

Manage a document in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB using JavaScript


Manage your MongoDB documents with the ability to insert, update, and delete documents.


The example code snippets are available on GitHub as a JavaScript project.

API for MongoDB reference documentation | MongoDB Package (npm)

Insert a document

Insert a document, defined with a JSON schema, into your collection.

// get database client for database 
// if database or collection doesn't exist, it is created
// when the doc is inserted

// insert doc
const doc = { name: `product-${random}` };
const insertOneResult = await client.db("adventureworks").collection("products").insertOne(doc);
console.log(`Insert 1 - ${JSON.stringify(insertOneResult)}`);

// insert docs
const docs = [
    { name: `product-${random}` },
    { name: `product-${random}` }
const insertManyResult = await client.db("adventureworks").collection("products").insertMany(docs);
console.log(`Insert many ${JSON.stringify(insertManyResult)}`);

The preceding code snippet displays the following example console output:

Insert 1 - {"acknowledged":true,"insertedId":"62b2394be4042705f00fd790"}
Insert many {"acknowledged":true,"insertedCount":2,"insertedIds":{"0":"62b2394be4042705f00fd791","1":"62b2394be4042705f00fd792"}}

Document ID

If you don't provide an ID, _id, for your document, one is created for you as a BSON object. The value of the provided ID is accessed with the ObjectId method.

Use the ID to query for documents:

const query = { _id: ObjectId("62b1f43a9446918500c875c5")};

Update a document

To update a document, specify the query used to find the document along with a set of properties of the document that should be updated. You can choose to upsert the document, which inserts the document if it doesn't already exist.

const product = {
    category: "gear-surf-surfboards",
    name: "Yamba Surfboard 3",
    quantity: 15,
    sale: true

const query = { name:};
const update = { $set: product };
const options = {upsert: true, new: true};

const upsertResult = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').updateOne(query, update, options);

console.log(`Upsert result:\t\n${Object.keys(upsertResult).map(key => `\t${key}: ${upsertResult[key]}\n`)}`);

The preceding code snippet displays the following example console output for an insert:

Upsert result:
        acknowledged: true
,       modifiedCount: 0
,       upsertedId: 62b1f492ff69395b30a03169
,       upsertedCount: 1
,       matchedCount: 0


The preceding code snippet displays the following example console output for an update:

Upsert result:
        acknowledged: true
,       modifiedCount: 1
,       upsertedId: null
,       upsertedCount: 0
,       matchedCount: 1


Bulk updates to a collection

You can perform several operations at once with the bulkWrite operation. Learn more about how to optimize bulk writes for Azure Cosmos DB.

The following bulk operations are available:

const doc1 = {
  category: "gear-surf-surfboards",
  name: "Yamba Surfboard 3",
  quantity: 15,
  sale: true
const doc2={
  category: "gear-surf-surfboards",
  name: "Yamba Surfboard 7",
  quantity: 5,
  sale: true

// update docs with new property/value
const addNewProperty = {
  filter: { "category": "gear-surf-surfboards" },
  update: { $set: { discontinued: true } },
  upsert: true,

// bulkWrite only supports insertOne, updateOne, updateMany, deleteOne, deleteMany
const upsertResult = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').bulkWrite([
  { insertOne: {document: doc1}},
  { insertOne: {document: doc2}},
  { updateMany: addNewProperty},


The preceding code snippet displays the following example console output:


Delete a document

To delete documents, use a query to define how the documents are found.

const product = {
    _id: ObjectId("62b1f43a9446918500c875c5"),
    category: "gear-surf-surfboards",
    name: "Yamba Surfboard 3",
    quantity: 15,
    sale: true

const query = { name:};

// delete 1 with query for unique document
const delete1Result = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').deleteOne(query);
console.log(`Delete 1 result:\t\n${Object.keys(delete1Result).map(key => `\t${key}: ${delete1Result[key]}\n`)}`);

// delete all with empty query {}
const deleteAllResult = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').deleteMany({});
console.log(`Delete all result:\t\n${Object.keys(deleteAllResult).map(key => `\t${key}: ${deleteAllResult[key]}\n`)}`);

The preceding code snippet displays the following example console output:

Delete 1 result:
        acknowledged: true
,       deletedCount: 1

Delete all result:
        acknowledged: true
,       deletedCount: 27


See also