


On April 28,2023 we announced retirement of Application gateway V1 on 28 April 2026. This article lists the commonly asked questions on V1 retirement and V1-V2 migration.

Common questions on V1 retirement

What is the official date Application Gateway V1 is cut off from creation?

New Customers won't be allowed to create V1 from 1 July 2023 onwards. However, any existing V1 customers can continue to create resources in existing subscriptions until 1 September 2024 and manage V1 resources until the retirement date of 28 April 2026.

What happens to existing Application Gateway V1 after 28 April 2026?

Once the deadline arrives V1 gateways aren't supported. Any V1 SKU resources that are still active are stopped, and force deleted.

What is the definition of a new customer on Application Gateway V1 SKU?

Customers who didn't have Application Gateway V1 SKU in their subscriptions as of 4 July 2023 are considered as new customers. These customers aren't able to create new V1 gateways in subscriptions that didn't have an existing V1 gateway as of 4 July 2023.

What is the definition of an existing customer on Application Gateway V1 SKU?

Customers who had active or stopped but allocated Application Gateway V1 SKU in their subscriptions as of 4 July 2023, are considered existing customers. These customers get until end of August, 2024 to create new V1 application gateways in their existing subscriptions and until April 28,2026 to migrate their V1 gateways to V2.

Does this migration plan affect any of my existing workloads that run on Application Gateway V1 SKU?

Until April 28, 2026, existing Application Gateway V1 deployments are supported. After April 28, 2026, any V1 SKU resources that are still active are stopped, and force deleted.

What happens to my V1 application gateways if I don’t plan on migrating soon?

On April 28, 2026, the V1 gateways are fully retired and all active AppGateway V1s are stopped & deleted. To prevent business impact, we highly recommend starting to plan your migration at the earliest and complete it before April 28, 2026.

Does the retirement of Basic SKU Public IPs in September 2025 affect my existing V1 Application Gateways?

Existing V1 Application Gateways will continue to function normally until April 2026. However, creation of new V1 Application Gateways will be disabled after August 2024. We strongly recommend that you plan and migrate your existing V1 Application Gateways to V2 as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition.

How do I migrate my application gateway V1 to V2 SKU?

If you have an Application Gateway V1, Migration from v1 to v2 can be currently done in two stages:

  • Stage 1: Migrate the configuration - Detailed instruction for Migrating the configuration can be found here.
  • Stage 2: Migrate the client traffic -Client traffic migration varies depending on your specific environment. High level guidelines on traffic migration are provided here.

Can Microsoft migrate this data for me?

No, Microsoft can't migrate a user's data on their behalf. Users must do the migration themselves by using the self-serve options provided. Application Gateway v1 is built on legacy components and the gateways are deployed in many different ways in their architecture. Therefore, customer involvement is required for migration. This also allows users to plan the migration during a maintenance window. This can help to ensure that the migration is successful with minimal downtime for the user's applications.

What is the time required for migration?

Planning and execution of migration greatly depends on the complexity of the deployment and could take couple of months.

How do I report an issue?

Post your issues and questions about migration to our Microsoft Q&A for AppGateway, with the keyword V1Migration. We recommend posting all your questions on this forum. If you have a support contract, you're welcome to log a support ticket as well.

FAQ on V1 to V2 migration

Are there any limitations with the Azure PowerShell script to migrate the configuration from v1 to v2?

Yes, see Caveats/Limitations.

Is this article and the Azure PowerShell script applicable for Application Gateway WAF product as well?


Does the Azure PowerShell script also switch over the traffic from my v1 gateway to the newly created v2 gateway?

No, the Azure PowerShell script only migrates the configuration. Actual traffic migration is your responsibility and under your control.

Is the new v2 gateway created by the Azure PowerShell script sized appropriately to handle all of the traffic that is served by my v1 gateway?

The Azure PowerShell script creates a new v2 gateway with an appropriate size to handle the traffic on your existing v1 gateway. Autoscaling is disabled by default, but you can enable autoscaling when you run the script.

I configured my v1 gateway to send logs to Azure storage. Does the script replicate this configuration for v2 as well?

No, the script doesn't replicate this configuration for v2. You must add the log configuration separately to the migrated v2 gateway.

Does this script support certificate uploaded to Azure Key Vault?

Yes, you can download the certificate from Keyvault and provide it as input to the migration script.

I ran into some issues with using this script. How can I get help?

You can contact Azure Support under the topic "Configuration and Setup/Migrate to V2 SKU." Learn more about Azure support here.