

Enable stateful mode for stateless built-in connectors in Azure Logic Apps

Applies to: Azure Logic Apps (Standard)

In Standard logic app workflows, the following built-in, service provider-based connectors are stateless, by default:

  • Azure Service Bus
  • SAP
  • IBM MQ

To run these connector operations in stateful mode, you must enable this capability. This how-to guide shows how to enable stateful mode for these connectors.


Enable stateful mode in the Azure portal

  1. In the Azure portal, open the Standard logic app resource where you want to enable stateful mode for these connector operations.

  2. Enable virtual network integration for your logic app and add your logic app to the previously created subnet:

    1. On your logic app menu resource, under Settings, select Networking.

    2. In the Outbound Traffic section, select VNET integration > Add VNet.

    3. On the Add VNet Integration pane that opens, select your Azure subscription and your virtual network.

    4. Under Subnet, select Select existing. From the Subnet list, select the subnet where you want to add your logic app.

    5. When you're done, select OK.

      On the Networking page, the VNet integration option now appears set to On, for example:

      Screenshot shows Azure portal, Standard logic app resource, Networking page, VNet integration set to On.

    For general information about enabling virtual network integration with your app, see Enable virtual network integration in Azure App Service.

  3. Next, update your logic app's underlying website configuration (<logic-app-name> by using either of the following tools:

Update website configuration for logic app

After you enable virtual network integration for your logic app, you must update your logic app's underlying website configuration (<logic-app-name> by using one the following methods:

Azure portal

To configure virtual network private ports using the Azure portal, follow these steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, find and open your Standard logic app resource.
  2. On the logic app menu, under Settings, select Configuration.
  3. On the Configuration page, select General settings.
  4. Under Platform settings, in the VNet Private Ports box, enter the ports that you want to use.

Azure Resource Management API

To complete this task with the Azure Resource Management API - Update By Id, review the following requirements, syntax, and parameter values.


OAuth authorization and the bearer token are required. To get the bearer token, follow these steps

  1. While you're signed in to the Azure portal, open your web browser's developer tools (F12).

  2. Get the token by sending any management request, for example, by saving a workflow in your Standard logic app.


Updates a resource by using the specified resource ID:


Parameter values

Element Value Description
HTTP request method PATCH
<resourceId> subscriptions/{yourSubscriptionID}/resourcegroups/{yourResourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{websiteName}/config/web
<yourSubscriptionId> The ID for your Azure subscription
<yourResourceGroup> The resource group that contains your logic app resource
<websiteName> The name for your logic app resource, which is mystandardlogicapp in this example
HTTP request body {"properties": {"vnetPrivatePortsCount": "2"}}


Azure PowerShell

To complete this task with Azure PowerShell, review the following requirements, syntax, and values. This method doesn't require that you manually get the bearer token.


Set-AzContext -Subscription {yourSubscriptionID}
$webConfig = Get-AzResource -ResourceId {resourceId}
$webConfig.Properties.vnetPrivatePortsCount = 2
$webConfig | Set-AzResource -ResourceId {resourceId}

For more information, see the following documentation:

Parameter values

Element Value
<yourSubscriptionID> The ID for your Azure subscription
<resourceId> subscriptions/{yourSubscriptionID}/resourcegroups/{yourResourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{websiteName}/config/web
<yourResourceGroup> The resource group that contains your logic app resource
<websiteName> The name for your logic app resource, which is mystandardlogicapp in this example


Troubleshoot errors

Error: Reserved instance count is invalid

If you get an error that says Reserved instance count is invalid, use the following workaround:

$webConfig.Properties.preWarmedInstanceCount = $webConfig.Properties.reservedInstanceCount
$webConfig.Properties.reservedInstanceCount = $null
$webConfig | Set-AzResource -ResourceId {resourceId}

Error example:

Set-AzResource :
   "Message":"siteConfig.ReservedInstanceCount is invalid.  Please use the new property siteConfig.PreWarmedInstanceCount.",
   "Target": null,
         "Message":"siteConfig.ReservedInstanceCount is invalid. Please use the new property siteConfig.PreWarmedInstanceCount."
            "MessageTemplate":"{0} is invalid. {1}",
               "siteConfig.ReservedInstanceCount", "Please use the new property siteConfig.PreWarmedInstanceCount."
            "Message":"siteConfig.ReservedInstanceCount is invalid. Please use the new property siteConfig.PreWarmedInstanceCount."
   "Innererror": null

Prevent context loss during resource scale-in events

Resource scale-in events might cause the loss of context for built-in connectors with stateful mode enabled. To prevent this potential loss before such events can happen, fix the number of instances available for your logic app resource. This way, no scale-in events can happen to cause this potential context loss.

  1. On your logic app resource menu, under Settings, select Scale out.

  2. Under App Scale Out, set Enforce Scale Out Limit to Yes, which shows the Maximum Scale Out Limit.

  3. On the Scale out page, under App Scale out, set the number for Always Ready Instances to the same number as Maximum Scale Out Limit and Maximum Burst, which appears under Plan Scale Out, for example:

    Screenshot shows Azure portal, Standard logic app resource, Scale out page, and Always Ready Instances number set to match Maximum Scale Out Limit and Maximum Burst.

  4. When you're done, on the Scale out toolbar, select Save.

Next steps