

Connect Azure Communications Gateway to Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile

After you deploy Azure Communications Gateway and connect it to your core network, you need to connect it to Microsoft Phone System. You also need to onboard to the Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile environments.

This article describes how to set up Azure Communications Gateway for Operator Connect and Teams Phone Mobile. After you finish the steps in this article, you can prepare for live traffic with Operator Connect, Teams Phone Mobile and Azure Communications Gateway.


This article assumes that your Azure Communications Gateway onboarding team from Microsoft is also onboarding you to Operator Connect and/or Teams Phone Mobile. If you've chosen a different onboarding partner for Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile, you need to ask them to arrange changes to the Operator Connect and/or Teams Phone Mobile environments.


You must deploy Azure Communications Gateway.

You must have access to a user account with the Microsoft Entra Global Administrator role.

You must allocate "service verification" test numbers. These numbers are used by the Operator Connect and Teams Phone Mobile programs for continuous call testing. Production deployments need six numbers for each service. Lab deployments need three numbers for each service.

  • If you selected the service you're setting up as part of deploying Azure Communications Gateway, you've allocated numbers for the service already.
  • Otherwise, choose the phone numbers now (in E.164 format and including the country code) and names to identify them. We recommend names of the form OC1 and OC2 (for Operator Connect) and TPM1 and TPM2 (for Teams Phone Mobile).

You must also allocate at least one test number for each service for integration testing.

If you want to set up Teams Phone Mobile and you didn't select it when you deployed Azure Communications Gateway, choose:

  • The number used in Teams Phone Mobile to access the Voicemail Interactive Voice Response (IVR) from native dialers.

  • The method for routing Teams Phone Mobile calls to Microsoft Phone System. Choose from:

    • Integrated MCP (MCP in Azure Communications Gateway).
    • On-premises MCP.
    • Another method to route calls.

Enable Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile support


If you selected Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile when you deployed Azure Communications Gateway, skip this step and go to Add the Project Synergy application to your Azure tenant.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. In the search bar at the top of the page, search for your Communications Gateway resource and select it.
  3. In the side menu bar, under Communications services, select Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile (as appropriate) to open a page for the service.
  4. Select Operator Connect settings or Teams Phone Mobile settings.
  5. Fill in the fields, then select Review + create and Create.
  6. Select the Overview page for your resource.
  7. Select Add test lines and add the service verification lines you chose in Prerequisites. Set the Testing purpose to Automated.


    Do not add the numbers for integration testing. You will configure numbers for integration testing when you carry out integration testing and prepare for live traffic.

  8. Wait for your resource to be updated. When your resource is ready, the Provisioning Status field on the resource overview changes to "Complete." We recommend that you check in periodically to see if the Provisioning Status field is "Complete." This step might take up to two weeks.

Add the Project Synergy application to your Azure tenant

Before starting this step, check that the Provisioning Status field for your resource is "Complete".


This step and the next step (Assign an Admin user to the Project Synergy application) set you up as an Operator in the Teams Phone Mobile and Operator Connect environments. If you've already gone through onboarding, go to Find the Application ID for your Azure Communication Gateway resource.

The Operator Connect and Teams Phone Mobile programs require your Microsoft Entra tenant to contain a Microsoft application called Project Synergy. Operator Connect and Teams Phone Mobile inherit permissions and identities from your Microsoft Entra tenant through the Project Synergy application. The Project Synergy application also allows configuration of Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile and assigning users and groups to specific roles.

To add the Project Synergy application:

  1. Check whether the Microsoft Entra ID (AzureAD) module is installed in PowerShell. Install it if necessary.
    1. Open PowerShell.
    2. Run the following command and check whether AzureAD appears in the output.
      Get-Module -ListAvailable
    3. If AzureAD doesn't appear in the output, install the module.
      1. Close your current PowerShell window.
      2. Open PowerShell as an admin.
      3. Run the following command.
        Install-Module AzureAD
      4. Close your PowerShell admin window.
  2. Sign in to the Azure portal as a Microsoft Entra Global Admin.
  3. Select Microsoft Entra ID.
  4. Select Properties.
  5. Scroll down to the Tenant ID field. Your tenant ID is in the box. Make a note of your tenant ID.
  6. Open PowerShell.
  7. Run the following cmdlet, replacing <TenantID> with the tenant ID you noted down in step 5.
    Connect-AzureAD -TenantId "<TenantID>"
    New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId eb63d611-525e-4a31-abd7-0cb33f679599 -DisplayName "Operator Connect"

Assign an Admin user to the Project Synergy application

The user who sets up Azure Communications Gateway needs to have the Admin user role in the Project Synergy application. Assign them this role in the Azure portal.

  1. In the Azure portal, go to Microsoft Entra ID and then Enterprise applications using the left-hand side menu. Alternatively, you can search for Enterprise applications in the search bar; it's under the Services subheading.
  2. Set the Application type filter to All applications using the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Apply.
  4. Search for Project Synergy using the search bar. The application should appear.
  5. Select your Project Synergy application.
  6. Select Users and groups from the left hand side menu.
  7. Select Add user/group.
  8. Specify the user who should set up Azure Communications Gateway and give them the Admin role.


Do not change any of the following Operator Connect configuration in your tenant (whether through the Operator Connect configuration portal or through Operator Connect APIs).

  • Calling Profiles with a CommsGw Suffix in the configuration portal or NameSuffix on the Operator Connect APIs
  • Trunks with FQDNs ending with

We manage this configuration for you. Editing this configuration is likely to cause issues with your Azure Communications Gateway service.

Find the Application ID for your Azure Communication Gateway resource

Each Azure Communications Gateway resource automatically receives a system-assigned managed identity, which Azure Communications Gateway uses to connect to the Operator Connect API. You need to find the Application ID of the managed identity, so that you can connect Azure Communications Gateway to the Operator Connect API in Set up application roles for Azure Communications Gateway and Add the Application IDs for Azure Communications Gateway to Operator Connect.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. If you don't already know the name of your Communications Gateway resource, search for Communications Gateways and note the name of the resource.
  3. Search for the name of your Communications Resource. You should see an enterprise application with that value under the Microsoft Entra ID subheading. You might need to select Continue searching in Microsoft Entra ID to find it.
  4. Select the enterprise application.
  5. Check that the Name matches the name of your Communications Gateway resource.
  6. Make a note of the Application ID.

Set up application roles for Azure Communications Gateway

Azure Communications Gateway contains services that need to access the Operator Connect API on your behalf. To enable this access, you must grant specific application roles to the system-assigned managed identity for Azure Communications Gateway under the Project Synergy Enterprise Application. You created the Project Synergy Enterprise Application in Add the Project Synergy application to your Azure tenant.

You must carry out this step once for each Azure Communications Gateway resource that you want to use for Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile.


Granting permissions has two parts: configuring the system-assigned managed identity for Azure Communications Gateway with the appropriate roles (this step) and adding the application ID of the managed identity to the Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile environment. You'll add the application ID to the Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile environment later, in Add the Application IDs for Azure Communications Gateway to Operator Connect.

Do the following steps in the tenant that contains your Project Synergy application.

  1. Check whether the Microsoft Graph (Microsoft.Graph) module is installed in PowerShell. Install it if necessary.
    1. Open PowerShell.
    2. Run the following command and check whether Microsoft.Graph appears in the output.
      Get-Module -ListAvailable
    3. If Microsoft.Graph doesn't appear in the output, install the module.
      1. Close your current PowerShell window.
      2. Open PowerShell as an admin.
      3. Run the following command.
        Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
      4. Close your PowerShell admin window.
  2. Sign in to the Azure portal as a Microsoft Entra Global Administrator.
  3. Select Microsoft Entra ID.
  4. Select Properties.
  5. Scroll down to the Tenant ID field. Your tenant ID is in the box. Make a note of your tenant ID.
  6. Open PowerShell.
  7. Run the following cmdlet, replacing <TenantID> with the tenant ID you noted down in step 5.
    Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.Read.All", "AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All" -TenantId "<TenantID>"
    If you're prompted to grant permissions for Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools, select Accept to grant permissions.
  8. Run the following cmdlet, replacing <CommunicationsGatewayName> with the name of your Azure Communications Gateway resource.
    $acgName = "<CommunicationsGatewayName>"
  9. Run the following PowerShell commands. These commands add the following roles for Azure Communications Gateway: TrunkManagement.Read, TrunkManagement.Write, partnerSettings.Read, NumberManagement.Read, NumberManagement.Write, Data.Read, Data.Write.
    # Get the Service Principal ID for Project Synergy (Operator Connect)
    $projectSynergyApplicationId = "eb63d611-525e-4a31-abd7-0cb33f679599"
    $projectSynergyEnterpriseApplication = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "AppId eq '$projectSynergyApplicationId'" # "Application.Read.All"
    # Required Operator Connect - Project Synergy Roles
    $trunkManagementRead = "72129ccd-8886-42db-a63c-2647b61635c1"
    $trunkManagementWrite = "e907ba07-8ad0-40be-8d72-c18a0b3c156b"
    $partnerSettingsRead = "d6b0de4a-aab5-4261-be1b-0e1800746fb2"
    $numberManagementRead = "130ecbe2-d1e6-4bbd-9a8d-9a7a909b876e"
    $numberManagementWrite = "752b4e79-4b85-4e33-a6ef-5949f0d7d553"
    $dataRead = "eb63d611-525e-4a31-abd7-0cb33f679599"
    $dataWrite = "98d32f93-eaa7-4657-b443-090c23e69f27"
    $requiredRoles = $trunkManagementRead, $trunkManagementWrite, $partnerSettingsRead, $numberManagementRead, $numberManagementWrite, $dataRead, $dataWrite
    # Locate the Azure Communications Gateway resource by name
    $acgServicePrincipal = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter ("displayName eq '$acgName'")
    # Assign the required roles to the managed identity of the Azure Communications Gateway resource
    $currentAssignments = Get-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $acgServicePrincipal.Id
    foreach ($appRoleId in $requiredRoles) {
        $assigned = $currentAssignments | Where-Object { $_.AppRoleId -eq $AppRoleId }
        if (-not $assigned) {
            $params = @{
                principalId = $acgServicePrincipal.Id
                resourceId = $projectSynergyEnterpriseApplication.Id
                appRoleId = $appRoleId
            New-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $acgServicePrincipal.Id -BodyParameter $params
    # Check the assigned roles
    Get-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $acgServicePrincipal.Id
  10. To end your current session, disconnect from Microsoft Graph.

Provide additional information to your onboarding team


This step is required to set you up as an Operator in the Teams Phone Mobile and Operator Connect environments. Skip this step if you've finished onboarding.

Before your onboarding team can finish onboarding you to the Operator Connect and/or Teams Phone Mobile environments, you need to provide them with some additional information.

  1. Wait for your onboarding team to provide you with a form to collect the additional information.
  2. Complete the form and give it to your onboarding team.
  3. Wait for your onboarding team to confirm that the onboarding process is complete.

If you don't already have an onboarding team, contact, providing your Azure subscription ID and contact details.

Test your Operator Connect portal access


Before testing your Operator Connect portal access, wait for your onboarding team to confirm that the onboarding process is complete.

Go to the Operator Connect homepage and check that you're able to sign in.

Add the Application IDs for Azure Communications Gateway to Operator Connect

You must enable Azure Communications Gateway within the Operator Connect or Teams Phone Mobile environment. This process requires configuring your environment with two Application IDs:

To add the Application IDs:

  1. Log into the Operator Connect portal.
  2. Add a new Application Id for the Application ID that you found for the managed identity.
  3. Add a second Application Id for the value 8502a0ec-c76d-412f-836c-398018e2312b.

Register your deployment's domain name in Microsoft Entra

Microsoft Teams only sends traffic to domains that you confirm that you own. Your Azure Communications Gateway deployment automatically receives an autogenerated fully qualified domain name (FQDN). You need to add this domain name to your Microsoft Entra tenant as a custom domain name, share the details with your onboarding team and then verify the domain name. This process confirms that you own the domain.

  1. Navigate to the Overview of your Azure Communications Gateway resource and select Properties. Find the field named Domain. This name is your deployment's domain name.
  2. Complete the following procedure: Add your custom domain name to Microsoft Entra ID.
  3. Share your DNS TXT record information with your onboarding team. Wait for your onboarding team to confirm that the DNS TXT record has been configured correctly.
  4. Complete the following procedure: Verify your custom domain name.

Next step