

Microsoft.Solutions.ResourceSelector UI element

The ResourceSelector user-interface (UI) element lets users select an existing Azure resource from a subscription. You specify the resource provider namespace and resource type, like Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts in the element's JSON. You can use the element to filter the list by subscription or location. From the element's UI, to search within the list's contents, you can type a filter like resource group name, resource name, or a partial name.

UI sample

In this example, the element's location is set to all. The list shows all storage accounts in the subscription. You can use the filter box to search within the list.

Screenshot of the resource selector list of all storage accounts in a subscription.

In this example, the element's location is set to onBasics. The list shows storage accounts that exist in the location that was selected on the Basics tab. You can use the filter box to search within the list.

Screenshot of the resource selector list that filters by resource group name.

When you use the element to restrict the subscription to onBasics the UI doesn't show the subscription name in the list. You can use the filter box to search within the list.

Screenshot of the resource list that doesn't show subscription because element set subscription to onBasics.


  "name": "storageSelector",
  "type": "Microsoft.Solutions.ResourceSelector",
  "label": "Select storage accounts",
  "resourceType": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
  "options": {
    "filter": {
      "subscription": "onBasics",
      "location": "onBasics"

Sample output

"id": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group}/providers/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}",
"location": "{deployed-location}",
"name": "{resource-name}"


  • In the resourceType property, provide the resource provider namespace and resource type name for the resource you wish to show in the list. For more information, see the resource providers reference documentation.
  • The filter property restricts the available options for the resources. You can restrict the results by location or subscription.
    • all: Shows all resources and is the default value.
    • onBasics: Shows only resources that match the selection on the Basics tab.
    • If you omit the filter property from the createUiDefinition.json file, all resources for the specified resource type are shown in the list.

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