

Configure a Virtual Machine Scale Set with an existing Azure Standard Load Balancer

In this article, you'll learn how to configure a Virtual Machine Scale Set with an existing Azure Load Balancer. With an existing virtual network and standard sku load balancer, you can deploy a Virtual Machine Scale Set with a few clicks in the Azure portal, or with a few lines of code in the Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell using the tabs below.


  • An Azure subscription.
  • An existing standard sku load balancer in the subscription where the Virtual Machine Scale Set will be deployed.
  • An Azure Virtual Network for the Virtual Machine Scale Set.

Sign in to the Azure portal

Sign in to the Azure portal.

Deploy Virtual Machine Scale Set with existing load balancer

In this section, you'll create a Virtual Machine Scale Set in the Azure portal with an existing Azure load balancer.


The following steps assume a virtual network named myVNet and an Azure load balancer named myLoadBalancer has been previously deployed.

  1. On the top left-hand side of the screen, select Create a resource and search for Virtual Machine Scale Set in the marketplace search.

  2. Select Virtual machine scale set and Select Create.

  3. In Create a virtual machine scale set, enter, or select this information in the Basics tab:

    Setting Value
    Project details
    Subscription Select your Azure subscription
    Resource Group Select Create new, enter myResourceGroup, then select OK, or select an existing resource group.
    Scale set details
    Virtual Machine Scale Set name Enter myVMSS
    Region Select East US 2
    Availability zone Select None
    Orchestration mode Select Uniform
    Security type Select Standard
    Instance details
    Image Select Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
    Azure Spot instance Select No
    Size Leave at default
    Administrator account
    Authentication type Select Password
    Username Enter your admin username
    Password Enter your admin password
    Confirm password Reenter your admin password

    Screenshot of Create a Virtual Machine Scale Set page.

  4. Select the Networking tab.

  5. Enter or select this information in the Networking tab:

    Setting Value
    Virtual Network Configuration
    Virtual network Select myVNet or your existing virtual network.
    Load balancing
    Use a load balancer Select Yes
    Load balancing settings
    Load balancing options Select Azure load balancer
    Select a load balancer Select myLoadBalancer or your existing load balancer
    Select a backend pool Select myBackendPool or your existing backend pool.

    Screenshot shows the Create Virtual Machine Scale Set Networking tab.

  6. Select the Management tab.

  7. In the Management tab, set Boot diagnostics to Off.

  8. Select the blue Review + create button.

  9. Review the settings and select the Create button.