

Connectivity and networking issues for Azure Cloud Services (classic): Frequently asked questions (FAQs)


Cloud Services (classic) is now deprecated for all customers as of September 1st, 2024. Any existing running deployments will be stopped and shut down by Microsoft and the data will be permanantly lost starting October 2024. New deployments should use the new Azure Resource Manager based deployment model Azure Cloud Services (extended support).

This article includes frequently asked questions about connectivity and networking issues for Azure Cloud Services. For size information, see the Cloud Services Virtual Machine (VM) size page.

If your Azure issue is not addressed in this article, visit the Azure forums on Microsoft Q & A and Stack Overflow. You can post your issue in these forums, or post to @AzureSupport on Twitter. You also can submit an Azure support request. To submit a support request, on the Azure support page, select Get support.

I can't reserve an IP in a multi-VIP cloud service.

First, make sure that the virtual machine instance that you try to reserve the IP for is turned on. Second, make sure that you use reserved IPs for both the staging and production deployments. Don't change the settings while the deployment is upgrading.

How do I use Remote Desktop when I have a Network Security Group (NSG)?

Add rules to the NSG that allow traffic on ports 3389 and 20000. Remote Desktop uses port 3389. Cloud service instances are load balanced, so you can't directly control which instance to connect to. The RemoteForwarder and RemoteAccess agents manage Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) traffic and allow the client to send an RDP cookie and specify an individual instance to connect to. The RemoteForwarder and RemoteAccess agents require port 20000 to be open, which might be blocked if you have an NSG.

Can I ping a cloud service?

No, not by using the normal "ping"/ICMP protocol. The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) isn't permitted through the Azure load balancer.

To test connectivity, we recommend that you do a port ping. While Ping.exe uses ICMP, you can use other tools, such as PSPing, Nmap, and telnet, to test connectivity to a specific Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port.

For more information, see Use port pings instead of ICMP to test Azure VM connectivity.

How do I prevent receiving thousands of hits from unknown IP addresses that might indicate a malicious attack to the cloud service?

Azure implements a multilayer network security to protect its platform services against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. The Azure DDoS defense system is part of Azure's continuous monitoring process, which is continually improved through penetration testing. This DDoS defense system is designed to withstand not only attacks from the outside but also from other Azure tenants. For more information, see Azure network security.

You also can create a startup task to selectively block some specific IP addresses. For more information, see Block a specific IP address.

When I try to RDP to my cloud service instance, I get the message "The user account has expired."

You might get the error message "This user account has expired" when you bypass the expiration date that is configured in your RDP settings. You can change the expiration date from the portal by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal, go to your cloud service, and select the Remote Desktop tab.

  2. Select the Production or Staging deployment slot.

  3. Change the Expires On date, and then save the configuration.

You now should be able to RDP to your machine.

Why is Azure Load Balancer not balancing traffic equally?

For information about how an internal load balancer works, see Azure Load Balancer new distribution mode.

The distribution algorithm used is a 5-tuple (source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, and protocol type) hash to map traffic to available servers. It provides stickiness only within a transport session. Packets in the same TCP or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) session are directed to the same datacenter IP (DIP) instance behind the load-balanced endpoint. When the client closes and reopens the connection or starts a new session from the same source IP, the source port changes and causes the traffic to go to a different DIP endpoint.

How can I redirect incoming traffic to the default URL of my cloud service to a custom URL?

The URL Rewrite module of Internet Information Services (IIS) can be used to redirect traffic that comes to the default URL for the cloud service (for example, * to some custom name/URL. Because the URL Rewrite module is enabled on web roles by default and its rules are configured in the application's web.config, it's always available on the VM regardless of reboots/reimages.For more information, see:

How can I block/disable incoming traffic to the default URL of my cloud service?

You can prevent incoming traffic to the default URL/name of your cloud service (for example, * Set the host header to a custom Domain Name System (DNS) name (for example, under site binding configuration in the cloud service definition (*.csdef) file, as indicated:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ServiceDefinition name="AzureCloudServicesDemo" xmlns="" schemaVersion="2015-04.2.6">
    <WebRole name="MyWebRole" vmsize="Small">
            <Site name="Web">
                <Binding name="Endpoint1" endpointName="Endpoint1" hostHeader="" />
            <InputEndpoint name="Endpoint1" protocol="http" port="80" />
            <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString" />

Because this host header binding is enforced through the csdef file, the service is accessible only via the custom name "" All incoming requests to the "*" domain always fail. If you use a custom software load balancer (SLB) probe or an internal load balancer in the service, blocking the default URL/name of the service might interfere with the probing behavior.

How can I make sure the public-facing IP address of a cloud service never changes?

To make sure the public-facing IP address of your cloud service (also known as a VIP) never changes and that a few specific clients can customarily approve it, we recommend that you have a reserved IP associated with it. Otherwise, the virtual IP provided by Azure is deallocated from your subscription if you delete the deployment. For successful VIP swap operation, you need individual reserved IPs for both production and staging slots. Without them, the swap operation fails. To reserve an IP address and associate it with your cloud service, see these articles:

If you have more than one instance for your roles, associating RIP with your cloud service shouldn't cause any downtime. Alternatively, you can add the IP range of your Azure datacenter to an allowlist. You can find all Azure IP ranges at the Microsoft Download Center.

This file contains the IP address ranges (including compute, SQL, and storage ranges) used in Azure datacenters. An updated file is posted weekly that reflects the currently deployed ranges and any upcoming changes to the IP ranges. New ranges that appear in the file aren't used in the datacenters for at least one week. Download the new .xml file every week, and perform the necessary changes on your site to correctly identify services running in Azure. Azure ExpressRoute users might note that this file used to update the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) advertisement of Azure space in the first week of each month.

How can I use Azure Resource Manager virtual networks with cloud services?

Cloud services can't be placed in Azure Resource Manager virtual networks. Resource Manager virtual networks and classic deployment virtual networks can be connected through peering. For more information, see Virtual network peering.

How can I get the list of public IPs used by my Cloud Services?

You can use following PowerShell script to get the list of public IPs for Cloud Services under your subscription

$services = Get-AzureService  | Group-Object -Property ServiceName

foreach ($service in $services)
    "Cloud Service '$($service.Name)'"

    $deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $service.Name
    "VIP - " +  $deployment.VirtualIPs[0].Address