

What is Document Intelligence Studio?

This content applies to:checkmark v4.0 (preview) | Previous versions: blue-checkmark v3.1 (GA) blue-checkmark v3.0 (GA)

Document Intelligence Studio is an online tool to visually explore, understand, train, and integrate features from the Document Intelligence service into your applications. The studio provides a platform for you to experiment with the different Document Intelligence models and sample returned data in an interactive manner without the need to write code. Use the Document Intelligence Studio to:

  • Learn more about the different capabilities in Document Intelligence.
  • Use your Document Intelligence resource to test models on sample documents or upload your own documents.
  • Experiment with different add-on and preview features to adapt the output to your needs.
  • Train custom classification models to classify documents.
  • Train custom extraction models to extract fields from documents.
  • Get sample code for the language specific SDKs to integrate into your applications.

The studio supports Document Intelligence v3.0 and later API versions for model analysis and custom model training. Previously trained v2.1 models with labeled data are supported, but not v2.1 model training. Refer to the REST API migration guide for detailed information about migrating from v2.1 to v3.0.

Get started

  1. To use Document Intelligence Studio, you need the following assets:

    • Azure subscription - Create one for free.

    • Azure AI services or Document Intelligence resource. Once you have your Azure subscription, create a single-service or multi-service resource, in the Azure portal to get your key and endpoint. Use the free pricing tier (F0) to try the service, and upgrade later to a paid tier for production.

Authorization policies

Your organization can opt to disable local authentication and enforce Microsoft Entra (formerly Azure Active Directory) authentication for Azure AI Document Intelligence resources and Azure blob storage.


Make sure you have the Cognitive Services User role, and not the Cognitive Services Contributor role when setting up Entra authentication. In Azure concept, Contributor role can only perform actions to control and manage the resource itself, including listing the access keys. Any user accounts with "Contributor" role that is able to access the Document Intelligence service is calling with access keys. However, when setting up access with Entra ID, key-access will be disabled and Cognitive Service User role will be required for an account to use the resources.


Navigate to the Document Intelligence Studio. If it's your first time logging in, a popup window appears prompting you to configure your service resource. In accordance with your organization's policy, you have one or two options:

  • Microsoft Entra authentication: access by Resource (recommended).

    • Choose your existing subscription.

    • Select an existing resource group within your subscription or create a new one.

    • Select your existing Document Intelligence or Azure AI services resource.

      Screenshot of configure service resource form from the Document Intelligence Studio.

  • Local authentication: access by API endpoint and key.

    • Retrieve your endpoint and key from the Azure portal.

    • Go to the overview page for your resource and select Keys and Endpoint from the left navigation bar.

    • Enter the values in the appropriate fields.

      Screenshot of the keys and endpoint page in the Azure portal.

Try a Document Intelligence model

  1. Once your resource is configured, you can try the different models offered by Document Intelligence Studio. From the front page, select any Document Intelligence model to try using with a no-code approach.

  2. To test any of the document analysis or prebuilt models, select the model and use one of the sample documents or upload your own document to analyze. The analysis result is displayed at the right in the content-result-code window.

  3. Custom models need to be trained on your documents. See custom models overview for an overview of custom models.

  4. After validating the scenario in the Document Intelligence Studio, use the C#, Java, JavaScript, or Python client libraries or the REST API to get started incorporating Document Intelligence models into your own applications.

To learn more about each model, see our concept pages.

View resource details

To view resource details such as name and pricing tier, select the Settings icon in the top-right corner of the Document Intelligence Studio home page and select the Resource tab. If you have access to other resources, you can switch resources as well.

Screenshot of the studio settings page resource tab.

With Document Intelligence, you can quickly automate your data processing in applications and workflows, easily enhance data-driven strategies, and skillfully enrich document search capabilities.

Next steps