

Release notes 2021: Azure Health Data Services

This article describes features, enhancements, and bug fixes released in 2021 for the FHIR® service, DICOM® service, and MedTech service in Azure Health Data Services.

December 2021

Azure Health Data Services

Quota details for support requests

We updated the quota details for customer support requests with the latest information.

Local RBAC documentation updated

We updated the local RBAC documentation to clarify the use of the secondary tenant and the steps to disable it.

Deploy and configure Azure Health Data Services using scripts

We started the process of providing PowerShell, CLI scripts, and ARM templates to configure app registration and role assignments. Scripts for deploying Azure Health Data Services will be available after GA.

FHIR service

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Added Publisher to You can find the publisher in the capability statement at See PR #2319.

  • Fixed: Log FhirOperation linked to anonymous calls to Request metrics. We weren't logging operations that didn’t require authentication. We extended the ability to get FhirOperation type in RequestMetrics for anonymous calls. See PR #2295 .

  • Fixed: 500 error when SearchParameter Code is null. Fixed an issue with SearchParameter if it had a null value for Code, the result was a 500 error. After the bug fix, it results in an InvalidResourceException like the other values do. See PR #2343.

  • Fixed: Returned BadRequestException with valid message when input JSON body is invalid. For invalid JSON body requests, the FHIR server was returning a 500 error. After the bug fix, the server returns a BadRequestException with a valid message instead of 500. See PR #2239.

  • Fixed: Handled SQL timeout issue. If the SQL Server timed out, PUT /resource{id} returned a 500 error. After the bug fix, we handle the 500 error and return a timeout exception with an operation outcome. See PR #2290.

November 2021

FHIR service

We expanded the atient-everything capabilities to process patient links PR #2305. For more information, see Patient-everything in FHIR.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Added software name and version to capability statement. In the capability statement, the software name distinguishes if you're using Azure API for FHIR or Azure Health Data Services. The software version specifies which open-source release package is live in the managed service. See PR #2294, PR #1778, and Issue #2241.

  • Fixed: Compress continuation tokens. Occasionally, the continuation token was too long to follow the next link in searches and resulted in a 404 error. To resolve the issue, we compressed the continuation token to ensure it stays below the size limit. See PR #2279 and Issue #2250.

  • Fixed: FHIR service autoscale. FHIR service autoscale provides optimized service scalability automatically to meet customer demands when they perform data transactions in consistent or various workloads. It's available in all regions where the FHIR service is supported.

  • Fixed: Resolved 500 error when the date was passed with a time zone. This fix addresses a 500 error when a date with a time zone was passed into a datetime field PR #2270.

  • Fixed: Resolved issue when posting a bundle with incorrect media type returned a 500 error. before the bug fix, when posting a search with a key that contains certain characters a 500 error was returned. See PR #2264 and Issue #2148.

DICOM service

Content-Type header includes transfer-syntax.

This enhancement enables the user to know which transfer syntax is used in case multiple accept headers are being supplied.

October 2021

Azure Health Data Services

Test Data Generator tool*

We updated Azure Health Data Services GitHub samples repo to include a Test Data Generator tool using Synthea data. This tool is an improvement to the open source public test projects, based on Apache JMeter that can be deployed to Azure AKS for performance tests.

FHIR service

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Added support for _sort on strings and dateTime. See PR #2169.

  • Fixed: Conditional Delete results in an infinite loop. See PR #2269.

  • Fixed: Resolved 500 error possibly caused by a malformed transaction body in a bundle POST. We added a check that the URL is populated in the transaction bundle requests. See PR #2255.

DICOM service

Support for more regions

The DICOM service is available in South Brazil and Central Canada. For more information, see Azure services that support availability zones.

Extended query tags

Support for DateTime (DT) and Time (TM) Value Representation (VR) types.

Implemented fix to workspace names

Enabled DICOM service to work with workspaces that have names beginning with a letter.

September 2021

FHIR service

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Added support for conditional patch. See Conditional patch and PR #2163.

  • Fixed: Added conditional patch audit event*. See PR #2213.

  • Fixed: Allow JSON patch in bundles. Allows for search history bundles with Patch requests. See PR #2156.

  • Fixed: Enabled JSON patch in bundles using binary resources. See PR #2143.

  • Fixed: Added new audit event. See OperationName subtypes and PR #2170.

  • Fixed: Running a reindex job. Added boundaries for reindex parameters. See PR #2103.

  • Fixed: Updated error message for reindex parameter boundaries. See PR #2109.

  • Fixed: Added final reindex count check. See PR #2099.

  • Fixed: Wider catch for exceptions during applying patch. See PR #2192.

  • Fixed: History with PATCH in STU3. See PR #2177.

  • Fixed: Custom search bugs. Addresses the failure to delete with custom search parameters. See PR #2133.

  • Fixed: Added retry logic while deleting search parameter. See PR #2121.

  • Fixed: Set max item count in search options in SearchParameterDefinitionManager. See PR #2141.

  • Fixed: Better exception if there's a bad expression in a search parameter. See PR #2157.

  • Fixed: Resolved SQL batch reindex if one resource fails. Updates SQL batch reindex retry logic. See PR #2118.

  • Fixed: GitHub issue closed. Unclear error message for conditional create with no ID. See PR #2168.

DICOM service

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Implemented fix to resolve QIDO paging-ordering issues. See PR #989.

MedTech service**

Improvements with calculations to support and enhance health data standardization

For more information, see Use device mappings and CalculatedContent.

Release notes 2022

Release notes 2023

Release notes 2024

Known issues


FHIR® is a registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7.

DICOM® is the registered trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association for its Standards publications relating to digital communications of medical information.