

Supported metrics for Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

For a list of supported logs, see Supported log categories - Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces

Category Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Built-in SQL Pool Data processed (bytes)

Amount of data processed by queries
BuiltinSqlPoolDataProcessedBytes Bytes Total (Sum) <none> PT1M No
Built-in SQL Pool Login attempts

Count of login attempts that succeded or failed
BuiltinSqlPoolLoginAttempts Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) Result PT1M No
Built-in SQL Pool Requests ended

Count of Requests that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled
BuiltinSqlPoolRequestsEnded Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) Result PT1M No
Integration Activity runs ended

Count of integration activities that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled
IntegrationActivityRunsEnded Count Count, Total (Sum) Result, FailureType, Activity, ActivityType, Pipeline PT1M, PT1H No
Integration Link connection events

Number of Synapse Link connection events including start, stop and failure.
IntegrationLinkConnectionEvents Count Total (Sum) EventType, LinkConnectionName PT1M No
Integration Link processed rows

Changed row count processed by Synapse Link.
IntegrationLinkProcessedChangedRows Count Total (Sum) TableName, LinkConnectionName PT1M No
Integration Link processed data volume (bytes)

Data volume in bytes processed by Synapse Link.
IntegrationLinkProcessedDataVolume Bytes Total (Sum) TableName, LinkTableStatus, LinkConnectionName PT1M No
Integration Link latency in seconds

Synapse Link data processing latency in seconds.
IntegrationLinkProcessingLatencyInSeconds Count Maximum, Minimum, Average LinkConnectionName PT1M No
Integration Link table events

Number of Synapse Link table events including snapshot, removal and failure.
IntegrationLinkTableEvents Count Total (Sum) TableName, EventType, LinkConnectionName PT1M No
Integration Pipeline runs ended

Count of integration pipeline runs that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled
IntegrationPipelineRunsEnded Count Count, Total (Sum) Result, FailureType, Pipeline PT1M, PT1H No
Integration Trigger Runs ended

Count of integration triggers that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled
IntegrationTriggerRunsEnded Count Count, Total (Sum) Result, FailureType, Trigger PT1M, PT1H No
Streaming job Backlogged input events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events sources backlogged.
SQLStreamingBackloggedInputEventSources Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Data conversion errors (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of output events that could not be converted to the expected output schema. Error policy can be changed to 'Drop' to drop events that encounter this scenario.
SQLStreamingConversionErrors Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Input deserialization errors (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events that could not be deserialized.
SQLStreamingDeserializationError Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Early input events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events which application time is considered early compared to arrival time, according to early arrival policy.
SQLStreamingEarlyInputEvents Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Input event bytes (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Amount of data received by the streaming job, in bytes. This can be used to validate that events are being sent to the input source.
SQLStreamingInputEventBytes Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Input events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events.
SQLStreamingInputEvents Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Input sources received (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events sources per second.
SQLStreamingInputEventsSourcesPerSecond Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Late input events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events which application time is considered late compared to arrival time, according to late arrival policy.
SQLStreamingLateInputEvents Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Out of order events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of Event Hub Events (serialized messages) received by the Event Hub Input Adapter, received out of order that were either dropped or given an adjusted timestamp, based on the Event Ordering Policy.
SQLStreamingOutOfOrderEvents Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Output events (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of output events.
SQLStreamingOutputEvents Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Watermark delay (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Output watermark delay in seconds.
SQLStreamingOutputWatermarkDelaySeconds Count Maximum, Minimum, Average SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Resource % utilization (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe.

Resource utilization expressed as a percentage. High utilization indicates that the job is using close to the maximum allocated resources.
SQLStreamingResourceUtilization Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No
Streaming job Runtime errors (preview)

This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Total number of errors related to query processing (excluding errors found while ingesting events or outputting results).
SQLStreamingRuntimeErrors Count Total (Sum) SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance PT1M No