

Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance

Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance allows existing customers of System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) to maintain their investment in SCOM while moving their monitoring infrastructure into the Azure cloud.


While Azure Monitor can use the Azure Monitor agent to collect telemetry from a virtual machine, it isn't able to replicate the extensive monitoring provided by management packs written for SCOM, including any management packs that you might have written for your custom applications.

You might have an eventual goal to move your monitoring completely to Azure Monitor, but you must maintain SCOM functionality until you no longer rely on management packs for monitoring your virtual machine workloads. SCOM Managed Instance is compatible with all existing management packs and provides migration from your existing on-premises SCOM infrastructure.

SCOM Managed Instance allows you to take a step toward an eventual migration to Azure Monitor. You can move your backend SCOM infrastructure into the cloud saving you the complexity of maintaining these components. Then you can manage the configuration in the Azure portal along with the rest of your Azure Monitor configuration and monitoring tasks.

Diagram of SCOM Managed Instance.


The documentation for SCOM Managed Instance is maintained with the other documentation for System Center Operations Manager.

Section Articles
Overview - About Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- What’s new in Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
QuickStarts Quickstart: Migrate from Operations Manager on-premises to Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
Tutorials Tutorial: Create an instance of Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
Concepts - Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance Service Health Dashboard
- Customizations on Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance management servers
How-to guides - Register the Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance resource provider
- Create a separate subnet in a virtual network for Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Create an Azure SQL managed instance
- Create an Azure key vault
- Create a user-assigned identity for Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Create a computer group and gMSA account for Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Store domain credentials in Azure Key Vault
- Create a static IP for Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Configure the network firewall for Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Verify Azure and internal GPO policies for Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance self-verification of steps
- Create an Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Connect the Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance to Ops console
- Scale Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Patch Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Create reports on Power BI
- Dashboards on Azure Managed Grafana
- View System Center Operations Manager’s alerts in Azure Monitor
- Monitor Azure and Off-Azure Virtual machines with Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Monitor Azure and Off-Azure Virtual machines with Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance (preview)
- Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance activity log
- Configure Log Analytics for Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
Troubleshoot - Troubleshoot issues with Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Troubleshoot commonly encountered errors while validating input parameters
- Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance frequently asked questions
Security - Use Managed identities for Azure with Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance
- Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance Data Encryption at Rest