIdentity=$(az disk-encryption-set show --name myDiskEncryptionSetName --resource-group myResourceGroup --query"[identity.principalId]"-o tsv)
# Update security policy settingsaz keyvault set-policy --name myKeyVaultName --resource-group myResourceGroup --object-id$desIdentity--key-permissions wrapkey unwrapkey get
Create a new AKS cluster and encrypt the OS disk
Either create a new resource group, or select an existing resource group hosting other AKS clusters, then use your key to encrypt either using network-attached OS disks or ephemeral OS disk. By default, a cluster uses ephemeral OS disk when possible in conjunction with VM size and OS disk size.
Run the following command to retrieve the DiskEncryptionSet value and set a variable:
Azure CLI
diskEncryptionSetId=$(az disk-encryption-set show --name mydiskEncryptionSetName --resource-group myResourceGroup --query"[id]"-o tsv)
If you want to create a new resource group for the cluster, run the following command:
Azure CLI
az group create --name myResourceGroup --location myAzureRegionName
To create a regular cluster using network-attached OS disks encrypted with your key, you can do so by specifying the --node-osdisk-type=Managed argument.
Azure CLI
az aks create --name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --node-osdisk-diskencryptionset-id$diskEncryptionSetId--generate-ssh-keys--node-osdisk-type Managed
To create a cluster with ephemeral OS disk encrypted with your key, you can do so by specifying the --node-osdisk-type=Ephemeral argument. You also need to specify the argument --node-vm-size because the default vm size is too small and doesn't support ephemeral OS disk.
Azure CLI
az aks create --name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --node-osdisk-diskencryptionset-id$diskEncryptionSetId--generate-ssh-keys--node-osdisk-type Ephemeral --node-vm-size Standard_DS3_v2
When new node pools are added to the cluster, the customer-managed key provided during the create process is used to encrypt the OS disk. The following example shows how to deploy a new node pool with an ephemeral OS disk.
Azure CLI
az aks nodepool add --cluster-name$CLUSTER_NAME--resource-group$RG_NAME--name$NODEPOOL_NAME--node-osdisk-type Ephemeral
Encrypt your AKS cluster data disk
If you have already provided a disk encryption set during cluster creation, encrypting data disks with the same disk encryption set is the default option. Therefore, this step is optional. However, if you want to encrypt data disks with a different disk encryption set, you can follow these steps.
Ensure you have the proper AKS credentials. The managed identity needs to have contributor access to the resource group where the diskencryptionset is deployed. Otherwise, you'll get an error suggesting that the managed identity does not have permissions.
To assign the AKS cluster identity the Contributor role for the diskencryptionset, execute the following commands:
Azure CLI
aksIdentity=$(az aks show --resource-group$RG_NAME--name$CLUSTER_NAME--query"identity.principalId")
az role assignment create --role"Contributor"--assignee$aksIdentity--scope$diskEncryptionSetId
Create a file called byok-azure-disk.yaml that contains the following information. Replace myAzureSubscriptionId, myResourceGroup, and myDiskEncrptionSetName with your values, and apply the yaml. Make sure to use the resource group where your DiskEncryptionSet is deployed.
YAML replace with "" if aks version is less than 1.21parameters: skuname:StandardSSD_LRS kind:managed diskEncryptionSetID:"/subscriptions/{myAzureSubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{myResourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/{myDiskEncryptionSetName}"
Next, run the following commands to update your AKS cluster:
Azure CLI
# Get credentialsaz aks get-credentials --name myAksCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --output table
# Update cluster
kubectl apply -f byok-azure-disk.yaml
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