

Project and organization-scoped queries

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019

Using Analytics for Azure DevOps, you can construct queries that are scoped to a project or an organization or collection. You can run these queries directly in your browser or within Power BI.

Project-scope queries help answer questions about a single project whereas organization and collection scoped queries allow you to answer questions that cross project boundaries. Organization and collection scoped queries require broader user permissions or careful scoping restrictions to ensure that your query isn't blocked due to a lack of permissions.


The Analytics service is automatically enabled and supported in production for all Azure DevOps Services. Power BI integration and access to the OData feed of the Analytics Service are generally available. We encourage you to use it and give us feedback. Available data is version-dependent. The latest supported version is v2.0, and the latest preview version is v4.0-preview. For more information, see OData API versioning.


The Analytics service is automatically installed and supported in production for all new project collections for Azure DevOps Server 2020 and later versions. Power BI integration and access to the OData feed of the Analytics Service are generally available. We encourage you to use it and give us feedback. If you upgraded from Azure DevOps Server 2019, then you can install the Analytics service during upgrade.

Available data is version-dependent. The latest supported version is v2.0, and the latest preview version is v4.0-preview. For more information, see OData API versioning.


The Analytics service is in preview for Azure DevOps Server 2019. You can enable or install it for a project collection. Power BI integration and access to the OData feed of the Analytics Service are in Preview. We encourage you to use it and give us feedback.

Available data is version-dependent. The latest supported version is v2.0, and the latest preview version is v4.0-preview. For more information, see OData API versioning.


  • Access levels: You must be a member of a project with Basic access or higher.
  • Permissions: By default, project members have permission to query Analytics and create views.
  • For more information about other prerequisites regarding service and feature enablement and general data tracking activities, see Permissions and prerequisites to access Analytics.


If you don't have access to all projects in an organization, it is recommended that you apply a project filter to all of your queries. When pulling data into client tools such as Power BI or Excel, using the project path syntax is the best way to ensure that all your data is constrained by the given project. We recommend you use organization-scoped or collection-scoped queries only when you need to report on two or more projects.

Project-scoped queries

You construct a query by entering the OData URL into a supported web browser.

The base URL for a project-level OData query is as shown in the following syntax.{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/{version}/

In the examples provided, replace {OrganizationName} and {ProjectName} with your names of your organization and project that you want to query.


The remaining examples provided in this article are based on an Azure DevOps Services URL. You will need to substitute in your Azure DevOps Server URL to exercise the examples.

Return a count of work items

For example, the following project-scoped query returns the count of work items for a specific project.{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/v1.0/WorkItems/$count

For example, a query of the Fabrikam Fiber project returns a count of 7126 work items. Deleted work items aren't included in the count. Fiber/_odata/v1.0/WorkItems/$count


Return project Area Paths

Likewise, the following query string will return the areas for a specific project:{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/v1.0/Areas

It's equivalent to the following filter on an organization-scoped query:{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/Areas?
  $filter=Project/ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}'

For example, a query of the Fabrikam Fiber project returns all properties defined for an Area Path as no $select operator is applied in the query. Fiber/_odata/v1.0/Areas

The following example shows the data returned for a single Area Path.

ProjectSK	"56af920d-393b-4236-9a07-24439ccaa85c"
AreaSK	"26be05fd-e68a-4fcb-833f-497f6bee45f2"
AreaId	"26be05fd-e68a-4fcb-833f-497f6bee45f2"
AreaName	"Service Delivery"
Number	55373
AreaPath	"Fabrikam Fiber\\Service Delivery"
AreaLevel1	"Fabrikam Fiber"
AreaLevel2	"Service Delivery"
AreaLevel3	null
AreaLevel4	null
AreaLevel5	null
AreaLevel6	null
AreaLevel7	null
AreaLevel8	null
AreaLevel9	null
AreaLevel10	null
AreaLevel11	null
AreaLevel12	null
AreaLevel13	null
AreaLevel14	null
Depth	1

Use of the $expand option

When using a project-scoped query with an $expand option, you aren't required to provide other filters.

For example, the following project-scoped filter:{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/v1.0/WorkItems?

is filtered automatically to enforce security:{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}'
  &$expand=Parent($filter=ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}')

Organization-scoped queries

The Base URL for organization level queries is as shown:{OrganizationName}/_odata/v1.0

When using an organization-scoped query with an $expand option, you must provide another filter.

For example, the following organization-scoped query, which uses an $expand to retrieve the children of all work items.{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=Project/ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}'

It requires another filter to verify the children are limited to the specified project:{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=Project/ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}'
  &$expand=Children($filter=Project/ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}')

Return the parent of all work items

The following query, which uses an $expand option to retrieve the parent of all work items.{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=Project/ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}'

It requires another filter to verify the parent is limited to the specified project:{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=Project/ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}'
  &$expand=Parent($filter=Project/ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}')

Without the other filter, the request will fail if the parent of any work item references work items in a project that you don't have read access to.

Project-level security restrictions

Analytics has a few more restrictions on query syntax related to project level security.

The any or all filters apply to the base entity on an $expand. For filters based on a project, we explicitly ignore the filter when using an $expand:

For example, the following query:{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}'
  &$expand=Children($filter=Project/ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}')

Is interpreted as:{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}'

and will fail if you don't have access to all projects.

To work around the restriction, you need to add an extra expression in the $filter:{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}' and Children/any(r: r/ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}')

Using $level is only supported if you have access to all projects in the collection or when using a project-scoped query:{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $expand=Children($levels=2;$filter=ProjectName eq '{ProjectName}')

Analytics doesn't support any cross-level reference for projects using the $it clause. As an example, the following query references the root work item's ProjectName using $it alias, which isn't supported:{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
    $filter=TargetWorkItem/Project/ProjectName eq $it/Project/ProjectName)

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